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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1978)
thursday, february 16, 1978 daily nebraskan .page 11 ......-" . Women swimmers pre pared M4 jar, w. ' .-V ' -H for Big Eight championship i if 2 By Mary Ryan . . , der and freshmen Anne Rinne and JoDea Eckstrom swim the individ'uahrnedleys. . . "The team is as ready as it. ever will. 'Eckstrom, sophomore,. Cindy. Agee and be,'. UNL, women's swimming coach Ray , freshman TJana Frymlre swim ; the back Huppert said about the Big Eight Cham.; stroke. ..... , l pionshlps this week in Columbia, Mo." In addition to trying to win the confer- - MThe girls have a good attitude and look ence title, UNL .will be out to , qualify good in the water," he said. "They Ure swimmers . for the national championship SS n MaiSrSo far, only Junior diver. Kristi iVaW today Aft h, ea"ta Huppert . said the toughest competitors, :.v -J"': ';'' . i'r" : . , ;- . . 1 ' .b'If?klal,oma; cIo'.ado; no: rookie to same t . "It will be a four-way battle,'; he said.' ' After playing and coaching men's soft". "If you want, me to single out anyone, it; ball fo 30 years; Don Isherwood. will use : would have to. Kansas because they are the,, : his knowledge of the sport 'for the UNL I ' defending .Big Eight champions and ' that,; women'thisspring;;V',: Vv- ; will give them a psychological edge. ; V f , ; A isherwood was named interim Softball -"But, t you -' can't " count Oklahoma, s; ector Jay Davis; The ! job ; opened after ; The Nebraska State High School Wrest recruit high School seniors during the and we will be tough."; - . . - ; ' coach, resigned Jan.; 17; :, ling Tournament has grown so last that, tournament. But, the NCAA prohibits Besides battling .their opponents,. UNLV ."This will "be my first time coaching ;. UNL wrestling coach Orval Borgialli has college coaches from direct contact with swimmers are fighting the flu but Huppert : women but they . look like a good group to given up the job as the meet director, the wrestteWatvthe. competttiorr., site. -"said .the Swimmers, should ,be-healthy; WOrk-with,' Isherwood -said;v"l- think An estimated 26,000 persons will invade " Other tournament preparations include " "Between the flu and tendonitis, wev --women ' are-more willine to, learn some1 (I.e. ITNIT Mmflllt tndoU U;hn tha smnlMnnnl... J kit t..1 " . Uimnirf 'f in mac .''. '.. v j'. - , -'' uiv """T"" vn uib wiiuiuriiit, uoiicia. iicfici idKCis oilu Sellers. wcic nit uaiu, '.uuuuni oaiu. . l 10 wa- Tninc . - - " and we have recovered. Hie girls feelgood: ; . navk saiM khprwnnri wa sftlftcted frnm and they have better movement. Of their -.bout 11 candidates. r ' : : ' ; V? shoulders ancT arms which is why we are - - The 44.year-old Lincoln native hasight :; ?n'yJ-' f:"?years'v.cbaching experience in Lincoln; 'U-'v.;'"-s''5; "ifF'-y -Twenty seven women reported Tuesday i . r Huppert said the swimmers have not let knight for UNL's first practice, Isherwood up in training all season; Hesaid ,UNLlet said. Besides oracticirie from 6 to 9 ojn. Mats roll out today for meet employing ushers, ticket takers and sellers tournament opens at the Sports Complex, security officers , and parking attendants, Borgiaui, wno nas oeen tne tournamenrs according' to Faul Schneider, administra-; director the past twelve years, has handed tive assistant of the Sports Complex his post to Rex Jones from the Nebraska Schneider " said crowd control at the High School Activities Association, ;. state wrestling tournament is more difil "It's grown almost to the i, extent where cult than at other events because , people it's too much for one person to handle,': ''.'often come Aa see one match and then Borgialli said. He added that he will help wander in the "Complex. Wiui mpnig diiu laying iiiais. tuuug uuuis, . conducting weigh-ins - and providing cials. . .tournament has been at . the Compl Besides tne state , nij Borgialli has to prepare v,wwn.( t . . v itvivi , uviuiivuvi uuuvu. Mtai! utbtw t LJ". "fi") " , .'.' ."w ...N.v j. .uilUllIUUlllg U11CO Uiip t WCC1V... :.;f.v,.('yf.;S.J- ; -tournament hasV been . ; at Uhe -Complex :, ."I.tmW'm .for the traveling squad will be cut to 15 : gn scnooi meet, . "We're well pleased with the responsi-; Huppert said, "Mywite and nad mem -0r,17 girls, but 19 or 20 will suit up at ; his .UNL squad- bility coaches and parents have for their' ' (the team) Oyer for dinner Sunday and you-; home games. , ; Wltll the Air Force -kids " he said -'We have harf nn reaK - COUld Sense It. It IS like a Sixth Sense. VOU - trNl firsit wm- will he aaaintf Wirhita for Saturday's dual meet Academy at 1 pirn ,in the Sports Complex. troubles.1 ? Just, mischievous ; little thincs'-lcan tell when. they are getting 'up and our ; State "University on Mar. 22 in Wichita. ine nign scnooi lournameni, wmcn, - you o expect in a,crowd,sucn as this. . gn are.-ihcic wiu hoi uc, any.. cAcuics ,'..-uavis said tne women s atnietic depart uns with weigh-ins 'at noon today and-.' Atftournament pass for students costs :comin8 out of this meet, ! '.U 'Sje Vment. is taking '.applications until Mar. 1 .: 4 ifiicii-uic.icvci, viiwin wic'iiu ., ior me .womens oasKeioau coacningjoo, . 'down, we: are iikeTNT; if you light a Although the Softball coach will be apart- . - match, we are going to explode.";; . m ;. . time rposition - next.; year , the; basketball ..( 'V i ii i ii it v iv i riiiiiir" iikiiis iiii i.iirrii iii.i i.iii iiiiivr " itiii . w mi iiit iin-i iinr" iiiivi beg: ends Saturday night, . includes; wrestlers - $7.50 and single-session tickets are $1.50 representing class A-U schools. - .v tor students. r;;4,. ' ',-.. Borgialli : saMjthat. by watching wrest ; Sessions begin at, J Thursday lers and talking with their coaches, He will . 1 rp'.mV Friday and lF a.m; Saturday.' , .v j- v:; .;f.t', V4Vl w ;';7); Diuttdhuir. D&' WcDocDetTi W0(i:CqQ I ' jv . f S ALE". ;? ; " t j r .- --.i..' ' 1 -.. ' ' . ' ' I : ' 1 j i Now thru Sunday Feb. 18ih Further Reductions On AH Winter Clothes! : . y . Stbclt Cbncolidated From Omaha & Kearney Stores. V :r:i- -:. . " puzzle , Edited by Eiene T. Meleska Sunday Finale Opsn 12:C0 - 5:CD ,.JC I ' . M - A jits. xt i rxrr' t 1 1 T I i - 144 N. 14th n n n 1 r t yi across ,j 1 Bridge unit " T-, f. Is soliciious I'f : tnCdKfeba IS Uly plant . ' City near Silver ; : fprinss, Fia. . utt- Dyeing rv-. . apparatus ; . is ItaJia's capital "r it Ilarfcinser ; ;"" " " , " cf spring ' .v J Deferred . - 4;:' a Threadbare ; v--" 23 SectHKl opening . -4 in a sock - 21 Cold diner's " delight M 21 Graze cn . . or skira T . . 23 Kind ct party 29 President's , ( reception .21 Draw - jf 23 Roman dats ; 27 Doutique, tj for cne . , 23 Scrpcrtcr - icland Ln C;s ' Tafo-aa Strait ' - 23 Rclavar.t - 41 ICirJ cf tcard i 42 Prcccr.tcd - - ; 43 Treated . : - , - ... Ilhxs -. 1 A.-'"ic.i t' -j j j IS Aril.-n r.'-r:rtcf ... . th'3 J-jS ' t$ Non-homeowner's 9 Retinue expense ", , U Kind of squash ' C3 Seek to persuade 13 Too zealous . ft Ops's daughter - 12 Tj-pewriter type Z2 Ke&cs v ; , "U ii Making more :r r 3 Russian wira ! ' sr?.ss t - J - service ' - .? - 21 fvlannerfsm if- " 23 Lackic3 27 Flsherraan's nnafhrnf 3 1 Stfeging blow ' 2 Cartoon "character, ' I -High-low cards 4 Well-known. v -, passa3'"t .i $ Wcrdcf hoijor C Exclusively , . 7 Heavy book 8 Contest . advar.t?c2 y-Zt Radarsccps'" ' signal " 9 Lccsaway 41 Operated a loora 13 Native reliiaa 4! ItMh2thcb!r 43 Remove an . - 3 Pry . - 27 Poetic advice o ncUy.'ln 1 23-Done - . - fcfsrrnd til!; 23 In Er-c'-snd, .fii v;:n 14 pounds , 21 I.L.A. ncir.tcr 22 Dccrr.Is5 ' ' S3 Third v:crd cf 21 Ixis 23 Vcrd v.Ilhcrc'- 2 Gi"3r j '1 T ! ft i -. ... , , tS... 4 .-. Si ilc.-i5rc.rii 2 4 4 r ni ir i n j .i. i. i. ....... tn rprr i i ! I i I !.'cn.-C3t. !0C:C0 i T1--S. 10 0:00