The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 30, 1977, Page page 2, Image 2

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daily nebraskan
Wednesday, november30, 1977
Drug treatment center still operating
Full f!irrlft is tliA nnlv treatment rntAr that ic Avrln.
sively drug-oriented in Lincoln, according to David Davies,
the center's treatment and program supervisor.
Davies said Full Circle is sponsored by Lincoln
Lancaster Drug Project, Inc. He explained that this is a
private corporation operated on public funding.
Full Circle, which has been in operation since May
1973, offers three types of treatment programs-residential,
partial residential, and outpatient.
Davies said residential treatment is the most intense.
Volunteers are needed to
tutor low income and dis
advantaged youths from the
elementary grades to high
school. For further infor
mation contact Community
Involvement Service, Neb
raska Union 200 or call
The Veterans Hospital
needs volunteer librarians
on Wednesday and Friday
afternoons. For further
information call 472-2484.
The UNL Gay Resource
Center will be open Thurs
day and Friday from 7 to 10
pjm. at UMHE Common
place Chapel, 333 N. 14th
A. I. E. S. E. C. general
meeting will be at 7 pjn.
in the Union. Room num
ber will be posted.
Germany and Austria
travel workshop will be pre
sented by Karl Heinz Broze
and Jan Goebel. Learn
about climate, customs,
local transportation and
skiing at 4 pjn. in the
Union. Room number will
be posted.
The Home Economics
Education Association is
sponsoring a Craft's Day,
Thursday from 10:30 ajn.
to 2 p.m. in the Nebraska
East Union Great Plains
Room. Students may parti-
9 ajn. - Admissions
Hampton, Elkhorn, Papil 222
9:30 a.m. - English
230-A, auditorium
Noon - Athletic Department-Joe
Cipriano news
conference and luncheon,
room 202
Noon - Continuing Studies-luncheon,
room 242
Noon Student Y, room
12:30 pjn. - College
Career Christian Fellowship,
room 337
2:15 pjn. - Union Pro
gram Council Human Po
tentials, room 343
4 p.m. - ASUN Task
Force, room 216
4 pjn. - Flight & Study
tours, room 232
5 pjn. - Women's Re
source Center, room 337
5:30 pjn. - Engineering
Toastmasters, Harvest room
6 pjn. Gamma Lamb
da, Harvest room C
6 pjn. - Multi-Cultural
tutoring, room 225 G
6:30 pjn. - Junior Pan
hellenicIFC, room 222
7 pjn.' Union Board,,
room 203
7 pjn. - InterFratemity
council, ballroom
7:30 pjn. - Math coun
selors, room 225
cipate in making crafts or
watch the featured artist,
Lloyd Moore, demonstrate
the art of glass blowing.
Lambda Tau will meet
at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in
the University Health
Center basement conference
The Union Program
Council American Film
Classics Series will present
"PoinfBlank" at 7 and 9
p.m. Thursday in the Union
Centennial Room.
He said patients live at 2545 N St., where they are under
24-hour supervision and taice pan in inerapeuuw wm
munity treatment."
"Partial residential treatment is for people out
working who have someplace to live, but still need a
fair amount of supervised time," said Davies. He said these
people come to the house each weekday evening for
group sessions and individual counseling, and also take
part in weekend activities.
Outpatient treatment is for people who need individual
counseling, said Davies. He added that Full Circle current
ly serves 60 people.
Davies said a variety of people are treated by the center
and patients come to them in different ways.
"We have a number of self-referrals, as well as referrals
from other agencies and the criminal justice system," said
Lincoln and Lancaster County residents are not
charged for residential treatment, said Davies. He said
people under outpatient treatment are charged according
to their income.
daily nebraskan
1 Publ icat ion no. 1 44080
Editor In Chief: Rex Seline. Managing Editor: Pete Mason,
News Editor: Larry Lutz. Associate News Editors: Janet Fix and
Ann Owens. Layout Editor: Steve Boerner. Entertainment Editor:
Carla Engstrom. Sports Editor: Mike McCarthy. Special Editor:
Michael Zangari. Night News Editor: Betsle Ammons. Photo
graphy Chief: Ted Kirk. Executive Assistant to the Editor: Ron
Copy Editors: E.K. Casaccio, Jill Denning, Susan Klssack and
Barbara Lutz. Business Manager: Jerri Haussler. Advertising
Manager: Gregg Wurdeman. Assistant Advertising Manager: Denise
Jordan. Production Manager: Kitty Policky.
The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL Publications
Committee on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during
fall and spring semesters except during vacations. Address: Daily
Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R streets, Lincoln, Neb.
68508. Telephone: 472-2588.
Material may be reprinted without permission if attributed to
the Daily Nebraskan, except material covered by a copyright.
Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Neb. 68501.
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