The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 21, 1977, Oklahoma Special, Page page 9, Image 15
J m0nday,november2!,1977 daily nebraskan page 9 Send one... Take one home. Our FTD Thanksgiver Bouquet. ". i , .... - . l 1 W J-w ill i te i 3 V Jvf-r ' f '!!!!r- j, ;- Photo conrtacw ni A Si M Styx will "come sail away " with rockers Wednesday night. From left: Dennis De Young, Chuck Panozzo, James Young Tommy Shaw and John Panozzo. Order one for Thanksgiving Thursday, November 24! A harvest of fresh fall flowers in a woven basket, for your folks back home. Show them your thoughts are with them. We send flowers, plants almost anywhere, the FTD way in Call or stop .. in iodav. $12.50 & 15.00 Danielson Floral Company 127 So,13th 432-7602 Styx concert announced for Lincoln Styx, the five piece Chicago-based band, will bring its distinctive style of rock to Lincoln for an appearance at Pershing Municipal Auditorium Wednesday night. The group has climbed a rough road to recognition with its first four albums going unnoticed nationally, but gaining a loyal following in the Midwest and Canada. It was the fluke of success of "Lady," two years after its initial release, that gained Styx national prominence. It now has gone on to become one of the country's hottest touring bands. After signing with A & M records, the band has pro duced three albums, with two of them, Equinox and its i WINNING WAS EVERYTHING m until that night latest The Grand Illusion, have gone gold. RCA records J has just released a compilation of favorites from the When a boy S areanx band's first four albums on its olrl Wnnrten NirVftl label hfmri rt ninhtmnrf enuuea vest oj oryx, The group is enthusiastic about The Grand Illusion and 5 is confident that it is their best and most ambitious album Z to date. Already a hit off the album is the fast -moving Jf single "Come Sail Away" and more cuts are slated for re- lease as singles. a v ayycuui$ wuu aiyA i laigci. me wuvcii mans at 8 p.m. Tickets still are available for $7, 'Reynard the Fox' to open Nov. 29 A children's play for the "young at heart will open in the UNL Studio Theatre at 8 p.m. Nov. 29, The play is Reynard the Fox, is directed by Douglas Street, a Masters of Fine Arts theatre student from California. The plot concerns Reynard, a fox who is brought to trial for his offenses aginst the other animals. Reynard is given a year of probation in which to mend his ways but the playful fox cannot resist the opportunity to trick his friends. Reynard accumulates a long list of misdeeds before the year is half up and the other animal? become enraged. The Wolf and the Bear lead a conspiracy against Reynard, The animals are all terror-stricken and they scheme i only for their individual safety, However, Reynard schemes a way to save them all. The cast includes John Thew (Lincoln), Tiecelin the Crow; Larry Person (Omaha), Ysengrin the Wolf; Philip Stone (New York City), Brun the Bear; Scott Hobbs (Kearney), Epinard the Hedgehog; Dan Reinehr (Lincoln), Nole the Lion; Deb Oaks (Colorado Springs, Col.), Lend dore the Marmot; and Liz McCord (Nebraska City), Reynard the Fox, Performances are Nov, 29 and 30, Dec, 14 at 8 p.m. and a children's matinee on Dec, 3 at 1 p.m. Tickets are $3 for students, $4 general admission and $1 for child ren (under 12). The box office is in room 108 Temple bldg., 12th and R Streets, phone 472-2072, Showings on Wednesday 7:30&9;15 Thursday thru Sunday Showing at ; 2;154:00 5;45-7;30 &9il$ , r, fate V 3 IAN1 (UN. CHE - CCJtT AT SA1 tim iv Maw., iM cMt miiM mm hi trn erotic must LLLahisAwiikKwfc ? mm n 11 1 PjARRYflB ""plus " '"" 2ndXRatd Fcaturt pNalffidflam leStrangei -v.umuoui irom 1 1 am. LJ Restaurants BIG BOY rsf 1 Restaur Big Boy Dinner Club Join the Big 0ot Dinner Clubl Details at JO's Big Boy. Patty FJoIt Combo Chopped Beef ltty with Swiss Cheese on Rye, French Fries, Chilled Lettuce Salad, v 1 Present this coupon at any of the ,.fKC t'fe" participating Big Boy in your area. V : - Qffer good thru Nov. 30, 1 977, One V.- ""O ' ' ,nnn rvr riKtnmer oer visit. Not 2 for $69 redeemable for cash. xtU 12 and under, enter BIG BOY's Coloring Contest. Details at participating BIG BOY Restaurants. i m wiiaii : y V Vv ! J i I S ...11 1 jt, . ' 1 fin A nnrtfia' 1 if U M,i.ritlii.-13lyHUV-JlV ' mni Xff (AST .4 CHMME KIW JW Hi tawu uwiiu ; V V P tt CL A- . IK JAMES CAAN GENEVIEVE BUJOLD 1'.. -i-w r- "v i Starts on Wednesday Showings at: 7:00 & 9:20 id j Muitb 13lv. D. 1 Tin '. inn s i . v i 701 N. 27TH X.X. w f : I I f I i JLJLiJLi