The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 09, 1978, Page page 11, Image 11
thursday, february 9, 1978 dally nebraskan page 11 Regional pool champ Vargas hoping to pocket national trophy By Kevin Schnepf Sports editor the clattering of the foosball tables echo in the Nebraska Union recreation room as . . 4. t Ricardo Vargas alms his pool cue. The ringing pf the plnball machines and Vargas' shot Is perfect as the nine ball v I "" V W . -l Daily Nebraskan Photo Ricardo Vargas, who has pocketed two first-place trophies in regional competition, will test his skill at the national pool tournament in April. Women sprint past Kansas UNL's Women track squid, which broke eight school records last week end, continued its record-breaking style as it outran Kansas University in the Sports Complex Wednesday afternoon, 63-50. The women boosted their dual rec ord to 2-0 and set three school records. Donna Fox broke the mile record she set last weekend finishing first with a 5 :00.6 time. Fox also broke the school record in the 1 ,000-yard run with a time, of 2:36.1. Although Gndyx : Tatum, placed second' in the 300-yard dash, she broke the schooT record with a i35.9 time. Coach Carol Frost laid strong perfdr mattces in the field events helped the Huskers Win. Pant Koontz finished first in the (hot put with a 40-foot lOH-inch toss. High jumper Christie Lee jumped five feet three inches to claim first place. -. . ' ' Husker Cindy Vickers was another first-place finisher as she ran the 880. yard run in 2:17.5 I V UNLs mile relay team beat the Kan sas milers by two seconds with a 4:00.3 time. - . Coach Frost said she was pleased with the Kansas meet since the Huskers had only Monday night to hold an ex tensive workout. felted fey teases t. Vesica ACROSS 1 Contraction used by servants and ' children S Lyrical offerings t Rank Just below marquis :- 11 0NeuTs Christie" 14 Chic 15 Author of "Q.B. VIIM It Prehistoric ruin In England IS Catamaran It Shoal 2t Where maltres teach 22 "Present An n Literally not on the level 24 Bingo look-alike 27 Says once more Jl City on a Great Lake 32 Jazz opener 23 Peak 34 Strict criterion 38 Filled a cert&in void 3t Man with a scepter 4t house 41 Liberator 43t a letter to my love... . 441 Blathers X 4 Thrashes . 47 Lacking delicacy it Sodium chloride factories 54 Suffix With , drink. sinX sad think 55 The lowest ' point 57 Apple-pJe makers "Wearentco thin red r; Kipling $J Hoggin, in :' - Nantes - U Carrots partners- l Feathers - 3 Words td - . ' accompany a nod . t Girl taken to Crete by Zeus It Soviet sea . " 11 la profusion ' . 12 Landing craft 14 Pseudo 17 Longest river of' Spain 21 Painter of , "Chartres 1 Cathedral' 23 Rose oil 1 Leonard 1 ' . Bernstein opus, JLi "Merry Widow' creator h . . 1 1 icau iuu acronym "": "". . I Prolific author 4 Administered, as a colony 5 Warning signs ' Like a medieval ' dungeon 7Workunit . 1375 Super Bow! - winners 25 Take to the ' podium .' - 21 Frazzled ' 27 Take for - jr granted 2S Hosiery shade -23 Terry of stage fame ' " " . 23 All tuckered out 22 Runs in neutral . .gear ; IS Spaces 33 Like some accounts 17 Writer of "Who , Has Seen the r Wind?' 42 A Way out 43 the Jaws -. of death w v w' 45 Occupied, as a seat "S. ' it Kin of amices , 47 David, for one 43 Hautboy -: ,'4t mater ' 5t Boat for refuse $1 Ways to gr. . Abbr. . 52 Diplomatic'. , - - communication -;53 Duck or . - fictional pirate 153 " yPlaw," Montana motto Ti , . r. -4- - """" "" if"" """" I J m mm mmwi mmm pw'.iw,'M mmm mmm mmma 1 """" , - H - mi mbm mmjh wmmtF - wmh mmw Miin ' i t I X" " """" " - j a . mmmmm mmmmm i p i mi ii .ii i i ---i " mmm " T 1 t ' j ,: - t ... ' J . J i ' t Y I , , , A : ""'" '"A Y" TT ! ; " . -3 3 f s , i i :' ! " ! 5 .. mmmmK mmmmi .-ill hiwiS nn W" ft" I .1 lunn.i 1miiii4iw Inn ti n ' II B rolls into the side pocket. The cue ball bounces off the cushion and rests behind the three ball, positioned for an easy shot. ' Vargas' strategy Is all part of the 14.1 billiards competition in which the Mitchell native won the AU-Unlversity Regional Tournament In Manhattan, Kan., Feb. 34. The more balls that fall successively Into the pockets, the better the shooter's chance to win a 14,1 billiards match. The first shooter to pocket 75 balls Is the winner. That is exactly what the 22-year-old Mexlcan-Amerlcan senior did in Manhattan for the second year In a row. Vargas lost once th the double elimina tion tourney but ended up on top of the 22-player list. Players represented tha uni versities bf Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and Nebraska. Vargas began his quest for the cham pionship at 9 a.m, IKursday and finally won 75-6, at noon In that match Vargas set a tournament record by consecutively pocketing 65 balls. With tha regional championship under Since this is Vargas' last year of eli gibility, he said his goal is to improve his eighth place finish of last year by winning the first-place trophy. "As any other sport, pressure Is another key factor," he said. "If you camnaintaln your cool, youH be all right. But once you start hesitating, youH be In trouble." "The pressure stays with you in these tournaments, just like a player shooting a free throw to break a tie in double overtime basketball game." Vargas, who blans to teach in a bilin gual program In Houston after graduation, has been shooting pool since he was 12. "My father Was real good but he never really taught me anything," he said. That's just tha way my dad was so I just Watched and learned," Besides practicing in the union, Vargas shoots pool in various bars and pool halls. His friend, Dennis Muhs, placed fourth at Manhattan, and he gives VargasiO to 20 hours of stiff competition a week v Vargas, whb has said he will not play pool professionally, said he will spend three toaour hours a day shootine pool R xeeruaits his belt Vargas will receive an expense, three Weeks before the nationals. paid trip to the national tournament- in "Itll be an exciting meet," he said. Tallahassee, Fla. April 5-7. -His trip is "But it's Still a couple of months away, so sponsored by Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. I'm not too excited yet" ns&fers nee By Kick Huis IfrJL's rugby team; shott ott players and funds, began practice Monday for the spring season i . According to team member Mike Blanc, 1 35 man showed tip at the first practice but 10 more are heeded to complete the rosier. Last iemester, UNI had only one team, but Blanc said the t!avet Would like to have two 4earns For; the: Spring season. ? ; realize. It," Blanc said. "We have enough according to Blane especially since the team has haw coaches. David Chinchen, a' graduate assistant In marketing and TA.:Ceorge, associate professor of chemistry , how are coach ing the rugby players. t . .Chinchen, who played rugby in Austra lia, and George, who played in England, are hot paid for coaching the team. ; We cant afford to pay them and they utt takes 15 euvs on each team and some of the inexperienced ones don't get much 0 of a chance to play, Blanc said. "So we want to start another team for the other players jo keep, their interest in the spoit. x : He said many of the inexperienced play '-: ers get discouraged and' quit after a few games: . "f ' ' t , v f . t " v y "If they ha4 a, chance to play they, would have ah incentive to stick with it' Blanc said. He added thai veteran members .would be on the teds team and the whites team Would bathe other players.. . , "More played also gives us a better ,: chance to work against each other in prac tice, he said. -VThe rugby team Will 1 be practicing on Mondays' and ' ..Wednesdays from . 7-9 , pin. in Schulte Field House. ' Interesjt in rugby has increased at UNL, ,: trouble getting funds for our own needs. Y Blanc said the rugby players must pur chase their , own; uniforms. Trie team members ; have , been ; selling advertise ments to make sor;& money although they have not raised enough, he added . We are having a raffle for a ski trip to collect' Wore funds, Kane said. "We also, still need money to print up programs. I Hie players also have to pay dues to compete in the Heart of America Union, a conference for Midwestern rugby teams. As a member Of this union, UNL will play several Midwestern ruby teams not in the Dig Eight Conference. - The rugby season begins Mar.. 4 when tJNL goes to Topeka, Kan. to face the Topeka City. dub. The Big Bgjit cham- -pionships are in Norman, Okh. April i and 2. Lette rs oi intent signed ; . Sixteen players have signed Big Eight ' Conference letters of intent with UNL, the Sports Information office announc ed Wednesday. .', . ' 'The" 16 hiclude 11 Nebraska high school seniors and five out-of-state players, four of which are junior college transfer students. . , , By signing . a Big EtVht letter of Latent with UNL, thesz players &re obligated to attend UNL if they want to pky for a B;g Eiglit school. They may, however, sign letters cf intent in other conferences tr;i d:oc:;e to p!ay for a school b another ccnfcrcncc. Nstiond letters cf i;.t:;.t v,U be s:r;ncd Feb. 15. ; s C " ; : . Nebraska Letter CfLifer.t " - 'Name Home Status Pos. lit. V.'t, 1 Brent Williams . Los Angers JC LBDE 6-2'" 210 John Minor . Oaccgo JC DEDT C-3 223 JimKelley Rcteir.?X'.n. JC E3 5-1 i 223 MarkLeRcy-' $cziih,,'zh. JC D3 6-3 Bruce Malhicon Svfcnor,V;s. 03 . 6-3 ITS - arisVa.TNormn ? hr.dcn" D3 ' '6-2 ' i; 3 'SccttPopre- H:t:cn IV.7AI 6-2 II J TanGdowiki .' rt::;::cn - ' HTO 6-5 215 Dm 111 rciz City DLIE 64 213 . KurtCkther Ur.echUr! 0G:H 63 : ' ?3'? Steve D--.k;c:r " lir.c'n Kli Lrr7F3- 6-2. 1 ..5 VCxWVac ' Uncob 12 KG'DT 6-3 113 Divert :.-gt:n 0.r-'.aSci-;h CyT 6-3 2 " Duke V&ir La'.ta - 1272 . 6-3 Hi r:.1ce""h!cycr - 0.r.-.a Prep 01 pi 64 iro VJkt L'er: Jc":o tcxirgtcn - ' OGf.'.G ,62 - Uii w h m V $i vttmfP' 3