The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 08, 1977, Page page 12, Image 12
pag3 1? thursday, december 8, 1977 daily nebraskan Goyt 12-ttring guitar. $75 or bett offer. Call 475-2367 after 5 p.m. IBM electric typewriter, like new. Bert offer. 477-2946. Lowa hiking boot! size 1 1 J4. Good condition. See and make offer. Call 472-9890. For Sale: Ski car rack, couch in excellent condition. Color console TV. Works perfectly. Call 467-4220 after 5 p.m. For Sale: Sofa and chair. CHEAP. 477-0907, days. 477 4727 evenings. Must sell new & unique hand-crafted gift items from lndia-489-2251. If no answer call evenings. FOR SALE Golf Balls: Flying Lady, Spald ing, Royal Edge, Spalding Dot. etc. $5-$10dozen. Pro Shu Golf Shoes: Women-$20pair. Men $29. 50-$46.50 value, $10 off pair. Gold Clubs-Bags: at cost. Call 477-5160 after 5 p.m. BEDDING CLOSEOUT Will liquidate full truck load of nationally advertised bedding. Will sell as complete sets inclu ding mattress and bos founda tion. Twin size $59.95, full size $69.96, and queen $89.95. Terms okay. Open to public 11 AM to 8 PM daily. Freight Sales Co., 226 S.' 9, Lincoln. Open Sunday. WAREHOUSES IN NEBR. & IOWA. RE-CHRIOTAS SrllJE Thata bill bihh, 1907 "0' St. Stera hsurs: 10 - 9 10 -6 Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS IW3 f -X 72 Defective 73 Christmastide 1 128 cu. ft. of wood 5 Fabulizers 1 On in years Jai follower Put out Flutter 2 3 14 IS II 17 4 5 Anxiety that touch liquor,. . . " IS Zoo denizen 21 Imam's bailiwick Aldrich's "Story of Boy" 23 Misdo' 24 The Middies 2S 28 Arabic letter Fin (decadent) 32 Wading birds IS Orchestra member. 31 Relative of etc 33 Waldorf, e.g. 4t Electrical unit 41 Gluts 43 Adhesive 44 Conclude it Mystical mark 47 Particle of dust 43 Alpine serenade 51 Demonstrated, as strikers 52 Pitcher S4 Lunchtime 53 Double agent 3 Niche object ft Passable f t Anticipate f 7 Go by plane 3 "Loverly" look 3 Untamed 73 Inveigh 71 Annoyingly slow DINETTE SETS LIQUIDATION Just received truck load of manufacturer's closeout of brand new dinette sets In several styles. Have 12 real nice 5 pice sets for only $59.95 or terms. Open to public 11 AM to 8 PM daily. Freight Sates Co., 226 S. 9, Lincoln. Open Sunday. WAREHOUSES IN NEBR. & IOWA. Must sell: Registered 1 year old male afghan. Apricot and cream color. Has obedience training. $225, offers consider ed. 474-3283. Mixed firewood. $40cord, $50cord delivered. Call 435 5764, 472-8173 or 797-5355. , Alvarez 12 string guitar, per fect condition, 6 mo. old; good case, cost $240, will sell for $175,472-9617. CB RADIO CLOSEOUT Just received large quantity of unclaimed CB. Radios. These are 23 channel truck mounted antennas only $10.95. Open to public 11 AM to 8 PM daily. Freight Sales Co., 226 S. P, Lincoln. Open Sunday. WARE HOUSES IN NEBR. & IOWA. (ten cunt 32nd & Vine area, furnished apartment, remodeled, carpet, shower; 466-0928 or 466-0500. - v I pdsstel, tea, s-jfnK 1 1 i j7 """""" """ J" i crossword puzzle 13 Antelope's playmate II Juan's goodbye 21 Wield 25 Wedding locale 27 Piecemeal 23 Peace symbol 21 Hard wood 39 Italian coin 31 Go through, as food ' 33 Apportion 34 Cook in a bit of fat 37 "Pravda" founder: 1912 31 Achievement 42 Next DOWN Unflappable Salmagundi Knocks Permits. British style f Like: Suffix 7 Where the Ob flows 8 Cugat's forte t Flower features II Wheat feature 11 Look 12 At any time i p p p rp p I? p p i iio lit u lis uT """" """" 25" " hi if - - t ' argOTii--aatieig.-l.'T ileal m mmm mm m yJ&MMr jjinym., mmm., -mmm "r 2fl 29 30 3f 32 3) 14 "" """"" """" 'iT W ST 40 41 " " 42" ' 4j" "" """"" " 44 """" 44 """""" T """"" " """"" T " ji3 """"" "" 4"" " ,j0 "" T """" """" """"" i I I 11 JT ' """" """" """" """"" k" """""" jt. - ,-5 ; Immediately south of Wesleyan Campus at 51st and Huntington. Large 4 bedroom house. Small family or up to 4 students. Range, refrigerator, dishwasher, central air. $300 to $340 utilities. Available. 474 '4714 or 432-0368. 534 F No. 2-Furnished, econ omical, 1 bedroom apartment with appliances. All utilities paid $125mo. plus deposit. Mary Marshall 4674724. Gate way Realty 489-0745. Available Jan. 1 Spacious 2 bedroom unfurnished, near East Campus, cable TV, off street parking. $195mo. utilities, no pets, 467-2952. 3 bedroom close to campus, garage, air, very nice inside. 2272 Y' St. $200 deposit. 435-0168. Townhouse, 1 Or 2 bedroom apartments, and efficiencies. Furnished and unfurnished from $100 up. Call Teri Harris, 435 3626; Bill Davey 389-7888 Available Dec. 22. Wood shire Manor. 2 bedroom apart ment $200 . 423-0835. Off street parking. bedroom unfurnished to East apartment, close Campus, laundry, off street parking, no pets, $205 utilit ies. Call 464-0412. 1948 'Q' St. Available now. Efficiency, air, appliances, bed, carpet, drapes, garage, no pets. $140mo. 475-6523 and 466 1933. FIVE-bedroom house six blocks from stadium; fully furnished with beds, desks, washer, dryer, shower, parking, large kitchen, two bathrooms, refrigerator-freezer. 477-5049 7-1 1 p.m. 1534 So. 21st. Unfurnished large 1 bedroom. Lots of windows. All utilities paid. $140 mo. deposit. CANDLETREE APARTMENTS 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, pool, tennis courts. 40th & Hwy. 2 423-8728. 1, 2, & 3 bedroom spacious apartments. Bus service, club house, weight lifting equipment, jogging trail, tennis court and much more. Call ' 423-5243. 45 Lapwing 43 Batted first $1 Cole Porter musical, "Hitchy. S3 Spur feature SS Dish out messily SS Comics character 57 Egg feature SS Zhivago's love f 1 Swain 12 Seed coat S3 An also-ran in '76 C3 Essential if Green 1836 H. 1 bedroom, recently remodeled, shag, no pets,' $155mo. plus gas. House For Rent 324 S. 46th. Large 3 bed room with basement and dormer. Recently remod eled. No children. No pets. $275mo. & utilities. 1720 "C". Urge one bedroom, recently remod eled, laundry, off street parking, no pets. $175 lights, Call 4-6pm weekdays, before 2pm weekends, 488 4313. 1330 H Furnished effic iency. Deposit, cooking gas, electricity and $125mo. 474 2437. 4 bedrooms between campuses. Paneled, carpeted petless. 489-9872. $195mo. KING'S FOOD HOST 7010 'O' St. 464-3145 Need full time and part-time waitresses and line cooks. Con tact Terry Linglofs. Part time P.E. receptionist. 2 evenings a week (4:30-9 p.m.) and Saturday. Train now. Offici ally starts Jan. 9 or 16. Apply in person, YWCA, 1432 'N St. Applications being taken for full or part time managerial position. Some typing required, must be bondable. Call Doris from 2-4 p.m. Monday thru Fri day 432-7571, Cooper Theatres. Science graduate student with high MCAT scores to tutor part time. Excellent pay; call collect 402-3974042, between 10a.m.-2p.m.M-F. Familiar with East Campus? Would you like a part time job that pays you salary plus com mission? The Daily Nebraskan will be establishing an office on East Campus and needs some one to operate the classified ad dept. If you have about 20 hours of free time a week and are in advertising, apply at room 34, Nebr, Union. Wanted-Male dancer for short engagement on New Year's Eve. For details call Nancy 475-3965. Wanted: Harmony vocalist, may be helpful if plays instru ment, Call 464-3928 between 3-8 pjn. ROOMMATE WANTED Person to share 2 BR apt. by Jan. 1 , $87.50 per month-deposit, no utilities. 432-9756, eves.' except Monday. Female roommate wanted Nicely furnished apartment, close to campus. Call 474-6332, evenings only. Female roommate; 10th & B. $70 electricity, 47M436 after 5 p.m. Wanted: Female roommate to share main floor of house.' Call 474-6591. Need 2 male roommates in 3 bedroom apt. $50mo. electri city. Begin Jan. 489-4457. Wanted: Male roommate to share two bedroom apartment, second semester. Call 435-7008 afterS. Responsible male needed to share newly furnished apt. Cable, close to campus. $90. 2532 Vine, No. 7. 474-6432. mmmm The winner of the ' want a date with Gordon for Xmes essay contest it Julie L. Call her at 472C613 and find out how she won. Horny, Your precious little radiator wishes you a Happy Birthdayl Needed: Elusive and thorough assassin to knock off our roomies possesive, ugly plant. Contract negotiable. Call 467-3479 ask for J., K., or N., but not CI Erica. Have a good and wonderful day. Love, Always, Nghiep Juan, Yes I am for real I Drinks are on mel When are you available? Quincy Jo Ann: It took 5 years, and 3 majors, but you made it, now you can put B.A. after your name. It's been fun, congratulations. It took us 6 years, but we made it, in June you can put .Mrs. before your new name. I love you. CONGRATULATIONS DSH Will the person who called a certain room on Selleck 5200 Sunday night for 45 minutes straight please call back? We're home and we'd love to talk to you I J.B. Congrats on your new job. It is true our first meeting is at BJ's? MJP andBL Jay, From chrmn. of T T of VEEP of Ftl, what a move. When can we join you? Congrats. From the "Committee" PLA-MOR BALLROOM 6600 West 'O' Ballroom Dancing to Big Ban Music Beginning 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Live Polka Music 6-10 p.m. Birthright offers free pregn ancy tests, confidential under standing help. 477-8021 . Need help, but want to help yourself? Find yourself through group living. CORNHUSKER COED COOPERATIVE $480 semester. 705 N. 23rd. 475 6796. Ask for House Office after 5 p.m. Fearsome, Happy Birthday. YouVe made my life fantastic! You are the one. Duck Hunter Take a study break by eat ing at Lums. See todays paper for tremendous coupon savings. Looking for an alternative to dorms, frats, apartments? Pioneer House offers indepen dent living in a homey atmos phere right here on campus. No parking problems. We have several openings for next semester. Please call 474-9015. Hey Krazy Kayakerl "Nov. 8" Who ever thought blind date could be this good. The Kansas City Lady POT SALE: Annual Christ mas pottery and plant sale. Fri day, Dec. 9. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Woods Art Bldg. UNL. NUCLEAR PROLIFERA TION and PEACE. Can wa have both? Come strategize on dis armament concerns with Kaye Yoder, veteran of 77 Japan Peace Walk, and Nebraskans for Peace Thursday, 7:30 p.m. at Commonplace, 333 N. 14th. Applications for Daily Ne braskan new, editor, managing editor, and associate news editors are due in the Daily Ne braskan office, Nebraska Union, 34 by 5 p.m. Sunday, Applica tions for night news editor and photo chief are due at the same time. Whoever stole the blue coat at Selleck 1130: Keep the coat, keep the calculator, just drop the keys off at the Selleck Oesk. Please I SKI WINTER PARK. 4 days lift tickets, 3 nights lodging, trans portation and insurance. $141 March 23-28. For more Infor-' ma?tion North Cast YMCA-464-7481, Have you bought a Greak Yearbook yet? Chances are your picture will be In it I If you live in dorm and would like to become involved with Uncle Sam's, be an Uncle formation. Thursday, Dec. 8-Sigma Phi Epsilon and Little Sisters-ALL UNIVERSITY ARM WREST-LER-above Horsefeathers. En try fee is $1 for contestants. All welcome $1.50 cover for all beer you can consume. Sign up & weigh in 7:30-8:30 p.m. Begins 9 p.m. 3 weight classes. Test during dead week? If so, your instructor is violating University Dead Week Policy (if consent of class is not unani mous). Confidential complaints filed in the ASUN office, rm. 334 Nebr. Union, will be in sured of a follow-up. Looking for something special? Get your order in now for personalized pencils. $1.25 per dozen. Yes, we can print CB handles. THE NUTSHELL GUNNY'S BLDG 13th & Q Childborth Education Assoc. Lamaze claases for couples and single mothers. Call 435-4045. GUiLTAR INSTRUCTION Limited number of time slots open for the winter schedule. $7.50 hour for private lesson. ZAGER STUDIO 483-2096 YOUR CAMPUS WATCH MAKER Dicks Watch Service Repair ALL makes Seiko-Timex-Bulova, etc. watch batteries, watch bands, where your watch meets a friend blk. south of Nebraska Bookstore. 432-3414 x. Applications for Daily Ne braskan sports, entertainment, layout and copy editors, re porters, photographers, artists, and columnists Ire due in. the Daily Nebraskan office by 4 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 14. Wesley House Annual Ski Trip. Jan. 9-13, Winter Park, Colo. $100 includes transporta tion, board, room, equipment rental, 432-0355. Young Republicans Christ mas party, Thursday, Dec. 8, at 7 p.m. in the Union. If you've never been a Young Republican before, come and see what we're all about. Living Unit Repre sentatives please come at 6:30. Beta Alpha Psi initiation will be at 7 p.m. in Nebr. Union. All members please attend. Room will be posted. COLLEGIATE RESEARCH PAPERS. Thousands on file. All academic subjects. Send $1 for mail order catalog. Box 25918-Z Los Angeles, Calif. 90025. (213) 477-8474. J SR-61-i calculator lost in CHA room 230, reward offered, call 472-2588 and ask for Carta Rae or 488-2268 after 5 p.m. FOUND: Orange and white tabby cat 6-8 months old. Call 472-8653. Brown prescription sun glasses lost Tuesday afternoon in Hamilton Hall. Rewardl 435 8531. Tennis rqequet found Mon., Dec. 5th on Intercampus schuttle bus, claim by Identifi cation. Earl. 477-9635. Found a pair of mens gloves in the Union. Call 786-3670 to identify. Rider wanted to Galveston Houston area. Departing about Dec. 2021. Share driving & expenses. 475-7235. Ride offered to Seattle-ox points enroute. Leave Dec. 14. Call Leslie, 467-2152 nights. Need ride to Portland, Ore., Dec. 21. Will share gas and driv ing, Earl 477 9635. mm