il monday, december 12, 1977 daily nebraskan page 9 f ocoa P.S. IMPORTS, LTD 1st ANNIVERSARY SAI! Just in time for Holiday Savings Get Special Prices on Very Special Gifts. Teakwood, Porcelain; Bronzeware, Jeweliy, Clothing from Thailand-& China Lower Level, Gunnys Building ion i oc vue Hcf -yolo rJSEC'S SHOE BOUTipUEf f v (A v y wl 7 lift fn Army ROTC pays you $100 a month during your last two years of college. But the money, handy as it is, isn't the real reason you should enroll in ROTC, There is a bigger payoff. The one that comes after you've earned your degree and commission. After you've served your country as an officer. That's the time you'll know the real value of Army ROT. ivMrin vnnr civilian career. You 11 find you have the combination that just about guarantees i inn n il-t ..wJr success a cood P education, fine tuned Mr- jifi with' military management and experience. Let us tell you about the options. , ... .. f For Information ca II: Pnntnin Jim Nixdorf f Room 110. M&NDIda. 472-24C0 ALSO A CPV film only the French could make! If n fellScDfisi Starring MARY MENOEM BEATRICE HARNOIS A Quality Adult Film (x) MATURE PICTURES CORP RElEASI starring Jean Roche Beatrice Harnois Mary Mend em Continuous shows from 11 am Late show FrUSat Must be 13 Have I.D. 1730 "O" Sr. 432-6042 A JLA Jhu mi ii' Unique Christmas Ideas uso 1 Itare.Schchik Upper Level OpanS-S.tfcmtay uwwu i ma TV35 R 432-Oltt lie piiteii I'itli a Dodge von from Do Brown Leasing, Inc. Tf3 Cvir2w3 $lJ tiilii fTjSjti txtvtnl Cvifi!jini $3 IssJ cp . fid t:b eft! Of wrj kll 15 f crJ fts rsnf:l f:r 4 4t,i (UDO rn:i fcis!4 b sl alO.OO. fcl fciy! 1 I J ll V 7 VV W j'uNCOLN NtBWASKA 68S08 LEASING, INC. I EASING i TELEPHONE 4024?77a3