The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 21, 1977, Oklahoma Special, Page page 12, Image 18
monday, november 21, 1977 page 12 daily nebraskan want CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Rates: Regular classified ad 10 centswdday $1 minday individual & student ads $2 minday commer cial ads Classified Display $3col. inch Deadline . 1 p.m. day before pub lication No refunds on pre-paid ads. No responsibility assum ed for more than ore in correct insertion. Rm. 34 Nebraska Union 472-1761 1975 Olds Cutlass Salom, 34,00 miles. Very clean. 367 3262 after 5pm. WE BUY CARS! $50 cars - $100 cars $200 cars - $300 cars $400 cars Up to $1500 cars Also Pickups & Vans WALLY'S 2323 P 73 VW, great condition, great economy, 472-9538. 1 MID CITY TOYOTA 1978 Toyotas are on display now! Stop in 8t see our fine line at 12th &'Q Zeron pro microphones for recording or PA; CTS and Cre dence speakers for your home brew designs. Ashelford Sound, 475-1963 evenings. For sale: Pair of BIC For mula 4 speakers. Call after 5pm, ask for Mike, 472-0729. Acoustic Research Manual turntable model XA. $60. See at Custom Electronics or call 472 8961. For Sale: Queen-size water bed, canopy frame. $200. 474 0028 after 5pm. Schwinn Suburban 10-speed, $85. Call after 6pm. 489 4778. A natural kind of gift A natural sheepskin rug. Approxi mate size 3x4 ft., $29.95. Call for your order at 423 1989 or see 3325 E. Pershing Road. For Sale: New HP 97 fully programmable calculator with print out. Price negotiable. 10 month warranty. Call 472-8114. Hiking boots for sale. Drun am leather. Like new, $20. Size: men's 8 'a. 477:8612. Wargamers' Delight, for those cold winter days. For Sale, assorted games: Origins, Wilderness Experience, Invasion America, Dixie, Blitzkrieg, Kreigspeil, all 1n excellent condi tion. No missing pieces. $15 takes all. Call Steve at 472 2588. Teac A-100 Cassette Deck. Used 25 hours. Mint, cond., $135. 435-2654. Pioneer SP-500 car AM FM, tunercassette deck. Jensen speakers wenclosures, hookup wire, 2 slide mounts. List $225. Mint corid., $150. 435-2654. Assembled, operating AL TAIR 8800a microcomputer IO, memory. Interface, boards available. Kit cost over $640 need to sell quick, $525 or make offer. Also 1972 BUL TACO ALPINA 250 dirt bike $175. and electric start EVIN RUDE 25Hp boat motor with remote controls, $225. Call 477 1314 after 4pm,. Keep trying. Ducks-Large Rowen. Dressed for Thanksgiving. Mrs. Jimmy Karl, 443-2135. if I 4 -f Four students: 1021 North 9th, 4 bedroom, stove, refriger ator, washerdryer, central air, utilities paid, no pets. Walking distance to campus. 489-6817 or 471-2081 after 5pm week days 3 bedroom townhouse, 2 min. north of City Campus. Tennant pays only electricity, owner all heat. VA baths, car port. $260. Monthly lease. 477-3446. Refrigerator RENTALS 2.9 & 4.4 Cubic Ft; models (check our low rates) Refrigerator Rents 489-0876 2325 'S' St.-Available Jan. 1st. One-bedroom with air, appliances, carpet, cable TV. $155mo. electricity. Call 432-9521 or 475-0887. For Rent: 3 bedroom house, 420 S. 19th, 474-0028 after 5pm. 1, 2, & 3 bedroom spacious apartments. Bus service, club house, weight lifting equipment, jogging trail, tennis court and much more. Call 423-5243. 1822 'H', unfurnished, 2 bedrooms, good storage. $210 mo. lights. Utilities paid, close in. 477-3071, 488-3145. a-m s Part-time waitress for Ben Simon's Crows Nest. Apply daily, Bill Jurgens, downtown store. Part time, 2-3 hrs. 5 eve ningswk.. Kitchen. Apply Dippy Oonut, 1227 'R We need intramural basket ball referees. $3game. Call Southeast Community College, 474-1361 Ext. 26. Student wanted, part-time drive attendant. Crest Oil, 2801 'O' St. The Daily Nebraskan's Clas sified advertising department needs an East Campus represen tative. HeShe would sell ads and take them from students. Must be able to work apporx imately 20 hours a week. Apply at Daily Nebraskan office, room 24, Nebraska Union. J&P's Diversified Enterprises is looking for ambitious couples who have dreams bigger than their income. For appt. call 489 2432. TARTAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Experienced trim carpenter needed. Must have 2 years experience in residential trim ming. Apply in person at Tartan Construction Co., 4723 Pres- cott. Wanted for Sunday morn ings, starting January 8th, Jewish religious school teacher or teachers for grade 4 and 5 at South Street Temple. Abilities to teach beginning hebrew andor to lead folk singing and dancing preferred, but not necessarily required. Call eve nings, Mrs. Sue Schreiber, 423-' 4443. Now taking applications for part-time evening waitresses. Apply in person at Branegans, 1228 P St. 'The Orientation Office is looking for 8 few good men and women to serve as Summer Orientation Hosts. Earn free room and board, plus $550 for six weeks of summer employ ment. Applications are available from each college dean's office. Questions? Contact-Orientation Staff, 200 Nebraska Union, 472-2484." Working your way through college? I have the job to help. Must be free after 2:30pm daily. Must have car, expenses paid. Please call Jerry 473-7439. 3'x 5' drafting table. Call 475-8013 after 5pm. , Wanted: Male, non-smoking, non-drinking Christian room mate. Large 1 bedroom near downtown. $85. 477-9534 around 5:30. $75mo. utilities pd., near 26th and R. Call 472-2639 between 5 and 10 pm. Responsible, liberal person to share house with two males. Cable, fireplace, 28th & A. $67mo. utilities. 432-0881 or 475-7480, Lee. Female roommate needed for law student. Starting Dec. 1 . 4 blocks from East campus. Pets allowed. $97.50mo. 1i utilities. Penny, 464-6882. Female roommate needed 2nd semester. Call 432-1888. Roommate wanted: House, have own bedroom. $80mo. 14 lights and gas. One block north of campus. 474-5355. GEEN: Have a wonderful Holiday. I will miss you. What am I sup posed to do all week? Love. O.Z. Dear Joey, Happy 2nd Anniversary; Hope for many more. Honey Buns ATTENTION MARCHING RED: Doc, Denny-Bob, Rent-a-Party, and all the others can't be wrong. Crude Number Two still rides onl PLA-MOR BALLROOM 6600 West O Wednesday Singles Dance Free lessons beginning at 7:30 Dancing 8:30-12 midnight Dress Code-No Blue Jeans Birthright offers you' a choice. We understand the needs of you and your baby. 477-8021. Roses are red, Leaves are brown. Donate a pint Before you leave town. Red Cross Bloodmobile-Abel Lounge. Today & Tomorrow. Traveling? Check out the Overseas Opportunities Center. 345 Ne. Union. Hope everyone has a ride home. Learn to let the son shine. A new approach to Christianity. Public classes Tuesdays 7:30 pm. 2348 Q St. Sponsored by the Christian Community of Lincoln. Tom, Happy Birthday to my favor ite Bag player. Admiring flutist Penniless and need to send a Turkeyday message home? Send a free radiogram! It's easier than writing and cheaper than Ma Bell. North side of Union, Monday 4-6, Tuesday 9:30 4 Sponsored by UNL Amateur Radio Club. Spiritual Awareness FCK-the FORCE OF LIFE open discussion. UNL Stu dent Union tonight at 7:15pm. Kitty and Snicky, You're my bestest friends, but quit calling me Carrie Campus. Love and Kisses, Roo PIPES & PIPES Famous Brands New Shapes Fine tobaccos for the discrim inating smoker. Sears-Gateway Near the customer service counter. THE OLD BRIAR SHOP Linda: Regarding statistics: Has there been a surge of interest? Crazies up North Jan, You didn't say goodbye Tuesday. Will I hear from you again. The Bat-Man Will decorate your house, home, office for the holidays. To your specification or our imagination! Call after 3pm 475-1654. Childbirth Education assoc. Lamaze classes for couples and single mothers. Call 435-4045. QK QUICK KEYS & ASSOCIATES Remember us for profession al typing of dissertations, thesis, termpapers, multiple individualized letters, corre spondence, typesetting and graphics design. 464-3305 Drummer 7 years exper ience seeks employment in part time area band. Call 475-0549 after 6. GUITAR INSTRUCTION Limited number of time slots open for the fail schedule. $7.501ahr. for private lesson. ZAGER STUDIO 483-2096 YOUR CAMPUS WATCH MAKER Dicks Watch Service Repair ALL makes Seiko-Timex-Bulova etc. Watch batteries, watch bands, where your watch meets a friend. Vz block of Nebraska Bookstore 432-3414 NEED: Ride to Detroit Toledo area for Thanksgiving. Will share gas and drive. Call 2-2611 afternoons, 435-0929 evenings. Ask for Don. Amateur photographers here's your chance: UNL's Wild life Club is having a contest 'The Natural World". First prize $25. In Information, 472 2188. J SWEATERS InWoolsond rtons. . . . m around rheWorid JADA Above DrtCheap Records V. GUITAR INSTRUCTION Limited number of time slots open for the fall schedule. $7.50 IVt hr. for private lessons. ZAGER STUDIO AS3.2096 WeVe counting on you. AMERICAN RED CROSS A PuMc Service of thiiri newyMper The AAwHung Council tUl ctaniel AMCDS $3.00 in advance $3.50 at the door O'Donnell Auditorium 50th & Huntington For the girl with a style all her own . . . only this diamond and sapphire ring will do! 2 Diamonds and 1 genuine marquise sapphire in 14 karat white gold, $125 Elegant gift wrap at no extra charge Charge it! Open a Zales account or use one of five national credit plans Whenever you pull up to a Towne Parking gas pump, you get the kind of service you expect. Your windows are washed and your oil is checked automatically. Without asking. And when you get your oil changed at Towne Parking to prepare for winter-you get full service: windows washed inside and out vacuum service; tire pressure checked; and Inspection for worn parts. , We really want your business, and want to have an opportunity to make you want to come back again, Stop in today. Towne Parking 1313 M St. 435-8905 Join the Peace Corps. . Call toll free: 800424-8580. Or write the Peace Corps, Washington, ES3C D.C. 20525. QOrpS nov.22 8:00p.m. The Diamond Store GATEWAY Illustration enlarged. "fTlofc Than fl Parking Place"