The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 09, 1978, Entertainment Supplement to the Daily Nebraskan, Page page 2, Image 14
page 2 thursday, february 9, 1978 ad lib TV news' big guns are shooting it By Jim Williams Omaha's television news has always been a competitive business, and station news directors agree that the compe tition is increasing. They don't always agree, however, on the reasons and results of the nightly shootout at 6 and 10 p.m. Networks, with their higher production budgets, have virtually eliminated locally -produced entertainment pro grams from most stations. Broadcasters fill schedules with network programs, syndicated game shows and re-runs, and movies from suppliers or the station's own library. The newscast, though, is something that can't be bought. Except for an occasional public-service program, it may be the only program the station produces entirely on its own. Local news also can be profitable, as stations have dis covered. Because of this, they take a strong interest in the results of ratings-Nielsens and ARBs-that give stations and advertisers an idea of audience size. Unusually intense "It's unusually intense now," Dave Henderson, news director Of KETV channel 7, said of the competitive situ ation. "February is a rrTonthly rating period-you've seen, for example, on Channel 3 (KMTV) a promotion. I think often stations gear up for a rating period." "Promotion is a continuing task," said Mark Gautier of KMTV. "Promotion is normally increased during rating periods. We are in a position where we are changing talent (newscasters) and changing format. We'd have to promote this anyway." Steve Murphy of WOWT channel 6 said the three Omaha stations have stepped up competition as a con tinuing.process. "We have rating periods several times a year, and what I see (increased competition) has been happening over the . i f ' ' ' c W & Top Quality Bottom prices and fast service, too. 3 r 1 V Entertainment Editor: Pete Mason. Cover Design: Liz Beard. Layout: Kitty Policky. Ad lib is an entertainment supplement published by the Oaily Nebras kan. Editor in Chief: Ron Ruggless. Advertising Manager: Gregg Wurdeman. Production Manager: Kitty Policky. Business Manager: Jerri Haussler. Unless covered by another copyright, material may be reprinted without permission if attributed to Ad lib, entertainment supplement to the Oaily Nebras kan. Ad lib is distributed Thursdays with the Oaily Nebraskan. Cover Photos by Ted Kirk Japan is the third richest nation in the world. Many estimate that by the end of the century it will have overtaken even the United States. Production has become for Japan an end in itself, a new measure of national greatness. In 'Holy Growth,' the second program in the 'World' series Thursday, Feb. 16 on PBS, English filmmaker Antony Thomas documents the price Japan is paying in human terms for its astonishing postwar growth. Thomas takes viewers on a dark journey through Japan's industrial miracle. In a six-foot square room in the squalid suburb of Kamagasaki that has no windows and no fresh air can be found a color television set, an electric fan, a stereo and four electric clocks. Electric washing machines are chained to the pavement beacuse of the lack of interior space. 'Holy Growth' describes the encompassing corporate care for employees as in the scene pictured, that of a corporate man taking out his anger in his firm's 'release room.' THURSDAY FEB. 8, 1978 EVENING 6:00 0000 NEWS O EMERGENCY ONE O DICK VAN DYKE SHOW SUN: COMPUTER SCIENCE 6:30 O NEWLYWED GAME O MARY TYLER MOORE O TO TELL THE TRUTH O CONCENTRATION Q WILD KINGDOM 'Girl Scouting And The Wild Kingdom' O ODO COUPLE MACNEIL LEHRER REPORT 7:00 O MOVIE ' V "Hatari" 1962 John Wayne, Elsa Martlnelli. A team of professional hunters cap ture wild animals for the Momefla Game Farm In Tanganyika to send to zoos. (3hrs.) O O CHIPS An enterprising lunch truck driver and a muscular truck driver devise a unique way o obtaining parking spaces. Guest star: Rose-Marie. (60 mln.) last couple of years," Murphy said. "I don't think you can build an audience by concentrating on a rating period. "Our various promotion departments get more active this time of year, but in the news department we keep trying to do the job we do all year." Technological improvements Murphy said technological improvements, like elec tronic Cameras, have stepped up the news rivalry. Stations are also enlarging their news staffs as more people with. TV news training become available, he said. Dave Henderson of KETV said the station has just spent $300,000 to buy electronic news equipment like WOWT's Action Cam. "We've watched WOWT and learned from their mis takes," Henderson said. KMTV's Gautier said the electronic camera is a valu able improvement, but that sometimes stations overstress its gimmick value. "Particularly when a station is first in the market (with electronic cameras). . .they do inane stories," Gautier said. "We don't do anything that doesn't add to the perfor-. mance of the journalistic function. Electronic journalism is only a tool." News consultant Another recent development is the news consultant, who gives a station suggestions to increase the popular appeal of its newscasts. WOWT has consulted with Frank Magid and Associates of Marion, Iowa, and KETV with Virgil Mitchell and As sociates of Los Angeles, according to an October 1977 article in Omaha magazine. WOWT's Steve Murphy said his station uses some of the consultant's suggestions and rejects others. "Our relationship with them is that they come in with recommendations," he said. WORLD O O WELCOME BACK, KOTTER The Sweathogs become alarmed when Freddy Washington suffers an injury In a basketball game, then encounters unexpected trouble while trying to recover. O THE WALTONS The Walton' neighbor, Verdle Foster, traces her roots and "finds out some astonishing facts about her lamily tree. (60min.) O ADAM 12 WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS "The Army Ant" 7:30 O O FISH While Phil licks his pencil to take an aptitude test suggested by psychologist Charlie, he's also lacking his chops about capturing an obscene telephone caller bugg ing Diane O SERGEANT BILKO O AGRt-SCOPE :00 O O JAMES AT 16 James' 18th birthday becomes a special day to remember when he experiences his first love affair with an attrac tive Swedish exchange student. (60 min.) O O BARNEY MILLER Refusing to enforce an eviction order lands Captain Miller In the departmental doghouse, and men of the 12th precinct are faced with making a full-scale assault on an old hotel. (Concluding episode) O HAWAII FtVE-O David Blrney guest stars as a glamorous young politician and presidential aspirant who is being blackmailed In an effort to force him to smother an explosive congres sional Investigation that he is directing. (60 min.) O NEWS G9 FARM DIGEST "Agricultural Implications Of The Panama Canal Treaties Part H. Guests: Allan Grant, President of the Farm Bureau; Iowa Senator Janet Culver; and USDA official Thomas Savior. O O CARTER COUNTRY Curtis urges Chief Roy to hire another black police officer, and discovers he has made a ' big mistake. O NBA BASKETBALL (LIVE) Denver Nuggets vs Golden State Warriors (2 hrs., 30 min.) VICTORY AT SEA "Mare Nostrum" A look at the second In stallment in the struggle for the Mediterranean. 83 O WHAT REALLY HAPPEN ED TO THE CLASS OF '65 The class's star basketball player and most promising senior goes to college, where he takes part in a fraternity prank and gets caught stealing an exam from a professor's files. Guest stars: Dirk Blocker, Vincent Van Patten. (60 min.) O O BARETTA Ray Bolger guest stars as Willie Kessler, a legendary entertainer who Is the victim of a series of attempts on his life. (60 min.) O BARNABY JONES The un wanted attentions of a rejected Romeo become so persistent and unbearable that the desperate girl involved comes to Barnaby's firm for help. (60 min.) NORTHWEST TRAVELER "Norway" DATELINE NEBRASKA O STAR TREK "Menagerie" Pt. I (60 min.) QOOQ0NEWS IB DICK CAVETT SHOW Part two of a pane! on "Aging In America." Guests: Maggie Kuhn of the Grey Panthers; Rep. Claude D. Pepper (D-FIa); and Dr. Robert Butler, author. O O THE TONIGHT SHOW Host: Johnny Carson. Guest:' Johnny Ma this. (90 min.) O O STARSKY AND HUTCH TOMA Starsky and Hutch-Glllian- A -beautiful girl creates a conflict between the detective partners when Hutch falls In love with a call girl. (R) Toma-The Street Toma enlists the aid of a powerful black pimp to stop mob takeover of prostitution. (R; 2 hrs., 15 min.) O FOREVER FERNWOOD LEGISLATIVE REVIEW CI GUN8MOKE O CBS LATE MOVIE " "The Carey Treatment" Stars: James Coburn, Jennifer O'Neill. A physi cian finds himself caught up In the murder of a prominent doctor. O MOVIE V, The Gay Divorcee 1934 Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers. A lonely dancer falls for a woman who mistakes him for another man. (2 hrs., 15 min.) EVENING AT SYMPHONY Modern music takes the spotlight as Seili Ozawa conducts the Boston Symphony Orchestra In Symphony No. 4 by Charles Ives and Beta Bartok'a Suite from "The Miraculous Mandarin." (60 min . ) fl SERGEANT BILKO O O TOMORROW Host: Tom Snyder. (60 min.) QGROUCHO fl ANSWER 18 LOVE O MOVIE Hatarl 1962 John Wayne, Elsa Martlnelli. (90 min.) ONEWS O DRAGNET ONE fl FOCUS O LOVE AMERICAN STYLE O DICK VAN DYKE SHOW 1 1 NIGHT GALLERY f 9 THRILLER O UNTAMED WORLD O WILDLIFE THEATRE 6:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 12:30 12:45 10 1.10 118 1:45 240 10 3:39 40 60 80 out in Omaha "I'm not a believer in news consultants' said Mark Gautier of KMTV, which doesn't use one. "I think they're the worst thing that's happened to broadcast journalism in the country." Low profile impossible Gautier said that in the early days of television news, reporters wished they could work as unobtrusively as newspaper writers, without awkward lights and cables. He said that now; when such a low profile is becoming technically possible, consultants are telling stations to at tract attention at news events. - He said the influence of consultants is beginning to appear in the ABC network news and in. some newspapers, which he says are giving people a little less of what they need and a little more of what they want. "I'm not sure that this is the way the American people can best be served, and we have the consultants to thank for it," Gautier said. But the three news directors agree that competition can make news better. "Competition is what makes product improvement," Gautier said. "However, too fierce and frenzied compe tition, in short run cases, causes things I don't like to see. I don't like to see promotion creep into newscasting." "I think competition is bound to improve It," said Steve Murphy, whose station's hews, led the last ratings. "If you only had one TV operation In town, it would become fat and lazy." "When we started really competing about two years ago, Omaha was asleep," Dave Henderson said. "We like to think we spurred (the competition). "I think all three stations have a great obligation not only to the city, but the region. . .and I think we all have a way to go in doing that." More details tonight at 6 and 10 p.m. Tony and Luigi's: Tim YoungbJood, Feb. 13 through 16, 8:30 p.m. to 12:30. Royal Grove: Sunnuva, Today through Feb. 11, Feb. 13 through 16, 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Boar's Head: Tunesmith, Jbday through Feb. 11, Feb. 1 3 through 1 6, 8:30 p.m. to midnight - v Zoo: Sandy Creek Pickers, Today through Feb. 11, John Walker, Feb. 13 through 14, Jam Feb..: 15, Magic Slim and the Tear Drops, Feb. 16, 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Oscar's: Charlie Burton and the Rock Therapy, Today through Feb. 11, Tim Reddy, Feb. 13 through 15, Lark, Feb. 16, 3:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. . Stan's: Dusty Blue, Feb. 9 through 12, Timberwolf, Feb. 15 and 16 Two Eyed Jack's: Freeride, Feb. 10 through 12,8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. ((daytirnej) MORNING 6:00 QBOZO O NOT FOR WOMEN ONLY OPTL PROGRAM fl ANSWER IS LOVE (WED.) 8:05 O FARM AND RANCH REPORT 6:10 ONEWS 6:18 f l UNO SCENE (WED.) 6:30 O ROMPER ROOM O LUCY SHOW O O VARIOUS PROGRAMMING 0 BUNKY'S FUN CLUB 7:00 O ARCHIES O0TOOAV ocas NEWS fl GOOD MORNING AMERICA 0 1 DREAM OF JE ANNIE 05 SESAME STREET 7:30 O FUNTSTONES O MCHALE'S NAVY 8:00 ilPOPEYE CI GOOD MORNING AMERICA O CAPTAIN KANGAROO O FUNTSTONES Q IN-SCHOOL PROGRAMMING (UNTIL 8:30) Commissioner's Bulletin Board (TUE.) 8:30 O LITTLE RASCALS CI CARTOONS 8:00 f 1 700 CLUB O O 8ANFORD AND SON C I ALL MY CHILDREN CI TATTLETALE8 CI PHIL DONAHUE SHOW O NEW ZOO REVUE 1:30 CI O HOLLYWOOD SQUARES C) PRICE RIGHT C I BEWITCHED . 10:00 CIO WHEEL OF FORTUNE O HAPPY DAYS O HAPPY DAYS (EXC.FRI.) Martha's Kitchen (FRI.) O LOVE AMERICAN STYLE IN-SCHOOL PROGRAMMING (UNTIL 3 JO) 1048 CI RELIGIOUS PROGRAMMING CJ O KNOCKOUT OO FAMILY FEUD C 1 LOVE OF LIFE C 1 NOT FOR WOMEN ONLY 1140 CI NOT FOR WOMEN ONLY fl O TO SAY THE LEAST tlC 1 120.000 PYRAMID C I YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS C I FATHER KNOWS BEST 1130 CIO GONG SHOW C I CONVERSATIONS C JO WAN'S HOPE C I SEARCH FOR TOMORROW O MAY8ERRY R.P.D. AFTERNOON live nigh? on tfhe flown THURS THRU WED nOONEWS CI NOON SHOW fl ALL MY CHILDREN . - C JIM NABORS SHOW . O SESAME STREET 12nS CI FARM ACTION 1240 fl DICK VAN DYKE SHOW ' " , I J O DAYS OF OUR LIVES C I CROSS WITS f 1 AS THE WORLD TURNS "" 140 O LUCY SHOW CIO ONE LIFE TO LIVE O MOVIE Comrade X" (THUR.), "Mystery Of The Wan Museum (FRI.), "Coma Uv With Mn (MON.), "Ma And Pa Kettle Go To Town (TUE.). The Brain (WED.) O IN-SCHOOL PROGRAMMING -(UNTIL 3:30) 1 JO O BEVERLY HILLBILLIES OO DOCTORS O GUIDING LIGHT 2:00 O PLEASE OONT TEAT THE DAISIES - . . OO ANOTHER WORLD O fl GENERAL HOSPITAL 240 f GOMER PYLE CI ALL IN THE FAMILY ' O DENVER NOW SrflO CI MICKEY MOUSE CLUB CI O FOR raCHEV FOR POOFlfcR - - O O EDGE OF NIGHT O MATCH GAME EXC.THURJ The Winners (THUR.) ' O FUNTSTONES . 3 JO C 1 TOM AND JERRY CI O G"LUGANS ISLAND CI TATTLETALES C 1 PHIL DONAHUE SHOW . C 1 1 LOVE LUCY CIMERVGRtFFlN ' J ELECTRIC COMPANY 4.-00 CI GttXJGAN'S ISLAND - . C I MY THREE SONS O 1 DREAM OF JEANNK (EX- C.WED.) ABC Attarscftool Special WED.) O DINAH C 1 SUPERMAN CJ MISTER ROGERS 440 C 1 LEAVE IT TO BEAVER 11 BEWITCHED CI BRADY BUNCH (EXC.WED.) II BIG VALLEY C 1 FAMILY AFFAIR - f l SESAME STREET 846 C 1 ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW 1 1 COO COUPLE CIO ABC NEWS ClILOVCLUCY 848 fl ROOKIES CION8CNCWS Ci&afffTCHcs 81 CBS NEWS 6JMEW3 f ) ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW U OVER EASY 1340 OPOR RICHER, FOR POORER