The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 10, 1978, Page page 11, Image 11
fr(day, february 10, 1978 daily nebraskar? page, 11: M ' ? .A , v 7-vi., ' r - - Winklers -'iormiiui icraziness fails in !The Onfe ;andi Onlv '''i : By Marc Mushkin ". some'iround to stand' on," in' aV fairly . , ., ,,;., sinugnj:Sfory..4iKe uus, -io aeai wim. a per ..i'ttenry ..Winkler . lias made , only two . formance. - . . : movies in his career, but he already is being , :) In The One and Only, - nobody; has a typecast as a cut-up, a class clown. " , . . remote resemblance ; to real people -1 Winkler is an actor of considerable: squirmed when Mary not. only went to .talent; I. can only wonder how;long his dinner with Andy, but also when she mar- immense popularity from TV's Happy . -ried the sap. Why does she give up her pre; Pays will continue to bring huge crowds tonUroeu -uaiwci, dwsu iuv a uiuciwiu. ;rriovTes as terrible as The One and Only.y : Ato't Hollywood wonderful! r.i-r y. In Winkler's first film, Hereoes, hs ?. , : vvl'V YZ1 uui Au. . With; a story, like this. I soon became mbvie rovieiv t ,lwent people said love, but it only sounds nght with you, Mary, ' .O : ' . . .. . I don't want to give the impression that thrf .nrA nn. lanoh in , the mnvift:.:The Andy's experiences as a'professional wrest ler are highlights. . ' So, what is, wrong with The One. and. A Photo courtesy of Balmoral Associates This wrestler has his hands full of Henry Winkler, in Paramount's The One arid Only. H bympnonic md to perform upcoming concert Ensemble A ea .that Winkler's character, , 0v? T don't think" Reiner had : a. clear I ScJmI4n is driven by his colossal ego uicture of whal he warited to do withteve w vi ui cut uuuaguuo iiiaiiiivi uordon s senpt: ' Iprdposes iUttle premarital, sex to a-- - What 'seems'W start but" as "a my. strangerK Mary ! (played by Kim Darby), exploitation -6f Henry. Winkler terltatively, but he takes her to dinner. " moyes into r romantic situation comedy.- , , . But Reiner tries throughout, to "maintain a In Ae restaurant he smgs . letting to . . mamTfeel to the niovie. : Know You" to her. Big Laughs. . , n , N.e y i c v-Vvv5."!-;: ; This type of formula craziness continues fi The Marx; Brothers were masters rat throughout the tired; plot; it Js not that 5 creating the proper manic intensity in their . wiruuer is oaa at puiiing u on, annougn ne films. More recently, Mel Brooks approach- . rprtainlv ic nnt that orat Rut ..fri7in0ce k i j rrt " i- - j r- t - , j ft"'--' w-- , ea um i ne rruaucers ana ivungrrwKen cannot be as limited and bound as it is in d Woody Allen constantly is good" . this movie and be funny. 1 . ; " ; ' iatit. ' - s- - ' . , - -The . problem is with the direction of"'- Carl Reiner, on the other hand, has been Carl Reiner..; Reiner ves little breathing . successful -in the past with r carefully; room to any aspect -of; Winkler's perfor- cranoosed situation. comedies. The Dick njvi, ioxi. , -. . I ... , ran uyKe ocw on iv ana lasiyears we are expeciea to unaersiana ms zany ? . yn, uuuj. were iuce mue cuineuies. behavior because his parents were killed? If V iThk One and Only is not a nice" little so. why are we subject to the flashback" of comedy. It might have worked better if. an 'early Andy performing -for-, relatives? Reiner had stuck with his best weapons in. ; y, , ' ' working with Winkler. ' " : Nobody-said movie characters had to r:;X Instead," the film was a fumbled attempt, ii; act -like . real people or be 'completely,; at a. crazy comedy .""Henry .yinkler-should - explainable. Movies would". not be very be niore careful. He may hot survive too ;Vv;. entertaining. ' y : - ' . many more flops like this. - : ...;'. r -l ; . But there should be some rehnon to life The One and Only is showing at the in characters, actions. We have' to have ? Douglas Thedter. - Jack Snider, director of bands at UNL, Freischutz Quickstep contains some of will conduct the UNL School of Music's the earliest examples of march paraphrase; , Symphonic Wind Ensemble 1 at a free, .Hie melody is drawn from six themes in- : public concert Sunday. ' " the opera, Der Frcischutz by von Weber The band will play at 4 pan. in Kimball? Grainger's Spoon River is an American Recital Hall ' - - - v,." folk dance with a blend of the pioneers, , lL v -: ""lonesome wistfulness and "steady, persisf Snider s choices for the program W." . is dedicated 'For Edgar Lee Semiramide Overture by . G ;Rossim ' Masters, poet of pioneers." 1 ' ' " -(arranged by V. izntk LMle Lyric f Suite for. Band consists of four Symphony by Robert. Jager, freisehutz. , dependent; contrasting movements, each Quickstep by OauGrafulla, Spoon r prefaced by a one-word title that gives z . River by Percy dndge , Grainger, OW; &ue t0 its character. - ' Comrades by C. Teike ;and First Suite first "March," has a highly drama- -Ur Band by Alfred Reed.;-; ; ' tic marching' theme that never relaxes. All selections except the Rossini compo: v xhe second, i4Melody," contains s long, sition are original works, according to - - ivi iin with a hmad climax and auiet W ... " .' .... J A 4- W4,IV '-J ending. Rag, the third movement, is a Slighter piece set in ragtime rhythms-and motifs" The last movement, . ""Gallop," has a. ' tempo suited, to its marking: "As fast as . possible (but not taster!;. Snider. Little Lyric Symphony was commis sioned by the University of Nebraska. Band and first performed by the Sym phonic Band under the direction of Direc tor of Bands Emeritus, Donald Lentz. f Mr: 1 ! L - - ' . - .- -. ... . Fboto by Roger Cresnawa; Dancers ballet company will jr.": form ?I;rch 13 zr.i 15 at MLTit-lI Recl'd Kill. 1 Kimball Hall prograi Tickets for four upcomir.j everts st Kimball Recital Ikll will go cn sJ ! Mon day. " - . ; - Individual" seats for violinist I"i-:;hiS Zuckerrnsa (March 5), the- t. Lc-uis STiipliony:..-).farch 7 2nd 8), - D :iccrs I ..'Jet company (March 13 zrA 15) tr.i the Guthrie Theatre production cf Er-?re 0-hrch 27 cr.J 2S) v,:i -Lr-LIi in f .- .. T-:ii t.Tvi" t "v i"-r. - rr f 1 ... y . i . ..I , . it Cenorti'j Oven... tA.'jf's 5 Fcr tie'et pri:cs l"J ir.f - rr.;t:on, cc'l t.'.; K.x V-; it A::-ZZ: . D;v:d I i;:I:r.n, prcferror cf in.:rr-:t i"c Ur;icrs.y cf r -, ! I ? wt 2 tru?!- tod-v tt L.e ll. ci it Ticket tales begsa today for tie Gciirk Th:r begotten to play at Kinitl HeclJ IU lrci n it: . A"-Jr- c...;.:c Tl-.t , 1..2 -.I t: "-" : f ;:r Ar .1