page 2 Wednesday, february 1, 1978 daily nebraskan Why Go It Alone When there's union. calendar StUYr P5 Professional Organization for Business Majors for information on the upcoming rush function at Valentino's contact: Jeff Doerr 475-6120 Kent Johson 466-7554 Huntington St. 1 4701 Huntington North 48th Schwinn sales & repair on all bicycles "The cyclist's friend" m 1 Vine St. The faculty committee in Arts and Sciences now is considering nominations for the University-wide disting uished Bereuter teaching awards. Students are en couraged to nominate their outstanding teachers in Arts & Sciences. For more infor mation contact Dean Donal Burns, 1223 Oldfather Hall. Deadline for nominations is February 15. The Community Involve ment Services needs a reader for a blind law student a few hours a month. For more information contact the Community Involve ment Services, 472-2454. The UNL Young Repub licans are sponsoring a membership booth in the Union today and Thursday. Beta Alpha Psi will meet Thursday at 7 pjn. in the Union. Room number will be posted. The UNL Block & Bridle Club will meet Thursday at 7 p.m. in Marvel Baker Hall 227. The executives will meet at 6 p.m. The Undergraduate Soci ology Association will meet today at 1 :30 p.m. in Old father Hall 722. The East Union Program Council will meet tonight at 6 in the East Union. The UNL art dept. is sponsoring figure drawing sessions every Wednesday at 7 pjn. in Richard Hall 206. Admission is 75 cents per session or $5 for a season ticket. The UNL Rodeo Club will meet tonight at 7 in the East Union. Executives will meet at 6:30. The American Society of Civil Engineers will meet to night at the Union. Room number will be posted. The UNL Horticulture Club will meet tonight at 7 at the East Campus Union. 10 a.m. Admissions -Harvard & Friend High Schools, Auditorium. Noon - Student Y - "Wo men Speak", room 232. 3 and 4 p. m. - Personnel -Student Affairs, Blue Cross Blue Shield Program, Ball room. 5 p.m. - Womens Re source Center - Women Rap Group, North Conference room. . 5:30 p.m. - Engineering Toastmasters, Harvest room A. 6 p.m. - Gamma Lambda, Harvest room C. 6 o.m. Beta Alnha Pci Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, room 225-G. 6:30 pjn.-ASUN Senate meeting, room 202-202A. 6:30 pjn. - Career Plan ning & 1 Placement, room 232. 7 pjn. - Nebraska Union Board, room 243. 7 pjn. - American Soci ety of Civil Engineers, Audi torium. 7 p.m. - Interfratemity Council, Centennial room. 7 p.m. - Rugby Club, South Conference room. nebr&skod Or write VISTA, Box A, Was&r- vwwia -. n mm mm abm am Jftmm' mm Aw M .Bfe. ft Ths AOvwtjSMfl wct Publication no 144080 Editor in chief: Ron Ruggless. Managing editor: Betsie Amnions. News editor: Janet Fix. Associate news editors: Anne Carothers and Marjie Lundstrom. Night news editor: Douglas R. Weil. Assistant news editor: Rex Henderson. Layout editor Uz Beard. Entertainment editor: Pete Mason. .Sports editor: Kevin Schnepf . Special editors Carla Engstrom'. Photography chief: Ted Kirk. East Campus bureau chief: John Ortmann. Copy editors: Lisa Brown, E.K. Casaccio, Jill Denning. Paula Dittrick, Kim Hachiya, Janet Lliteras and Mary Jo Pitzl. Editorial assistant: Cindy Johnson. Business manager: Jerri Haussler. Advertising manager: Gregg Wurdeman. Assistant advertising manager: Denice Jordan. Production Manager: Kitty Policky. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL Publications Committee on Monday. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during fall and spring semesters except during vacations. Address: Daily Nebraskan. Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R streets, Lincoln, Neb. 68508. Telephone: 472-2588. Material may be reprinted without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, except material covered by a copyright. Second class postage paid at Lincoln. Neb. 68501 . At Great don't get what you pay for That's right. You get the haircut. But, we keep the hair. Unless, of course, you're stuffing pillows in your basement as a sideline. In which case, we'll put your shear ings in a plain brown bag for you to take home. Most guys and gals, however, are mainly interested in the hair we leave uncut, because that's what says who they are. At Great Ex we help get your head together. . .with your hair. No appointments needed either. Just come in. PRECISION HAIRCUTTERS Now Two Locations! THE ATRIUM - 13th & N - Downtown - 474-9983 M-F 9:30 - 7; Thurs. til 8:30; Sat. 9 - 5 Van Dorn Plaza -'48th & Van Dorn - 488-9954 M-F 10-8; Sat. 9-5 '10 off all services this week for students who present their student ID cards at Great Expectations." Did You Ever Wonder What It's Like on the Other End ot the Line? Training starts fTlarch 8. For more information & applications, go to Rm. 104 Student Health. MAYKARD FERGUSON ORCHESTRA Nebraska Westeysn O'Donnell Auditorium : 8 P.M. Feb. 11 ...... . All seats reserved Tickets: $ NWU Music Office $5.00 in advance $6.00 at door - Phone 465-2371 ext. 369 a 5 Women's Winter Clothing CLEARANCE SALE 30 to 50 off Open Moa-Sat 106 Thurs. 10-9 1235 Que Gunny's 432-0090 (( BIUOIKC" anywhere en earth gbthes JJ