Wednesday, february 8, 1978 daily nebrqskan I J, :ji . 11 I III II 1 V. " ml" 1 ByGailReid Cancer patients will be free to choose Laetrile for their treatment if a bill intro duced by the Health and Welfare Commit tee Is adopted by the Nebraska Legislature. . The Legislature intent, according to the bill, is to secure a patient's freedom bf what is best for them," said Alfred Schutte , of Guide Rock, Neb ; . v.'? " . Americans, should, not let-anyone tell them" what they may or may not do with i, their bodies, -said,-Ernest. Krebs of. San Francisco, a co-discoverer of Laetrile. , More, people' .are dying' of . cancer at choice rather than endorsing the effective- younger '.ages flow than any time' in history ness of Laetrile. Much of the testimony at There is a "deadly holocaust?; stemming a Monday hearing supported cancer pa tients freedom of choice in their treatment. The bill, LB778. will legalize the manu facture and sale of Laetrile with prescrip from cancer, he said. Although Laetrile is not a - total ' cure, Delbert Nielsori of Lunch , ' Neb . said ' he wants the freedom to choose ."Nielsen's Ernest Krebs, co-discoverer of Laetrile Photo by Tim Ford We're Always Winners. After the game, or any othar Our prion ara raasonabla, tha tima, try our dalicbus braak taVvica it good, and wa'ra opan fastt, Mddwlchai. or complata 24 hqurs Tuesday through Sat dinners. urday; 6 am to 10 pm Sunday ; and Monday. Now tht'i a w inning combination . Tht MverMmgCounol h Red Cross b counting OA you ". -to help. ,tlon by licensed physicians.: However, all 24-year-old son's only hope to stop a brain physicians will be required to inform pa- .tumor from growmg back, is -Laetrile be tients that the Food and Drug Administra- - cause radiation and chemotherapy; have tion has not approved Laetrile, which is , no effect on brain cells, he said,v,, im, , derived from apricot pits, as a treatment or v Choices are not free if they are not In cure for cancer. All patients will - be - formed choices said those opposing the required to sign a statement stating that : ;bill. The public is not getting all the in - they - understand the information about formation about Laetrile and cannot make Laetrile. . . V-informed choicesr sddpharma(t-;Rex'C v addition, no hospital or health care Higley. : -C-V '. ; institution will be able to forbid the use of. Questions about the chemical substance Laetrile-wh a doctor, ac- arid potency, of the .drug,1 and changing cording to the bill. v ' scientific theories V about Laetrile showi a v iacK oi liuuniiduun, saiu reier iviicuisicui Patients' and doctors deserve freedom to ofie UJSFood and Drug Administration, choose what cancer treatments to use and Americans', right to make informed choices , prescribe, Sen. Richard Maresh of Milligan is destroyed ;by lack of information, he said. Laetrile should be legalized because it said;-'-' c.; - 'i'-' J V . ? ''i ' , rcan encourage a patient psychologically DrJ Henry,' Lemon of the University of toward recovery, he said. n , . Nebraska : Medical - Center said "Laetrile i Cancer patients and citizens who testi- should not be given an: unproven benefit : fied at! the hearins areued for their con-, nfthedouht , -:- '. -- . stitutional freedom of choice.-Laetrile As far . as physicians know, it has; no should be legalized so patients can choose;? effect on cancer, he said. r 1 " ; v'l 1 - '; JT I 1603 West "QM , . gj ; -.. " '. I BMMMqMmBMBIMMM(JIaM r n m .' -v t - i . . ...II i w r:r-s:--:v wiet -b:- a -. ; I C:--mmWEm I I Co i , . ; zb"" - 'y -!""'" - """fJ""' ''" ;- ' LJ - J Hi- IwMiV??? FT JL -Striking firrcnocmcntcfcamc X . t mini carnations, daisies, pom poms, ! f ,. highlighted by eucalyptus. ; , Af jj ' inacaYour - - a . ' - j; I .' Vtlentirta'a Osy Orrfcr . " : TT9'"' I f ;-,Earfy - - jTxTTT' H 11 Bu5 Vtsewith" cam&tions S4.S5 " 33 L'Crth CcSncr-; - j Open E:C3-S:C0 diily f BShovcOiOO 78 C6f?GGh6uco fr V I r-rr pf OSCfit3 woody unaais fiacrfcan Guitar Sofas TONIGHT - TERRRCES East Union Starting at 8:66 FREE flDfniSSlON '"t-V " " ' - - . . -. FREE POPCORN I ! in me Saturday morning . for an informal showing in cur Bridal Szlcn This Saturday morning from 9:C0 to 10: 00, you'll see our bride's and attend ant's gowns Informally mode led in g'o- - : . ; rioustechnicolor. Juice and'roils and " ' you and your friends and us end cur, friends, together vl'.lh heave rJy -re? re. for an hour. Sound fun? Juet'call 477- : 921 1 for rceeri'diene. Ycu cen ceme in tho frf' trrf f f r r W f - r elevator up to ti e Third Fleer, T, . Cride's Shop, De. r 'e m. J" . v.