The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 19, 1978, Page page 11, Image 11
thursday, january 19, 1978 daily nebraskan V Jl 11 11 71 V W .. : 1' ifeJ ECEIVERS AmeirSca, you make great sacrifices very day. You say "no" to dessert and take up jogging to stay in better health. That's a sacrifice. You stand out in the rain and snow so you can catch the bus to work and save energy. That's a sacrifice. Well, at TEAM Electronics, we think it's about time someone made some sacrifices for you. So all this week we're making Great Sacrifices on all kinds of name brand audio equipment. r . So, America, come to the Great Sacri fices Sale rjghtioow akIEAM Electronics. 4 ivfiyfoyv i4 Sansui 551 reg. $259.95 . . . . now $159 16 watts per qhannel Sansui G-3000 reg. $279.95 . v now $239 26 watts per channel Rotel RX-603 reg. $399.95 . .now $319 50 watts per channel Rotel RX-803 reg. $499.95 . now $399 75 watts per channel Pioneer SX50 reg . $324.95 now $269 . l 35 watts per channel Pioneer SX-750 reg. $424.95 . .now $329 50 watts per channel Pioneer SX-850 reg. $549.95 . now $399 65 watts per channel Technics SA-51 70 reg. $229.95 . . ... now $169 , ' 25 watts per channel Technics SA5570reg. $499.95 now $395 85 watts per channel ? fl SPEMECEISS I it. Kenwood KA-3500reg. $169.95 now $129 40 watts per channel Kenwood KA-7100 reg. $299.95 now $239 60 watts per channel Rotel RA-712 reg. $239.95 now $159 40 watts per channel Rotel RA-812 reg. $369.96 now $199 45 watts per channel Rotel RA-913 reg. $379.95 now $299 60 watts per channel Sansui AV-71 7 reg. $449 .95 now $369 85 watts per channel 4 s i ? i i ItUQt Technics SB -5000 reg. $169.95 Technics SB-7000 reg. $399.95 Pioneer HPM-100 reg. $299.95 Altec Model Nine reg. $329.95 Bose 601 reg. $279.95 , Bose301 reg. $219.90 . . . . . ,now $129 ea. Linear Phase 10" 2-way . . . . . ... .now $279 ea. Linear Phase 15" 2-way , . , now $199 ea. 12'4-way .now $199 ea. 12"3-way now $249 ea. DirectReflecting 2-way . . . .now $189 pr. DirectReflecting Bookshelf C3 (0) TUMTABLE (1- Lf fl TAPE DECK! Pioneer CT-F1000 reg. $599.95 now $489.95 Pioneer CT-F8282 reg. $425 now $369 Atlantis CD-712 reg. $199.95 , . . . .now $169 Technics RS-6300S reg. $249.95 , . . .now $199 Pioneer RT-707 Auto Reverse reg. $575 now $479 Teac A-3300SX: 10" reg. $899.95. . . . . . . . . .now $699 ALL BLANK TAPES 25 OFF L -LUl Pioneer PLMt 2D reg $99.95 . . Pioneer PL-115D reg. $125 . . . . , , now $79 Manual BeU-Driv ......... now $99 Auto-Return Belt-Drive Technics SL-1950 reg. $199.95 , , . ...... Vnovw1,69 Multiple Play Direct Drive Technics SL-1900 reg. $179.95. nowi1.69 Fully Automatic Direct-Drive BSR 2630 W reg. $99.95 f . . BSR Quanta 450 reg. $109.95 . -J V e CAR STEREOS & SPEAKERS 10 KP-600 Pioneer Supertuner $139.95 Jensen Coaxlals now $38.83 pr. ' Jensen Trlaxials now $68.83 pr. - 40 OFF oanSSSies Limified S Sals ends Sa. Jan. BE