The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 18, 1978, Page page 11, Image 11
Wednesday, january 18, 1978 daily nebraskan page 1 1 Legislative bills' path traced from idea to law To insure that citizens can express their opinion on proposed laws that affect them, each bill before the Nebraska Legislature goes through several stages of debate and review. First, a senator, or one of the com mittees, introduces a bill. The idea can come from anyone, a senator, the gover nor, private citizens, corporations or associations. The bill sponsor submits it to the bill drafter who writes the bill in the proper legal form. The Clerk of the Legislature assigns the bill a number, and reads it during a legislative session. The bill then is referred to a committee permanently established by the Legisla ture, called a standing committee, which schedules a public hearing. Copies of the bill arg made available to the public. After a public hearing, committees can either indefinitely postpone (kill) a bill or place it on general file. A bill indefinitely postponed in committee can be placed on general file by a majority vote of the Leg islature taken within three days of the committee report. After three days a two thirds vote is required. Bills on general file are considered by the entire Legis lature. When a bill on general file is scheduled for debate, amendments are considered, and the bill is debated. A fiscal note is prepared for all bills which the fiscal analyst determines could cost more than $5,000. An appropriation, or "A" bill, is pre pared for every bill proposing more than $50,000 in expenditures. All bills must receive vote (25) before it is advanced to the next step. The bill can advance to select file, the second stage of debate, after review by E and R. The Legislature considers additional amendments after E and R-amendments are considered. Amendments can be adopted by a majority vote. - At this stage, the bill can be referred to committee or general file, indefinitely postponed or advanced to E and R for engrossment, or legal documentation. If the bill is advanced to engrossment, all amendments are incorporated into the bill for final reading. After engrossment, bills may be amended only by returning to select file. This requires a majority vote. A bill on final reading requires a major ity vote to send it to the governor for approval. A bill wth an emergency clause, which becomes effective with the gover nor's signature, requires a two-thirds vote (33). After engrossment, bills may be amended only be returning to select file. This requires a majority vote. If the governor does not sign or veto a bill within five days, excluding Sunday, the If the Legislature gives first-round bill becomes law without his signature, approval to a bill, it is advanced to enroll- The Legislature may oweride a veto with a ment and review (E and R). E and R cor- vote of three-fifths of the members (30). rects technical errors in the bill, but Information courtesy Unicameral Informational Service. cannot change the bill's meaning. Audio Systems & Design invites you to stop in, have some refreshments and see what's new from Audio Research. VMM 2 fiifi) a feffin) Here's an exciting opportunity to meet and talk with a man who's a leader in the audio industry - Bill Johnson, President of Audio Research. See and listen to many new products from Audio Research ... ask questions ... relax ... and enjoy learning about some of the finest audio components manufactured today. Audio Systems & Design Audio Research Open House, January I9,v1978, from 2 p.m. until 8 p.m. '1' to SV5IEK3 a cee:::i. u Lincoln 5421 South 84th Street 423-8733 f i IFIF1L Iv3 .Complete line of rings, yarns, instruction books. CHECK US OUT Art Supplies Decoupage Macrame Beads latch Hook Needlecraft Undr nw ownership fPAFT 'M mum 14140' Downtown We've very carefully condensed 13 floors of bankers into II smiling f fxtccs We think people build a better bank than bricks. That's why the bankers at Cornhusker Bank are trained to understand you and all of your banking needs. When you've a banking problem, personal or business, we want you to come into our bank and sit down with any one of our bankers for profes sional assistance. No floor-to-floor shuffle to a dif ferent department and new banker for your every need. Cornhusker Bank. We can't give you an ele vator ride, but we can give you the services you need from a banker you'll know. rm v iv rx w n P w J jfKrm 1 m gl tit JEANS MEMBER F.D.I.C. "the little bank that's good for your 2834 No. Mill Belmont Plaza I3QONo.27lh