The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 16, 1978, Ad lib, Page page 5, Image 17
thursday, february 16, 1978 acj lib paga 5, MonNtNd 1:00 fl UNTAMED WORLD 1TMITHIUPI OUR LAND :N 1 1 WtLDUPB THEATER I IJCRftrFAiweu. ., 1 MACE KIOETTES 7:01 1 1 TARGET fl FAITH FOR TODAY U ANtMALt, ANIMAUL wv 9 w f ww iwim rvwn ' IM tl MAE FOR SHUT-INS . , 1 1 FLAM TALK f JIMMY EWAQ3ART 1 1 DWAYNS PRIENO 1. - .; ... .f ft FILLED WITH SOUL U FOR CHILDREN ONLY l:0EliW8K3Hf . -; I MARLO ANO THE MAOtC fitOVtS MACHINE . v. flO DAY OF DISCOVERY" , - . f 1 REVIVAL IN AMERICA - ' tl GHOST' BUSTERS; IN THE NEWS ' '' i i ' 1 ' l:N O HOUR OF DELIVERANCE "- !' '' ft ORAL ROBERTS m: K A MM M)JM A JbA V.' 7". i.,' " Iiwunnnuncrwa . ft ROBERT SCHULLER - ; " ff J KALEIDOSCOPE ," J: f l MASS FOR 8HUT4NS f3 FOR CHILDREN ONLY : WRESTLING W'1 tl HQ BLUE MARS - (I REX HUM BARD ' tl JIMMY 6WAG3ART . f 1 ORAL ROBERTS '-' " tJ KOUNTZE MEMORIAL CHURCH SERVICE SUNDAY itNATMnn i lfe v K--w .X K 5 - . 1 vtiliM l I ilr 111 v r II II I Jl v: . mm a Mar i: h am 17 iv i 'I- " : ' , - (CBS) CHALLENGE OF THE SEXES: 1:00 PM E.S.T. 12:00 NOON C.S.T. - . -f Competitions include Ellen Barryman vsVHuck Andreis In' freestyle skateboarding, Sylvia Burka vs. Ehahard Keller in , sneed ;ktinc Anrl Pttw C.eMn Nnn PnrtAn ir iA v oowimg. - , ,,:-,vv (ABC) WOMEN SUPERSTARS: 1:30 PM E.S.T, 12:30 PM C.S.T. - ' ,'. j" . f i ' ' .j "i ' Competing are defending champion ,Anne Henning, middle' distance track star Francie Larrieu, U.S. Women's Open 'n Pocket Billiards Champioh Jean Balukas; professional volleyball star Linda Fernandaz, world log rolling champion ; Judy Scheer, Olympic gold medalist in diving Jenny Chandler diiu ucnjr rvuyyn omiiii. '.;.,. (CBS) NBA Of! CBS: 1:45 PM Regional game to be announced.; (NBC) DYNAMIC DUOS: 2:00 Baseball greats Mickey Mantle and Willie Mays compete against pro golfers Ray Floyd and Arnold Palmer m single elimination oowiiog action. . ,- Mcrt DrtorcwAm bi (ABC) CHAMPIONSHSP AUTO RACiKS: 3:C0 PM E.S.T. 2:00 PM C.S.T. . ' - -- v-'A . ; i r trom uaytona. Ha. v, .'.r - . -v (CBS) NBA Ofl CCS: 4:C0 PM E.S.T. . 3:C0 PM CSX '- Golden State Warriors vs. Los Angeles Lakers. ; " . ; . (NBC) COLLECE GASiCETCAU 73: 4:00 PM E.S.T. - 3:C0 PTJI : CSX -"r',y ?-, ' : T :J -'l Minnesota vs. University of Louisville., ' , w.. (ABC) WIDE tSORU) CP SPOHTS: (ABC) GLEN CAttPCrU LOS Af.CILES OPEN: 5.30 PM E.S.T. 4:30PMC.S.T. ; , Live final-round coverage of this golf tournament originates : from the Riviera Country Club in Pacific Palisades, Calif. SATURDAY T' r"r T" ' ' - - ' -' ; (NBC) COLLEGE BASXETCALL C.S.T. v5 ' ' Kentucky, vs. Tennessee. Providence vs. St. "John's and Purdue vs. Wisconsin. (Check local station for gams in your (ABC) WORLD SERES CP AUTO KACirCO: 2:20 PM E.S.T. -1:30 PM CSX The finals from Oaytona are featured. (ABC) PROFESSIONAL CCVLCHS TCUH: 3:50 T E.SX 2:30 PM CSX Coverage f the $100,000 AMF, MaicScore ori-inates from AMF Kissimmee Lanes in Kissimmee, Fl. (CBS) JACKIE CLEASCN iraTHHAKY CUZZ'.Z: 4:C3 fM E.S.T. - 3:00 PM C.S.T. Live third-round coverage of this PGA Tour tournament originates from lnverrary Golf and Country CSuh in LaudsrhiH, Fla. v - . , gC) COUtGE CASXETCALL 72: 4:C3 T'J E.S.T. - 3.C3 F.-l Creighton vs. Southern r:.-i&is. Ccri own vs. Holy Crcs. Illinois vs.' Michigan State. Louis-.a Steta vs. M;ssiss.ppi. University of Texas at tl ro vs. U; V-s wild card game, Southwest Conference w.';d card pame ar,d CiAA championship game. (Check ?ocal stsion or 3rr,e in your area.) , jABCwjDEr;cnLO cp crcnTD: BS) JPC.TTS CriCTACwL.: S CD fl OX - 4.C0 HJ Events tovere- includes t-? r.z fA'J Trsck Fi:J Championships from MsJiscn Square G?-rd; n in Naw :k. Vi? World four Bofcsftd Cha-Tipionships from Lake fl CHALLENGE l:M 1 1 JEAN'S STORYTIMI f LARRY JONES . . 1 1 JIMMY SWA03ART -I ICJTY-4TATE REPORT M 1 1 YOUR CONGRESS SPEAKS 10:08 f 1 AB30TT ANOCOSTELLO S-'H 1 1 JERRY FALWELL '- V ,. 2 f IHOUROFFOWER I MASS FOR SHUT4N8 1 1 YOUR RIGHT TO SAY IT ' t 3 I LOVE LUCY 10:90 f HOPALOHG CASStDY II FACE THE NATION " . f!.i?iT0OOM LIBERTY. , MUTUAL , OCHTCSTOPHERE ' r-, im 1 CISCO KID , . .. liesucsn "r - . . 7 , 1 1 CALVARY TEMPLE x " g CATHOLIC MASS V -' . S REX HUM8ARO ' ; 4 ' II BSUES AND ANSWERS ' IIWRESTLma " El FACE THE NATION : ' U'M tl LONE RANGER r - '-1 1 ft MEET THE PRESS , r V l g inne insure -., II HOH SCHOOL WRE8TUN0) " (TAPEO) "60th Annual Nebraska High School Wrestling Tourna . J ?' i- - n : . - - E.S.T. 12:45 PM CSX yew; PM E.S.T. i.nn Bfjrt w www -- r v iot te v . - . t, v.- 4:30 PM ESX 3:30 f M V8: 2:C0 PM E.S.T. '. ' : 1:C0 PM 1X3 r;j.sx4;C3 yt;AFTERNOON ; v'4 H Male 1834 Johnny Wlimultr, Maureen O'Sulllvan, Two hunters hope to havo Jan porauadt Tar tan to load thm to th aacrad lophanl burial ground. (2 hra.) fl HOPALONCI CASSIDY ' . , f DWAYNt FRIEND 1FILM t J CHALLENGE OF THE SEXES Man and- woman competing f agalnat each othar In varloua porta vents. Syrvla Burka va Kiiaimiu rvsiisr apa HBiinu; and Patty Coatallo va Nolaon Bur. ; ton Jr. (bowling) ' . . ' fl MOVIE "Mi Tht Myatary Of 9 .v Maria Rogat 1042 Maria Montet, Patrlo Knowlaa. A madleal ax amlnar uncovari murder and' a ,. plot to Inhorli a fortune behind the -, myaterloua diaappeamea of. an actresa. (7Smln.) ' - n SUNOAY -( J "V-: MM i CHAMPIONSHIP FlSHtNIZ : -' 1 ., ' II REVIVAL FIRES , II FILM - . ' -r "k' (J THE WOMEN SUPERSTARS Twelve ol Amerlca'a moat gifted women athlete wilt go up agalnat ''' -Anne Hennlng, a former Olymplo . apaed akatlna gold medalist and two-time defending champion. (00 ; . , mln.) . '... ' n SUNDAY WITH SARA " 1141 1 1 KIPUNQER'S CHANOJNO' - , : TIMES ; ! . r n G NBA BASKETBALL CBS t; Sports will televise an NBA game 5 : ' today. However, the exact teama - .were hot announced at press " . 1:00 fl OUTDOORS WITH LIBERTY .', MUTUAL, - O THE WOMEN SUPER8TAR8 '' Twelve of Amerlca'a moat gifted - , :..-.v women athlete will go up agalnat ' ' " , 7 Ann Hennlng, a former Olympic ". peed skating gold medalist and . two-time defending champion. (90 '; mm.) - . O DYNAMIC DUOS Today's corv test pita Mickey Mantle and Willie . , Maya aoainst Arnold Palmer and Ray Floyd In aingle elimination ' bowling tournament. -' . - ' 1:11 11 KIPUNGER'8 CHANOJNO; . iM ri o bpctsworld"i) san Diego Invitational Track a.nd Field " Jha A a.a. - Ik 'fr'.f . Meei. ri a iook ai America on ice. . ' . - with Peggy Fleming. (00 min.) fl MOVIE "Mystery Ol Th " '. Whit Room' 1938 Bruce Cabot, Joan Woodbury. A. doctor I mysteriously . slain during an operation, seemingly by an invlsi- MAKAiMt ran mm i . ' t:C8 fl MOVIE " "We Willie Winkle Temple, victor McLaglen. Littl girt win harta iittm , fl fl championship auto RACIwa Today'a ho will - - ; teatur coverage ot tn uaytona "KKr, the world s richest and 'maI eVrAattllimiaa tA'lr air pba (90 min.) 1:90 fl ANYONE FOR TENNYSON The Glorious Romantics-Part I: Lord Byron The literary world of, Regency London la recreated in a . minl-aeriea depleting events In - the lives ol Byron, Keats and . Shelley. Poetry selection irt ,. .elude xcerpta from Byron', Child Harold s Pilgrimage." ' tM Q Q NBA BASKETBALL Los Angelea Laker va Golden Stat . .""Warrior -,., 1410 0 COLUrSE BASKETBALL .. ' : University of Lttuieville va Min nota (2 hra.) . - - O MOVIE -Caribbean" 1352 : ' ' John Payne, Artene OaM. In this - tiiglv- adventure pirates plot to capture an exotic tropical - etand.(2hra.) , O CAKtL fCSTtS, M.O. ' "Coronary Artery Diaease Guest: " . , -j Dr. dames Witlereon, University . - f Texas Health Science Center at - Oallaa. tM Q O iOE WORLD cf spem ; l NxtinrtMi Ftenira Skatinn Chm- -"lHonahlp. 2) Finale of th Mr. "4, : Hon. S) World 30-Kilometer Cross country Skiing Chafltpionahip. ' ' , , (fiOmin.) - n mm . mztZKW '. Va-Tf.Jot). . M fl UOVS "Vi Kuck(t5frp ftnn 1S3t Mickey .Rooney, wmiam Frewtoy. Story of th ,' - yngrig bey whose airang ''' 1 hltoitprsy Inada to en dvn r ifr efNK another. 2 Hra.) , O Fta UNE Host Wiflffl F.. fuekly, Jr. m mm.) - . m o n uni cak?w3a iet AiwUXSC'Di ASCSportawill . - ctrovkf eovorag of th final round of play In this golf tourna ment from th Hiviara Country Club in Pacific Falicadea, Caftfor ' - nia.(8mn.) l;3 O HA HA HX Guest: Bobby . ' ftydeJL ' - -- ? f FUI . - -, ISATIC&AL CESSSXFfSS ,.- FoyfMM.tenCO mm.) . n " TJving ft Up ' tefl Martin, - Jerry L' . A tailroad attendant swinrja kn al- xpenae-peld trip to Hew York . when his cimis trouble is : diagnosed as radiation sickness. 2rtra.) nci joi - - - ) f ACT ALCK3 !TH MAKSY l.vTr .'Y-P1 Apples" . i i : . -i J F. MCHf C?F Tlaming Fleh" A French recipe for whcie frean ,.v : teas. n I s ' .L f . 4 "The C;'y Dachsnuod" ' .sr: Can Jones. jf;me Phe. A r"0 ecupt are their h2ey c-m tum c? a deg&mj w9 fovr tf:c"- r j 's cofivince rr c25 f r .i r.e is aao o o r ' i. ', t. i. cf a - r i ' 3 i - 'v i Jot's wch tor in f'tmJw C-nn ., Tfatrner t-ap fem a . , ,in,(&ta in an mwv, whtie K;v c t tei,r9 Cr. Co nio)' CI miR I j I f T..- P'c;'n t r -' ffvs? &fit :..r,. (i I ra car : 'f , . , , v . . V -4, ' - V ' ' ' ' ' ' " ."' ' i . " fr I ' & . ft . ' V-. s : i. .. ."fl ii -' , - - -! n ,r n- ,-,nl , n , N '" the four majour services of th In- . -;ternal Revenue Service and shows how they affect th in- 4 .:' , dividual taxpayer. ., The program . . also reviews th most frequently, ' itemized deduction and th moat . - common mistakes found - on '- returns. , tM O MOVIE " "The Robe 1053 , : Richard Burton, Jean Slmmona. . . Story which follows the career of .'.'-a drunken and dissolute Roman V ; tribune, Marcellua, assigned th .'. .' duty of executing three criminals : in the province of Jeruselum. (3 ;. ; : hrs.) - . si) O FROJECT -U.F.O. "Jack r .v i: Webb's fact-based series on th .. , : USAF's Project Blue Book. Ma. ' Jake Gatlfn and Sgt. Harry Fisk in- ' ' v vestigate - Virginia woman's " report that creatures from an . alien craft alighted on her farm , and took soil samples. (Seaaon Premiere; 00 min.) - r- D O HOW THE WEST WAS ' .' WON Zeb la caught between th. U.S. Army and the Indian nation ' " .: aa they prepare for war; Laura ac - - cepts tn proposal of marriage ' ' from polygamist; and Luke'a . "wanted" past sends him on the '.. , run. (3 hrs.) - 7 O O RHOOA Gary'a parents ' hav moved to Florida -and Gary ( " tuma to Brenda and Rhode for the - mothering tie's accustomed to. -J :;."'0 NATIONAL CEC2A?K , ' . "Yanke Saila Across Europe" GO , . min.) O EVEKtNa AT EYMPHONY Guest conductor Colin Davis leads th Ooston Symphony Or ' chestra in Mendelssohn's over ture to "A Midsummer Night' " ' Dream," Wagner's "Fort Mur- . . -murs" from "Der Ring Oes . Nibelungen' and Symphony No. 3 bySibetHa.&)min.) tJS O O CN 043 Cm Jutia' - eoronry sister trom coiieg comes for a visit and Instead of , . th-. fun-loving sidekick h . ; rmmbers, Marilyn turn a out to . " be something unexpectedly dif- ' ferent. - ti o o ti las racr rft Awakening Und: Tn e;a Df An American Woman" Stars: . Elisabeth MontjomtwY, Hal '. Holbrook, eas3 on Cwrsd V; 'fMcht P!itzr Frtz-winninfl h friiojy about a frontier womnn't , eourag atnd tov for fer iamHy. fL 1 of thre-pft episode 2 ' AO AU.MTK2 FASO.Y M rd avu try an old recuse tor a stae marfis;- second hortey maon. f 3 aC."! Th Culperrer teI Co" 1872 CaTy Cmea, i il ly Euan. Thia Ue c.Sronicies the ksszbn ieerned by 1&esr-oW boy in the course A long and din'N cart! driv te Cotoraoo. . 5hrs.) . 'Anna Karemna" Episode Three, levin, unaware of Vrcnsky's abandonment of Kitty, returns , unhappily to his country home. In ' despair, Kitty remains bednCJen. Menrtwrsile, Vroncky s tecca Intstoaied wtrn Anna. ("3 mln.) t O O AUCE After she pets proposal from a i::c-2$e ' " Eaate'n oil snc, Flo t2ctu's ' ' rsetftjesn of tf Ceasrt, un:H Ate points out r at In her tent ne t-3) O 1 r-.'?.:-.TTT C.tit l;ua.ts r-M.:vrtT t cw ' r r e Torfsi loc:i-y tr V a f ' fA Ci-arv3rv. C " l great ir. ci r " Tr.a k ir f" At tat i . ; in : t cf - i f-.-5 a 5 r v t s , s In ' ar.s . 'x, f 'Bffl C n t 8 f " ir irt I 1 JK S.1 it "The Awakening ' Land,' motion picture Montgomery .pictured), which is based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning story by Conrad Richter, will be televised by NBC-TV on three consecutive nights.lSunday, Feb.19 through Tuesday, Feb. 21; Jane ' Seymour . and Steven , Keats co-star. . - i Deanne Barkley, Vice-President of Motion Pictures for Television . and Miniseries at NBC-TV said: "This film., impressively captures the full drama tie impact and the spirit of Conrad" Richter's work and NBC has allotted i seven hours of programming time in order to ensure that the quality and : integrity of the film is maintained." ; The story focuses on . courageous 1 American pioneer woman Sayward. Luckett (Miss Montgomery), , begin- hing in the year i790tand tells of her Jove for her. family, the. man she',, marries; Portius Wheeler (Holbrook). and the- land which she ' helps to - settle." z. i t , - competition. (2 hrs.) - , N4 - fl HONEYMOON ERS ' ,i U HEE HAW Guests: Johnny . . Rodriguez, Susan Ray, Sheriff ; " Katharine Crumbley. (60 min.) ' ' v OCATCH4 ( 3 JOE C4PRIANO SHOW ''. ; 10:46 C i MOVIE "The Enemy Below" . 1SS7 Robert r Mitchum, - Curt Jurgena. Men and machines at- '' tempt to outmaneuver each other ; 12:00 In a deadly submarine duel at aea -during WW . (2 hrs.) : 110 fl CALVARY TEMPLE - 1 -' 12-JO O MOVIE "" "Plaza Suite" 1070 , 12:48 Walter - Matthau, . Maureen " , lt0 . ' Stapleton. Three stories concern- 1:30 . tng various occupants of suite 719 in , of the Plaza Hotel. (2 hrs., IS min.) -, fl WORLD AT WAR -Genocide" . f 3 MOVIE , v j DRUG) SEMINAR , FOR ;". ' PARENTS v'- C f - a - t 11 QWSIGHT V r - ) t liu. jm V' "Mil a "The Ultimate Trip" ReadaBouit itiliio -; - Friday' Feb. : 1 7 ' j - SI Mrk wri 1 t 1 i"" . " Lis AWAKENING LAND the epic Elizabeth' starring and. Hal Holbrook (both' n ttmrt i in L'inuT unuie u. ( "Spectre Stars: Gig Young, ; iiiiii mil 1 1 ! ium w lb . Hooert cuip. a prominent American criminoloaist and hia : associate ere summoned . to '.. England to unravel web of mi MAr at trakl aastl ivAAitll MifatofM (2hrs.) , , ' mrm, UIMAHII A A flinON&DE ! V T: v- llABCNEWa-'V.'r;' iikews f I WITH THIS lOifll , I iviewpowit - i , . - - , 1 1 News - " (t,,,;, . ; f REOtSCOVERV "v-, fl DIRECTIONS Today'a show goes to Los Angeles where the inter-faith North American Con-'., oresa of the Laity will be in ees- sion.- , UNEWS 'TT i. - . t ,,,, v - N.Y and a "Women in Cpcris (.rcf ;3. 1U'