The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 10, 1978, Page page 3, Image 3

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frlday,februaryiai978 dally nebraskan lpage3
' . ,. . ' ' , l l - I . - - r, - . t " M,
... t ' - - f. . - . . -J -!' " " v ,-. , -,.. J , . . 4, - '-. '.p . ' ' r
" ' .... I - 1 -.. PmA - ' .
if 4,i y ; I (j s iFl rifS H fl'V A i TV ft"7. I fm Y-
. u v I1! V 1 ! i
v.. , i v- ' ' ,r- - iff pi , .
- v-, ; if
cc!o $500
Pf , One onlyf You may be the one to
V PLL direct drive turntable that achiever
precision control In rotation accur-
acy. Regular $700 for both.
Ifc ' acy. Regular J700 for botl
4 ,V . value.rtcluded at nd extra cost. .'
PL USD Automatic return turntable, regularly $125 . vr. sale $99
PL-117 fully automatic, also manual. Reg: $175 . .. v . . tale $120
I vr . . I
12 at thU prlceH SX4S9 AM
j--" . t ".;,.. J'l'.j, . r esenw receiver wr ouisana
, I ' !- l"- .""V,, tng performance, ample power
I" "Z . - i'T I " ' and versatiiity unmatched at this
' fc - ' .MZ" low price, Regolar $225. '
cclo $CG0f.-
.3 to sell! AJIFM
stereo receiver has continudui ;
;-' power output of 120 watts pa
,.. channel rninbrium RMS 8J 8 ohim.
; ; from 20 to 20.000 Hi ' I
' more than 0.1 total distortion.",
Regular $750. , ,
30 0T?
S ontyf PEC-1 preainpler
has 4 tone control to give you ;
5,929 ways to compensate for
program deficiency. Tone-off',
twitch, built In mic amplifier. ':
Regular $S50. . v v , ,
r -
ceo CvDaCD '
je 21 power ap!l- u""
.i e m. .l-.i ,: .- r s
mmwm wmi wota W1 1.4HII11IVI ....
minimum RMS at 4 or 8 ohms ' '
frora to 20.000 Hx wtfh no
more than 0.1 harmonic dit- '
lorflon. Highly efficient toroidal
core power traraformer. Reg-
. ' " . A' .
Use your VISA cr
P. iir.taj 'T wt
owMW W Lii'BJ
J a W ! JW tfctel
1CD. reg- $300 ........ $K3
I :i 40. rc3- $10 till $110
iiniC0.Te3.J225 : t!$14?
IMirO.reg.tSCO ..ulitZZl
' 4 only! CT-F1000 Ploaxer's top of the line cassette deck featuring a three
pA- head monitor-capable deck with two-motor closed loopdual capstan tape trans
. h port. Signal-to-noise with Dolby off is more thati 54 dB, with Dolby on it's more
than MdbuRng a chromium dioxide tape. Regular V750. ' . .
12 to seC! CT-412 FfcMeeer's medium
range cassette deck featuring full auto-
stop in all modes and Pkieer's ex
',; elusive vertical hold for ea.y in and out
cassette loading. Regular $225. 1 .
fo f200'
Jttst S! CT-F7272 cassette tape
that proves great convenience and fi
delity need not be expensive. Cassette
deck automatically senses and adjusts
for chromium dioxide tapes. Reg. $350. '
. ,
"0 .
Sc4tv ! KT-XCM ' - Upe fels
vwh lC'i-in NAB. I Ub, 3-motc 3
head, with depend Va construction
hijh-preewson tsr h i,i:;urt and versa-
ts'e tape se!rtw f j-j'ar $60
C !y f cpo rS au'o re-
wh p' back taoe d-.k. Pio-'ft's
tntrodur to the 7-in r ! t.'
3-irotor 4 -head direct -rf-iv
Hfihij'- tit reverse.
vV : 45thisIVlnsStftS!iopScvcaDysAVcckl0a.m.t9l0p.E,i. o U;.sVcurVii