The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 01, 1978, Page page 12, Image 12
page 12 Wednesday, february 1, 1978 daily nebraskan 2 bedroom mobile home. North 27th. Furnished. $150. 435-7295. For Rent: 4 bedroom unfur nished apartment, $195momth deposit utilities. Five blocks from main campus, on Inter campus busline, 477-2540. FOR RENT: 64b So. 20. Nice, one-year-old 2 bedroom apartment. Central air, disposal, pool, unfurnished, $210 plus utilities. 474-0927 after 9pm. 2403 Lynn St., 1 bedroom, free cable t.v., dishwasher, $160 month electricity. Call 477 8026. Portable Disco; High Quality Sound, Reasonable Price. Sound City Music 144 So. 9th 475-5128 31st & Holdrege. 1 and 2 bedroom apts. Furnished, newly decorated. $135 and $185 plus deposit. No pets. 432-3689. 2030 N. Cotner, very clean and well kept 2 bedroom duplex unit. Appliances and laundry hookups. $190 utili ties. 2020 N. Cotner, 2 bed rooms. $160 utilities. Call Nancy at 423-1550 or 474 1880 after 5 p.m. 1212 S. 23rd Spacious 4 bedroom home in beautiful condition. Range, refrigerator, washer and dryer, garage. $325 utilities. Call Nancy at 423-1550, 474-1880. Excellent opportunity for student with a car. Must be available after 2:30 week days and all day Saturday. Good pay with mileage expenses paid. Please call Jerry, 473-7349 for an appointment. Graduate student with expertise in research design, inferential statistics and data analysis needed to assist in preparation of two mental health studies. $50.00 per hour. Flexible schedule. Send infor mal resume including academic background and experience to Ms. Cox, Gateway Mental Health Clinic, Box 30245, Lincoln, Ne. 68503. Excellent opportunity for student with car. Must be avail able after 2:30 p.m. daily and all day Saturday. Good starting pay with mileage expenses paid. Please call Jerry 473-7349 for interview appointment. TELEPHONE SOLICITORS $2.65hour plus bonus. 467 4681. SWEEP LEFT 815 'O' St. Now hiring full and part-time bartenders and cocktail wai tresses. No experience neces sary. Excellent starting salary. Flexible hours. Health insurance and health club benefits. Apply 11 a.m. 5 p.m., 1 st floor of 815 'O' St. Afternoon newspaper deli very. 45 min. daily, 15 min. Saturday, no Sunday. $55 every 4 wks. Call Gary 473-7351 or 488-1202 aft. 5 p.m. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT APPLICATIONS BEING ACCEPTED FOR FOLLOWING POSITIONS ON SUMMER CAMP STAFF. TEN (10) WEEKS EMPLOYMENT. JUNE 1 TO AUGUST 11, AT CORNHUSKER SCOUT RESERVATION NEAR HUM BOLT, NE. SALARY COM MENSURATE WITH EXPER IENCE AND JOB DESCRIP TION. MATURE ADULTS. SCOUTING BACKGROUND NOT PREREQUISITE. SCOUT ING CAMP DIRECTOR, ECOL OGY CONSERVATION DIRECTOR, AQUATICS DI RECTOR, WRANGLER. TRA DING POST DIRECTOR, CAMP CLERK, QUARTER MASTER, NURSE. CHAP LAIN. INQUIRE AT COUNCIL SER VICE CENTER, 412 LINCOLN CENTER BLDG. 215 CENTEN NIAL MALL SOUTH. LIN COLN, NE 68508. JANUARY INTERVIEWS. Delivery person needed every day from 9:30-1 1 :30 and Satur days. Apply in person. JASONS 1348 P MENI -WOMENI JOBS ON SHIPSI American. " Foreign. No experience required. Excellent pay. World wide travel. Summer job or career. Send $3.00 for informa tion. SEAFAX, Dept. G-2 9ox 2049, Port Angeles, Washington 98362. Girls Gymnastics Coach Experienced person in both teaching and coaching girls gymnastics. For additional information contact the North east YMCA, 464-7481. Cornhusker Placement Ser vice needs persons to work full time as puditors. Applicants must have a 3.0 or above evaer age. For appointment call Betty at 475-0744. JOBS INTERVIEW HOW '200 a month 10 hows a week Cal SAO-IPd 464-0223 Save on food$$, be a bus boy for sorority. Call 432-9675 for more info. Wanted: Student with car to babysit 10 yr. old boy after school (3-5pm) 4 daysweek. Call 489-6393 after 6pm, WANTED: Attractive gals 19 or older for figure modeling. $10 per hour, no experience necessary, 423-0425. hub SfliTEWP Female roommate to share unfurnished apt. $70 13 electricity. 477-3886. Foreign, respectable grad uate student needs non-smoking female companionship. Contact Box 80062, Lincoln, NE 68501. Need 2 roommates, male, $75 utilities. 1720 N. 31. Carpet, central air, sharp. Call Dallas 474-1156 or 432-6555 at Century 21 Custom Realty. Wanted: Male nonsmoking student to share large fully carpeted furnished house. $70.00 utilities, off street parking, close to 24 hr. grocery, liquor store, bus stop. 1144 Belmont 475-8935. Wanted: Roommate for large older house. $85 plus phone. 475-8105. Female roommate for 2 bedroom house. $92.50 utilities. Call after 6pm, 475 3872. Male needs responsible roommate to share 2 bedroom house. $90 all utilities paid. Non-smoker preferred. Call Roger after 5:30. 477-9939. Do you value your privacy but wish you had a roommate to share expenses? Female needs quiet place to sleep and study 3-4 nights per week; 654-3339 after 6. R.K. Holding hands was alright I Kisses tonight. What's next? See how is Niehardt LA.D. I'm sorry, please forgive me. My love for you is forever. Fishy Fred Becky D. Your the Best Big Sister a person ever had Thanks for everything. Cheryl Here's positive reinforce ment for your 22nd B.D. Happy Belated funnv talking Omaha boy I No. 2 No locker or twinkles this year. Just us, the bars, and the beer. HAPPY 19th Love, Musketeers No. 1 & No. 3 MAIDEN SIMONE of the Holy Spumonl, Your gracious presence Is cordially requested this Satur day knight at the Rltzdorf Castle on Charleston. Other acquaintances of the Fourth Floor Empire are also Invited to be in attendance. THIS MEANS YOU VOLKMER AND TROUPE. By the Decree of: KING KIRK, LORD ROTZ, AND oh yes prince prepee. Marie Check the legs on that big boy. Yeah I He buys his jeans at the Salvage Center in Have lock. Duffy's Bar and Grill, 504 Pound is proud to present the "Roommate of the semester" award to the head bar maid Judy for outstanding assistance, understanding, and dusting when needed. Congrats! From Duffy All seemed lost, and then: Barb B., Sue K., Gary D., Skip V., Mary W., Sue L., Ellen H.( Terri D., Sheri P. Suzi S., and Judy S., made it all happen Friday night. Thank You, Ron Abe, I think we're making a mistake, even Norfolk seems better than this. We could paint houses the rest of our lifes. Staff Gayle, I believe in you. H.B. Yesterday was Lana Hansen's 19th Birthday. Be kind to her today she has a head ache. Happy B-day Hansen! Roomie Lamda Chi Alpha is proud to welcome Doug Aschwege as its newest associate member. Con gratulations stick! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARK!! Notice to all amateur pho tographers who love to party: The Daily Nebraskan needs im promptu bw photos of party madness! Take your camera to your next party & submit photos to the D.N. for the Feb. 27 PARTY ISSUE! To me, myself, and I; The week is finally over. Congratulations to my favorite active. Lots and lots of love. Guess Who Kracke & Swantek, Happy 19th a day late from the pointed Boot Boys of Burr 3rd West. Auction Tropical Fish $ Supplies. Ga Gateway Auditorium, 2-6 PM, Sunday, Feb. 5. Kate, Hope you have a happy 20th and stop worrying there's a lot of 20-year-old virgins around, your day will cornel Love, T. L. W. Dave Wingert of WOW. Thanks for putting us on the airl We're still going strong! Star Wars Junkies Connie, It's too late you're distur bing the peacel Play his horn some other TIME I JnD Kate, Happy 2Cih! Let's go to Feathers or Sam's tonight 1 1 Don't worry you're not over the hill yet. Have fun tonight. Lorie Tammy's Roommate, Happy 20th! Us floas have to stick together. Who cares if you have static cling? Lo rip's Roommate P.S. Have you met any good looking walls lately? Scream Quietly. Come to WomenSpeak Wed. noon at the Union to find out what this paradox means. -PROCESSING-COMPLETION DEADLINES SHOP-JUN IONS 15 JAN 1 978 FRESHMAN 1 5 MAR 1978 For additional information call Jack Knoblock at 221-9286. Marketing Survey: Are you Interested in ham radio oper ation? Would you like to own a ham radio? Are you Interested in learning more about ham radio as a hobby? Please phone 4750394. Students, enhance your col lege career. Leam to fly. For business or pleasure a private pilot certificate can be a great value to you. Take advantage of our $5 Intro ride to get your flying career started. For more Info, phone 464-6215 eves. Thinking of marriage? Enroll In the "PREPARATION FOR MARRIAGE", a non-credit course offered by South -East Community College. $10single, $17couple for 6 weeks. Call 474-1361, ext. 257 for Infor mation and to register. Pregnant? Birthright is a con fidential helping hand. 477 8021. Thank you for welcoming me back. You are a wonder ful bunch of friends. God bless you all. Karl Marxhausesn The University of Minnesota is sponsoring low cost Charter Flights to London, Frankfurt or Amsterdam this summer. For more information contact the Flights and Study Tours Office, 345 Nebr. Union. Men? Looking for more than just a place to live? Bored with the dorm? Lonely in your apartment? Looking for a total learning experience? Willing to work a little to gain a lot? If the answer is yes, call Gregg or Bob at 474-1884 for an alter native solution to these prob lems. DAILY NEBRASKAN SUB SCRIPTION PRICE REDUC TION! ($1.00 off the regular semester price of $7.50) NOW ONLY $6.50. Fifty issues left. Great gift for your out-of-town parents, friends, alums, etc. Send check to 34 Nebras ka Union, 1400 R. St., 68588, TODAY! Childbirth Education Asso ciation. Lamaze classes for couples and single mothers. Call 435-W45. Get your order in now for your personalized pencils. Great idea for sororities and frater nities. THE NUTTSHELL GUNNY'S COMPLEX We Like you at 13th & Q The Dally Nebraskan maga zine section accepting fiction writing and poetry from students. Please send material along with name, address and phone number to the Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, Lincoln, Nebraska, 68508. WHAT REALLY HAP PENED TO THE CLASSES OF THE 60'S. Are you an older-than-average student lost in a sea of eighteen-year-old fresh men? Want to be with others of your breed? Come to Common place, 333 N. 14th, Wednesday, February, 1, 75 p.m. Gather ings twice monthly to talk, eat, folk dance, drink, think, and so on. Child care pro vided. Call Randy, 432-6561 for information. ASSE RT IVEN ESS TRAINING GROUP Would you like to commun-j Icate your thoughts and feelings more effectively with others? This group will help you to become more direct and honest while respecting the rights of otners. We will hold two groups: Wednesday's from 3 to 5 Dm & Thursday's from 3 to 5 pm, beginning the middle of February and meeting fore weeks. If you're interested, call the Counseling Center at 472 3461. CjK QUICK KEYS & ASSOCIATES Remember us for profession el typing of dissertations, thesis, termpapers, multiple individualized letters, corre spondence, typesetting and graphics design. 484-3305 HEED IIOtlEYP Let us help you with thosf after holiday bills. Be come a blood plasma donor, earn easily $65 a month. Call now for details. LINCOLN FLASIIA COR?. 2023 'O' St. 474-2335 Bring this ad for an extra $5 on your first donation. toko one presents: THE BIG SLEEP starring: Humphrey Bogart & Lauren Bacall. The classic mystery thriller with Bogey as Phillip Marlowe. Thursday, 7 and 9 p.m. Union Centennial Room Students $1 .50 General $2 GUITAR INSTRUCTION Private lessons by a qualified professional. Beginning or advanced 7.50per lesson. ZAGER STUDIO 483-2096 Want a break from the daily routine Of classes? Do you have special interests and ideas you'd like to share? Nebraska Free University is looking for you to teach or participate in spring classes. Beginning soon! Contact the ASUN office, 472-2581, 334 Union, or call 472-9157 by Feb. 1 . Ivnkvubnivnonkk m I I electronic cdajbtors MBA S tOM pciooa SR40 Z4.SS sn-5iii Bui Analyst 24.96 I I TI30SP 1T.SS 220 v Adapter t.M I Softor oftilaiaunry) far M,S... $26: an I PC-10QA paper 8.SS nse" 11-3 11-30 11-39 I $55.95 $94.95 $229.95! "Call or write tor Iraa catalog on Taxat" Iffwtrumant. HawNrtt-Pactiard and othara. Sand deck or none am (COO aM ti UC MM t6 I HUTCH CHMt gn Act tte Cma HoM Mm. Wmh Ptwm tp dtw AdO iiirSWfc wo Wi MASTM CfMM kttryUnifJ in km 1 in Ma U 'o wwWfteAcyiMftwranot sMCOUTf tmnam mi sue kwmmxi aWtM mmtmm an fewest aj zWaAfaatcH Calculator A I 14700 COBBLESTOR Dft. (SILVER SPUIIC, ND. 20904 a Phonta: (301)972-0066 or W-2P10M ABORTION INFORMATION BUREAU INC. Call us free. 1-800-523-5350 Non-profit Organization I DAILY NEBRASKAN AD! 472-2589 TUTORING Math 104, 106, 107, 208 also Fortran, PLI, and Assembler. Call Kent Brun zell, 477-1 376. Guitar lessons, 477-7785. Experienced typists- term papers, reports-will proof. Call 477 3242 or 477-1383. ; Guitar lessons by quali fied professional. Buethe Studio. 432-9662. GUITAR INSTRUCTION Contemporary acoustic, elec tric and bass guitar techniques, $5lesson. Call Dennis Taylor at GUITAR WORKSHOP 435-3997 Amateur radio club meet Thursday at 7:30 in the Union. Room will be posted. STUDENT ALUMNI BOARD. Join students working to pro mote cooperation and wareness among students, faculty and alumni. ;. , INTERVIEWS will be held Feb. 6th1 0th, 1978. Applications Available at Alumni House . 1520 R Street ' Lincoln, Nebraska 68588 402472-2841 . turn? & ffeunus Lost-A silver antique, ear ring shaped like a bee. Please call 472-8232. " oiiBHillHniimi COLLEGIATE RESEARCH PAPERS. Thousands on file'. All academic subjects. Send $1 for mail order catalog. Box 25918-2, Los Angeles, Calif. 90025.(213)477-8474. BILL WATROUS The world's finest Jazz trombonist with The Neoclassic Jazz Orchestra Wednesday February 1, 1978 8:00P.M. Lincoln East High School ; Auditorium 1000 South 70th Street Lincoln, Nebraska Tickets $3.75 Available at: Hospa Music Company ' Downtown and Gateway " Dirt Cheap Records And at the door the night of The Concert