The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 01, 1978, Page page 3, Image 3
Wednesday, february 1, 1978 daily nebraskan page 3 Satellite search is continued Baker Lake. Northwest Territories-A Canadian-American team planned to return to the Warden's Grove area today to look for more debris from the nuclear-powered Soviet spy satellite that broke up in flames over northern Canada last week. Lt. Col. Donald Davidson, Canadian commander of the team, said his group would search for more radiation in the associated press dorfelines vicinity of the 10-foot crater on the ice of the Thelon River where structural tubing and a smashed metal canister from the satellite were found Saturday. There was no indication when an attempt would be made to recover the debris already found. Davidson said C-130 Hercules transports surveying the area with detection equip ment had obtained visual evidence of two other possibilities where debris had landed. He did not pinpoint them, however. Pope's car defective Detroit -How do you tell the pope that his car may be faulty? General Motors, executives faced that- problem Tuesday after a federal auto safety agency raised the point about the 1960 Cadillac in the Vatican garage. v The Detroit Free Press, in a report from Washington said the " National Highways Traffic Safety Admi&tration wants Pope Paul VI to know the car may have a defective steering mechanism. The agency discovered the defect in 1960 Cadillacs in 1973, but a recall was ordered for the cars in this country only recently when the General Motors Corp. lost a long legal battle. Russian flu vaccine Washington-A vaccine can be deve loped that would be 70 to 80 percent effective against the Russian flu, says a panel of medical experts. The panel agreed during a meeting that an epidemic of Russian flu is likely to spread in the United States either this winter or next. But the experts are uncertain about what the federal government's role should be in an innoculdtion campaign and who should bear the liability for the new vac cine. ASUN agenda The ASUN Senate will meet at 6:30 in Nebraska Union 202-202A. The meeting will include: L Call to orderroll call II. Approval of minutes III. Executive reports IV. Open Forum Dave Roehr: Union Board V. Committee reports VI. Old business Appointments: Union Board Senate ' Electoral Commission Speaker for Senate VII. New business Organic Act No. 10-Constitution Organic Act No. 1 1 -Student Organi zations : VIII. In committee: Organic Act No. 8-Rules of proce dure Resolution No. 26 ' . r Have a PAP test, It can save your life American Cancer Societv THIS St1 Ad toNTR&JTED S TK PUBLISHER AS A PUB IT Sflhfldf 4 Jl nnvn u fo) Every ho UP is ah Si ,- , V . appyhoup. Llorriing, af tGPnooii and ovenirifp ; At tho K0RTI1 49andtho Oaf : - mm - m - Tno i.oupacira inncn vhopo paoplD and tKngpappan; . i "' "" 1 r n it if' I I TONIGH AND EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT! NO COVER 2-FERS ALL NIGHT 25th ad .rO'! fAAZP L - U 12 MU Li Li U U L 1111 LJ -. 1 : u i Hii i ill - ' V . v - ,X'!: TT.. ' ,' (' r " Z J I J i I I 1 1 1 ?" - V '.'-''Si- icir D0U31E : -: mill -: - iiiu.juuc..; 3 I (Hi i! 9 i P 701 Ho. 27! h i ai Mi 3 35 i cm cmj wm t- is 4