The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 30, 1978, Page page 3, Image 3

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    monday, January 30, 1978
daily nebraskan
page 3
in our
Shades of swastikas are dissemi
nating from Lincoln.
Surprising isn't it?
We were sure the. days of goose
stepping, straight-arm salutes and
shouts of "Heil, Hitler" (for none
other than our friend Adolph) were
" They are
Pepperoni gets a pizza the hazard action
As you know, a Russian nuclear-power
ed satellite carrying 100 pounds of radio
active uranium fell out of the sky by mis-
out in meir piace is a . iae uveranaua me otner uay
more "acceptable," conservative
approach. And. from, the conservative.'
heart of the nation comes the
National Socialist Report.
It is evident that the "wisdom"
espoused by the Nazis of World
War II did not die.
The main doctrine of the Nazi
Party -white supremacy-is alive and
well. "Well" may be a bad word, but
it is true that it is alive.
And to add to the intrigue, the
Ku Klux Klan's state recruiting
officer filed for the state Legisla
ture Saturday. Herschel Nelson, 31,
of Omaha filed for the 14th District
seat held by Sen. Tom Fitzgerald.
It seems like something from the
pages of a novel to hear that these
things are happening within 60
miles of the university.
But it is not novel.
When Gerhard Lauck calls Lin
coln an "ideal" publication site for
the NS Report, and a member of the
Ku Klux Klan' is running for Legis
lature, we should become concerned.
And when headlines coming from
Lincoln say "WHITE POWER!" and
are concerned.
But the democracy in the United
States affords everyone the right to
say, do and follow whatever . he
believes' .
Tf' allnws fintri 1 Ahnke. nairrnw. '
minded citizens to co-exist with ;
broad-minded citizens, although not
always peacefully .
x What everyone believes is his own
But, sometimes, when it is so neaf,
-itbecomes frightening. ?
Actually ,our scientists knew more than
..two weeks ago that the solid little fellow,
' Was losing altitude and was about td fall
t down.
A week later, the thing fell down. But .
it all ended happily because everybody
-concerned remembered to tell everybody
concerned to look out for 100 pounds of
radioactive uranium falling out of the sky.
' . :, '
Everybody told .everybody, that is, ex
cept us. - 'IT.
" I'm sure the" reason our government neg
lected to tell us was that it didn't Want to
worry us.
"Good evening, my fellow Americans.
I do ndt wish to alarm you in any way. But
I feel it is my duty as your president to
- pu t -before you -trie "facts at my disposal.
'Two Weeks ago ? our astronomers
picked tip a strange object heading pur way
from the Andromeda; Galaxy. Initially,
they informed me that it would miss our
planet by several million miles.
. "1 will not bore you at this point with a
detailed explanation of$heir mathematical
Suffice it to say they
"But I'm happy to say that the object
has now been identified as nothing but a
common, ordinary pepperoni pizza. And I
know I speak for every , American when
I say I love pizza and pepperoni is one of
my favorites.
j"I should perhaps add a i note of
caution: It is a large pizza.' As a matter of
factxnir scientists now estimate. iUs large
Pnmipfl tn hiirv tllA rnntinontol JlntioA
States under a layer of hot marinara Sauce
. 20 feet thick, which it should do in -let
me see-1 2 seconds.
"I only wish there had been room for
alt of you here at our Antarctic White
House. Meanwhile, good-bye, good luck
and please don't worry."
Copyright 1978, Chronicle Publishing Co.
Since the dawn of history, our leaders
have gone to every extreme not to worry
us followers. If there's anything that makes
leaders uneasy, it's a .-pack of worried
"What's a little rumble?" as the Mayor
of Pompeii said in 79 A.D. "Who's afraid
of a bunch of barbarians?" to quote the
last Roman emperor four centuries later.
Or, as the captain of the Titanic put it
so Well, "Don't worry ladies and gentle
men, we're merely stopping to take on
ice." . , , ' ...
Nothing worries me mpre than this
solicitousness on the part of our leaders
for' my peace of mimL In fact, I haven't
'had 1l moment's peace'c)f mind sfacVttiat
satellite missed me. What worries me is
what the hell else is heading my way from
up there that they also haven't told me
In the darker passages of the night,
y have gone solar as to envision our pre
sident's Farewell Address on network
A -:: .V'iT '1 . .i:f."V- K 'X.r. - If 9,-. 1
mt) ft amcttuer fine. W& Moo'vifc (rttuu m mo y s
Laziness, apathy d
I think it is time to evalute. Take a look
at yourself and your education . And then '
try to figure out exactly what is going on.
Do you remember back in high school
when some nameless teacher lectured you
on responsibility and duty? " . ,
Well, let me help you'clear out some of '
the dust and cobwebs on those memories
by relating the state of affairs as they
appear on this campus. ,v
o not pay on; students need initiative
around and attending rneetings concerning
. fees allocation that I realized they weren't
as big as I thought. ,
" In . fact, I was amazed at 'the small
going .to classes and socializing over a few V Which in turn' led to what?. An apathetic '
? There is also an inherent responsibility ' "'r' V-'JL'V 7 V ,;
that comes with being a student; to have a . t !?; uy. T: r ? T o
. . .... ..." -'," fint ; i that frti" h ! tint fmw . in v3r
T i V" --vu,. particularily.when t involves money alio- v Yy ! 1 : V "Tuw vt y ,
"There is also much cross-participation
from one organization to' the next. Some
times one person leads two committees
or groups. ,.v, . ,,: s"
cated from what- each one of us pays out;
for tuition and tees.
In this world, . and specifically on this
campus,' it has become much easier for an ,
.But that was not all thfi .surprised me.- arbitrary and sloppy decisions. .f ;
The main problem ASUN has is that of v rr .
getting , the message out that something ' It scares me and I am growing tired of
crucial "in' thie learning process ' OA 'this- ., this process. ; ; - c . ; -
campus is about to be taken away. ; :; - ';'If :yw' 'dont': "begin . .while-to .-'the"
But wait-4ts been in all the papers and 7 university when chances for involvement
.. . . '.- 11 . -- ; .V A IV Vl i. .t . .....a. i 1 'a .
ldiiy ncu. - - , with thlmmMtirat mntiWinn pkpwfipm - uill K minimal v.;0 Care IO near.
page dunngv :"T : rZ-LKi. --rr r ri - . ; " r " -you can say it with
re they have - :;poxsa ai roc ronw uimauy . , - .: ,; ,; - iherc is. a huge number of people who knowledge to back your
dnnV care of can't hfr -.-are creative and talented but who are not- . - - ,..:.-..',
If anyone who reads the '
raskan, or has read even one
the oast two weeks, chances ai
heard about all the problems and crises'-' . People simply
.that the MI Board of Regents and ASUN motivated a to become, knowledgeable . on becoming involved. ;
have had concerning - fees allocation.;;
1 aim hot going to relate the' whole
the issues, much less take, a stand, they
-said. ;. -. : - -
disgusting ' debate to you, because it has
occupied way too much space anyway;,
And besides, . If - you're that interested, :
you Ve probably been keeping t rack of the
events as they developed anyway. , ;u- , : ,
I realize that IVe lost about one-fourth ; ,
of the people who actually began reading , . , J
people who have made it this far that I'm
interested In anyway. Hease bear with me,
grit your teeth and read on ' . . "
I told myself that I wouldn't become
involved with the politicking that goes on .
around the - campus. My reasons : were
many; one being laziness, but most beiijg
unfounded when I analyzed them. - -
The vastness of the organizations and
idie multitude of people intimidated me.
But it was aoly until I -started snooping .
.People, - you' had better start
now or youll be swept along with the rest
" of humanity as a result of decisions made
-,by a few.? ji- r.i
'' . I wondered about it often, and it seems
obvious that a change, from the. radical
h fast-moving 60s has manifested itself in a
. ho-hura 70s. - " :
. Time was that , only the jocks were in
; volyed. This changed and led into the
social; intellectual or: economic group to
get involved in student; government and
organizations.- V; v. v v .
f : ';If only to be aware of the issues there
are ' inherent responsibilities to ; being a
student. I think this is one of the crucial .
bnes.'v';V. c, . -.' " .
- ' - -
; . Let's try to kill the apathy that is ram
pant in our classrooms and the ignorance
that seems to feed upon itself. Jhen, when
the moment arises 'hen someone really
what you have to say,"
the confidence and
.?;lhere , are " a multitude v 01 . activities
-and organizations on pur campus, d? .der
ate for membership for anyone wishing to
contribute and to learn. , ' t ' ;
Only by. taking the initiative and ty
caring is anyone ever going to re!y is
-a - t.- -
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