ndaily monday January 30, 1978 vol.101 no. 66 lincoln, nebraska Nazi editor spreads doctrine from Lincoln By Joe Starita Copyright 1978, Daily Nebraskan A front-page article, proclaims: "WHITE POWER! RACIAL PURITY ISNAMERICAS SECURITY!" A front-page advertisement reads: "HITLER WAS THE GREATEST MAN WHO EVER LIVED!!!" Mail-order forms for World War II German marching music, swastika posters and armbands and U.S. Army special forces training manuals entitle 'incendiaries," "Boobytraps" and "Unconventional Warefare JDevices" are on the newspaper's inside pages. The newspaper, the National Socialist Report, is the , official publication of the American Nazi Party. Published monthly m Lincoln, the National Socialist Report is distributed to party members throught the United States and to affiliate party members in more than 30 countries. In an interview last week, the editor of the National Socialist Report called Lincoln an "ideal" publication site. He said the American Nazi Party draws support from all segments of society, "including about a half-dozen UNL professors," in an effort to avoid violence and establish white supremist rule in the United States through electoral means. Gerhard Lauck, 24, a former UNL student, said he has been editor of the NS Report since the first issue was published in spring 1975. . S :?ef are legal corporate entity in Lincoln," Lauck said, "arid' find it an ideal, place to publish the paper because you can avoid the harassment of a big-city police force. "The Lincoln police do not harass us here, although the FBI has investigated us many times. There is no tradi tion for repressive police activities in Lincoln, and we're not dang.anything here to incite the citizenry." The citizens of Lincoln are not being actively recruited Lauck said, because Lincoln's sole responsibility is to publish the American Nazi Party Newspapers. 'That's not to say there are. no party supporters in W 0 -li ' x Lincoln," Lauck said.' "Some students have become active after seeing our paper; and I would say about a half-dozen UNL professors are actively supporting the American Nazi Party." . If a UNL professor chooses to support the American Nazi Party as a private citizen, it is none of the univer sity's business, according to Ned Hedges, vice chancellor for academic affairs. "Only if a professor tried tc impose his beliefs-any beliefs-upon students in the classroom we would want to take some kind of action' Hedges said. "Otherwise,. it's a free country. That's what a democracy is all about." As long as the United States remains a democracy, Lauck said, the American Nazi Party will work peace fully within the system to come to power, Lauck said the party believes it can come to power by building ground support within white neighborhoods in large American cities, then using a grassroots foundation of white voters to capture the city, state and national elections. "For instance," Lauck said, "we've had 4,000 white people marching behind Nazi banners in Chicago's South Side protesting the takeover of their neighborhoods by blacks. "These are hard-working white people- riiany Sf whom are immigrants from all over Western Europe, who came -to this country looking for a better life. . ;. ': 'They are tired of having their neighborhoods stolen, - their jobs taken, their women raped and their children doped up by blacks. - ' - "It is in situations like this that the National Socialist "Party lias tremendous potential." v Potential, Lauck adds; translates into votes for the Nazi Party.. . ' . . "In the- fall . of 1 977, we, had a .White .Power' Party., candidate running .for mayor. of. Houston; Texas," Lauck r, -';ln February 1975, we had a candidate running for. s- city alderman in Chicago. He got ever 16 percent. V "Five years' before Hitler came to power he wasn't ; ' doing that wellIf we are allowed the . chance, we can f;come Jo power here by electoral means." "" . "V; If the U.S. government denies the party, the poliuV--rrS" means to come to powers Lauck said, Nazis wcuiu resort to violent means" (o achieve their goals. ,-f . We cannot permit a situation tojjevclop here. like the . one wiucfr-ftusis, in West Germany today," Lauck-said. "In -West Germany,' it illegal to belong to the National' : Socialist Party; it is illegal to sing the Nazi anthem or to ; ; show a swastika in public.'' ' " Lauck said selected assassinations and bombings would 7 . occur if the American Nazi Party was outlawed. "If any of our. officers were framed for crimes they did not commit in order to silence them, those responsible . . would be wasted (murdered)," he said. r Vr -' "We would, never resort to random bombings that could harm innocent people, but selectively would elimi nate those who stand in the way. v;. j r Photo by Bob Ptarson Gerhard Lauck, 24, former UNL student, edits the National Socialist Report the official publication of the American Nazi Party. Fees board gives $900 to NUPIRG By Paula Dittrick The Fees Allocation Board Friday agreed to allocate $900 to the Nebraska University Public Interest Research Group and gave itself $800 for office expenses. FAB cut $1,265 out of NUPIRG's $2,165 request. With the $200 allocated to NUPIRG last week, NUPIRG has received $1,100 from the FAB contingency fund. After Fridays allocation the FAB contingency fund totals $3,781. That money comes from the recall of all unspent student fees from student organizations with a year-end balance of more than $50. . v NUPIRQ Student Director Don Macke said NUPIRG needs the money to support its operations through May. Calling the request "a grass roots budget, he said NUPIRG will turn to ASUN for more money. FAB Chairman Nate. Eckloff said he is pleased NU?IRG received some money, but he is "glad that we didn't give them the full amount. "Maybe the mood of this board will be to keep funds down, said Eckloff.,He said he hopes the board can keep a minimal budget "without cutting back any student services. ' - ... .'Wi," Eckloff said the organizers of Engineering Week have asked to present a request for some contingency fund funding or last resort money-from the FAB fund for the remainder of this year, Eckloff said. - : y Macke predicted NUPIRG wiU return to rAo witft a i: "A judge ruling in favor of busing white students to black schools, for instance, would be a selected target. We would use . assassinations and bombings on all race traitors. rj - . : v . . ; . . . : Race traitors, Lauck explained, are those who support Jewish people and blacks. ......;.:.-. , ;,"We believe whites are. racially superior to all other races, Lauck said. "It's a historical fact that the great civilizations of the world have all been built by whites. Nmety-rune-rwint-ninety-nine percent jof aU-progress in Macke. said NUPIRG's financial needs include money .for resource materials and project funding. He said he has been unsuccessful securing financing for an energy, semi nar NUPIRG wants to sponsor on the UNL campus Feb. 14 and 15. - . ., - " - ' ; , r ; i , .; :v - v- T : : Concerning Macke's proposal to associate NUPIRG with ASUH, ASUN President Greg Johnson said he expects ASUN could finance NUPIRG programs that serve a majority of students.-.: v. - v . Johnson said he knew of ho, plans tdyuse money -. in the miscellaneous student service account.-He said he would not favor using it to fund NUPIRGs general, operating expenses. "I think there would be "problems with-NUPIRG money at the next FAB meeting. He said the Graduate becoming an arm of ASUN. That would mean' NUrlRG Student Association also may ask for contingency money. wapart of the government body. I don't think NUPIRG: wants mat and I don't mink ASUN wants that," Johnson Any student organization may request emergency said, ,' -7 . " V . f v- "much. bigger! budget request for the next fiscal year, .) the history of this planet has been made by wliites.' "Une ot these days maybe tneyn tAH) realize we re : $aid contributions to civilization by Jewish not a social organization," he said. He complained the people "have been negative" and that "blacks simply NUPIRG is categorized, with special interest andathletic . , . cannot function in a white industrial society.' groups... - - - - -,;r ;Tiv:7-- rrrvri-i-::-- .V-, Lauck added that "eliminating blacks would eliminate . He said hirorganization serves most students He has; v America's financial problems" and "urtroyin the proposed association with ASUN. . ! " .- - ' v: Jewish power base would dlow this eovemr;;:.".t to adopt .'"-'a more favorable foreign policy toward Arbs sni their Continued on pcr;e 2. MUM Mum's the. word: . UNL administrators heed - regents' hush policy ; .page 4 TheyVe comea lon way, baby: Times are .'ahangin for UNL freshmen : page 5 Pershing Auditorium ideal for rock concerts, .' but. . .: Royal Wirmepeg Ballet tiptoes around unruly kids and popcorn munchers. 1 i i A fa- i 4