page 8
daily nebraskan
Wednesday, november 30, 1977
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Daily Nobrookon
Editor in Chiof applications
for tho Spring ccmcctcr
aro noiv being accepted.
Applications Deadline
Monday Dec. 5, 4:00 p.m.
Salary "400 plus month
Applicants should be familiar with the
Guidelines for the Student Press adop
ted by the NU Board of Regents (cop
ies available upon request).-Resumes
should be submitted to and applica
tions completed at the Daily Nebras
kan. For further information
SECC to start medical classes
Training for emergency medical staffs will begin at
Southeast Community College in Lincoln, cooperating
with the Southeast Nebraska Emergency-Medical System.
The program will run January through July.
Carol Eggland, program supervisor for adult and con
tinuing education in the health field at Southeast Com
munity College said courses will include cardio pulmon
ary resuscitation training, multi-media first aid, a general
Red Cross course, emergency medical technici?n ambul
ance (EMTA) training, crash injury management for
police officers, firefighters and bus drivers, emergency
care for nursing students and those completing EMTA, and
radiology technology.
Eggland said most persons enrolled in the course are
males, except for the emergency care class.
Eggland said UNL students most likely would be
enrolled in the CPR and EMTA sections of the program.
She estimated that of a class of 35, there may be only
five UNL students enrolled since UNL offers CPR courses.
"I think more students would be interested in the pro
gram if it was publicized more on campus," Eggland said.
Most students enrolled in the classes are studying
pre-medicine, pre-dental, nursing, pre-physician's assis
tant, and health education.
No previous experience is necessary, although the
prerequisite for the radiology technology program is one
year of academic work at either UNL or Nebraska Wes
leyan University.
UNL club give Dads grand tour
The sixth annual UNL Agronomy Club Dad's Day will
begin at noon Dec. 3 on East Campus, according to Mark
Knobel, Dad's Day committee chairman. Knobel said the
day allows fathers to become acquainted with the univer
sity, the College of Agriculture and UNL research.
The club has invited all agronomy, soil science and
natural resource-range management majors and their
fathers to attend East Campus tours and an evening
smorgasbord f Knobel said. Family members also are
invited to attend the activities.
The tours, conducted by club volunteers, include; the
Tractor Testing Laboratory, agronomy research, solar
power, and irrigation.
The Peace Corps is alive and Or write: The
well. Call toll free: Peace Corps, Box A,
800-424-8580. Washington. D.C. 20525
A Public Service of This Newspaper
& The Advertising Council
James Kendrick, agricultural economics professor,
will speak on gasohol, Knobel said. Kendrick previously
has stated that the fuel mixture is not economical.
Registration will be in Keim Hall room 244, from noon
until 1 p.m. Tours will begin at 1:30 p.m. and continue
until 4:30 p.m.
The smorgasbord, open to all tour participants, begins
at 5:45 p.m. at the First Plymouth Church, 20th and D
streets. Cost per person will be $4. Tickets are available at
Membership in the UNL Agronomy Club is open to
anyone who has taken at least one agronomy course.
Excuuuuse me!
The smiling gentleman on page one of Monday's Daily
Nebraskan was incorrectly identified as a Husker fan.
The man with "Big Red" painted on his choppers is
Cecil "Big Red" Samara, who calls himself "Oklahoma's
No. 1 Football Fan." The Daily Nebraskan regrets the
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