The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 03, 1977, Page page 12, Image 12
thursday, november 3, 1977 page 12 daily nebraskan want xds CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Rates: Regular classified ad 10 centswdday $ l minday individual & student ads $2 minday commer cial ads 'Classified Display $3col. inch Deadline 1 p.m. day before pub lication No refunds on pre-paid ads. No responsibility assum ed for more than one in correct insertion. Rm. 34 Nebraska Union 472-1761 76 Chevette $3395 74 Mustana II $2595 '69 Dodge $ 995 72 Dodge Pick-up $1995 73 Nova $2495 74 Gremlin $1995 76 Camaro LT $5695 '69 Polara 4 door $ 750 76 Nova Hatchback $3995 74 Mustang II $2598 76 Camaro $5195 GUY KERNS AUTO CITY 48th & Vine 464-0278 I974 VW Stationwagon. 27,000 miles, silverblue, very clean. $2,500 ($200 below book price). Call 435-6922 8fter 5. 74 Olds Omega; green; 2D; 6 cycle; RT; AT; PS; 56,000 miles, exc. condition, 70 Maverick; 20Qf cu. in.; blue; no rust; good condition; $500. 4664360. 73 Chevrolet Capris Classic. 4-door, air, pb, pi, ps, excel lent condition. $2150, Call 488 2150. MID CITY TOYOTA YEAR END CLEARANCE Toyota Shinook mini r-v pop top Excellent for ski trips etc. Mid City Toyota 12th & Q SHERWOOD 8900A 60 WATTS; $225. SONY Bt PORTABLE; 9 INCH DIA METER. VIVITAR 220SL BODY ONLY; CALL 489 8536 AFTER 6. Teac 33005, $450; Sansui 5000X, $250; Scuba diving set; Electronic test equipment. 474 4740. Pioneer PL12 turntable, one year old. $50.488-0378. Kenwood KL-SS speakers $100 pair or trade for cass. deck. 477-621 3. Bicycle French Fontan, 10-ipeed, female, like new, $100. Call after 8:30 p.m. 435-4955. fa mi! JfT JUU iJciJL Ri m nnr Rnnta at ntr rrcnihr nrfce fft' and get another of equal value K2-255 Sklis, 190 cm., Solomon 505 bindings, $190; Harmon-Kardon 430, BIC 960, walnut large Advents $675, 474-2086 after 6 p.m. NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BEDDING Will liquidate full truck load of mattress and box foundation. Will sell as complete sets. Both pieces twin $59.95, regular $69.95, and queen $89.95 or terms. Open to public 1 1 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. Freight Sales Co. 226 S. 9. Open Sunday. WAREHOUSES IN NEBR. & IOWA. Reconditioned & used vacuum cleaners. Excellent condition. Mr. Sweeper Store 2810 N. 48th 467-3638 2 VW snow tires - only 50 miles - $30. After 6 p.m. 470 3233. CLOSEOUT DINETTE SETS Just received truck load of manufacturers closeout of brand new dinette sets in many styles and colors. Have 12 real nice 5 piece sets for only $59.95 or terms. Open to public 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. Freight Sales Co. 226 S. 9. Open Sunday. WAREHOUSES IN NEBR. & IOWA. RECLINER CLOSEOUT Just received truck load of recliners at unheard of prices. Have several styles and fabrics. We have 1 2 your choice, $59.95 or terms. Open to public 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. Freight Sales Co. 226 S. 9th. Open Sunday. WAREHOUSES IN NEBR. & IOWA. Harmon-Kardon, Garrard compact stereo, $150. 483 1869. Technics turntable 1360. Never used $220. 475-9427. SKI BINDINGS. 1 pair blue Look Nevada N-17 Grand Prix. $45. 488-7772. Decorate your room, apt. or home with the natural white sheepskin rug. Approximate size 3x4 ft., $29.95. Call for your order at 423-1989 or see 3325 E. Pershing Road. Waterbed mattress, heater, liner and fill and drain kit at $139. Lincoln Pools Waterbed Kings 1921 South 17th 475-2554 1935 C, Large 2-bedroom, recently remodeled, shag, laundry, no pets. $155mo. plus gas and lights. Call 4-6 p.m. weekdays, before 2 week ends. 488-4313. CANDLETREE APARTMENTS 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, pool, tennis courts. 40th Hwy. 2, 423-8728. One bedroom apartment 1645 C; $165 includes utilities. 477-4350. 330 So. 47th, 1 bedroom, furnished, $155mo, utilities. 326 So. 47th, 1 bedroom, un furnished, $150mo. utilities. Call Tom at 466-2341. MEM M dinner dinner 40 FREE! 2 fori 1521 S. 22. large 3-bedroom, recently remodeled, fireplace, shag, laundry, no pets, $240 mo. plus gas and lights. Call 4-6 p.m. weekdays, before 2 weekends 4884313. Four bedroom brand nfw house, new area 3 minutes north of city campus, 3832 N. 20th. Dishwasher, $340, 477-3446. ExecutiveProfessional Cathedral cedar beam living room, fireplace, picture window, carpeting, balcony. Family room and patio, 3 bed rooms, 2 baths, study, utility room, air, dishwasher, disposal, range, refrigerator, carport. Gracious circle living in a beauti ful neighborhood. Eden Park area. No dogs. $325 plus-gas & ele'.uicity. 489-7291 (after 5 p.m. weekday). t! 'f j i i ; ( ' , ' , I III ".!' IT' t'ti i " V "X.; ASUN needs chairpersons for its Free University and Book Exchange committees, and as many interested students as possible to staff these committees. Apply in the ASUN office, 334 Nebraska Union, by 4 p.m., Friday, November 11th. Cashier 3-4 nights a week plus weekends, full-time or part time hours. Apply at Boar's Head, 200 N. 70th. TOWN 8t COUNTRY MOTEL, RESTAURANT 8t LOUNGE Now hiring dishwashers, bar tenders, food & cocktail waitresses. Apply in person. 33rd Si Cornhusker Hwy. Now taking applications for part-time evening waitresses. Apply in person at Brannigan's, 1228 P St. Addressers Wanted Immediately! Work at home no experience necessary - ex cellent pay. Write American Ser vice, 8350 Park Lane, Suite 269, Dallas, TX 75231. Waitress, morning and night, cooks and dishwashers. WE NEED YOU. Apply at the Lincoln Air Host Restaurant, Air Terminal, Municipal Airport. Want young college women to sell and demonstrate Eureka vacuum cleaners. Will be selling at local business in Lincoln. $3.00 per hour and some week ends. 489-5838 after 6. ADVERTISING MAJORS: The advertising department of the Daily Nebraskan is now tak ing applications for the remainder of this semester and second semester. Apply in room 34 Nebraska Union, between 9 and 5. Part-time city supervisor for the Journal Star Circulation Dept. Must be available after 2:30 p.m. daily and all day Saturday. Car required, with mileage expenses paid. Call Jerry Genrich, 473-7349 for interview appt. Grill cooks and kitchen help needed. Part-time, evenings. Good starting wages. Apply at Chesterfields, Bottomsly & Potts, before 11:30 a.m, Fcenchees Hamburger Joynt, 1316 N St. is looking for help. Call 435-2929, Get a FREE gift from our Pinata 474 - 4921 9U N. 27th Expires Nov. 15 5 PART-TIME SALES Set your own schedule above average Income. Internship training program leads to career at graduation. Possibility of earning college credit hours. Call Jeff Woods, Northwestern Mutual 432-4281 to discuss. NEED SOME SPENDING MONEY? The downtown YMCA needs a van driver for Monday after noon rehabilitational bowling. Hours: 3 p.m. - 7 p.m. $3hr. If interested call Brian Seeger, 432-1251. NEEDED Villager Motel now taking applications for full- or part time employment as a night waitress or waiter, night dish washers and happy hour cock tail waitress 4 - 8:30 p.m. Apply 5200 'O' St., Motel -office. BJ's Hideaway is looking for part-time help. 464-9994. Pizza Co. needs part-time delivery help. Must have own car. $2.50hr. plus mileage. Apply after 5 p.m. at 611 N. 21st. Desperately Wanted! Good Political Science 100 research paper. Seven to nine typed pages. Bibliography and footnotes. Pay good price. 472-9320. 2 tickets to Kansas game (malefemale). Please call 474 4363 after 4 p.m. Need 1 male and 1 female ticket to Kansas or 2 general admission. 467-246L I need tickets to see Steve Martin in Omaha. Call Joel 474-1076. Wanted -for Kansas Lori. 4 general tickets game. 466-7441 Wanted: Used washing machine, child's desk, cheap comfortable couch. 477-9030. Wanted: 2 tickets to Steve Martin, Saturday, November 5th. 475-2084 or 488-9561. Two Steve Martin tickets. Four is possible. 474-0028 WANTED 2 tickets for Kansas game, 432-4166. Female roommate for town house. $90 lights. 423-0164. Responsible male roommate wanted to here nice furnished 2 bedroom apartment. Call 477 9688. Need 1 or 2 male roommates to share full size house. 466 8784, Female roommate wanted. Own room. $75 phone. Call 432-6334 evenings. Male for townhouse near UNL, $75mo. utilities. Call 474-3735, H.G.. Every chance I get. Fascinated. Come Outl To the First Annual East Campus Bangers Convention, November 6-13. An UP & Coming production. Raggedy Ann, I think you're alright, too. Another date would be GREATI Monty For Sale: One light green Maloschite A-frame cabin complete "with cross and keys. Laurie S. Look out, I'm still after you. StevieBun Charles' Beckmann: Lincoln is privileged to have Rosalie Transplant. So Is the Pit Crew. Happy Birthday Exchange private room and bath for some cooking and office work. 432-1595, Happy B-dayl Nobody does it better. Baby, you're the best! Sugar Daddy DearS.J.A. Have a happy 19th. Hope you have a nice day and many more- Macko, Mom, & all your friends Duke: Here's to Sam's and the blue fuzz. Change the s to v. Mean Jean Abner: , I'm a fast lady and I want to catch you. See you at the East Union dance Friday night. Sadie Hawkins DO YOU WANT TO QUIT SMOKING ? Come to the NU Student Union, October 7 through 11 at 7 pra Please check daily events calander in the Union each evening for room number. Funny Girl, Happy 1st. How 'bout for the rest of our lives! Funny Boy Todd G; Sorry about the missing "n". J.S. Vote Gerry Slezak for Lil Abner. The sleeziest no-mind either side of Salt Creek. Sandy Creek Pickers, Friday, November 4. Gaslight $1.50. Pregnant? Birthright is a con fidential helping hand. 477 8021. You old seadog you- Thanks for making the past year, the best year of my life. Forever & Always. Me No beaten. Teten. Vote Jim Teten for Lil Abner. The Oak Creek Plant Store announces a house plant, and cacti sale. November 5th to 13th at 2019 Garfield Street. An excellent sale for plant enthusiasts who want to save money. SOPHOMORES: If you were initated into Alpha Lambda Delta last spring, you can pick up your membership certificate from Mrs. Cunning ham, Rm. 108 Administration Bldg. Does your group need to get it together? If you get 10 or more members to sign up for the Nov. 13 FLYING HIGH workshop, a special 4-hour session will be designed to help your organization work on special problems. Contact Suzanne Brown, 472-2454, for more information. Friday is going to be the. shirts. M.E.C.A. CONTACT LENS WEARERS. Save on brand name hard and soft lens supplies. Send for free illustrated catalog. Contact Lens Supplies, Box 7563, Phoenix, Arizona 8501 1 . Think Drink Open to all Health majors. Sponsored by Eta Sigma Gamma, at the Waterhole from 3:30 5, Thursday. BOHEMIANS UNITfcll Vote Gerry Slezak for Lil Abner, Debbie, Meet me at "Singin In the Rain", November 3, at 7 and 9 ' p.m. in the Centennial Room, Gene Mark and Julie: A.G.S. says 'The spotlight Is on you." Woody and Ted Gene, Don't forget your umbrella I Debbie Childbirth Education Assoc. Lamsze classes for couples and tingle mothers. Call 435-4045. Got the mid term blues? Forget them for a night. Come to Horse Feathers (upstairs) and celebrate with the Oelta Sigma W. Now. 4. 7:00-12:00 pjnx Cost; $2peron; $3couple. OVERSEAS JOBS-summer year-round. Europe, S. America, Australia. Asia, etc. All fields, $500-$1200 monthly. Expenses paid, sightseeing. Free Info. write: International Job Center, Dept. NA, Box 4490. Berkeley, Calif. 94704. DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT & WEDDING RINGS: Up to 50 discount to students, faculty, 8t staff. Example, 14 ct. $95, 12 ct. $275, let. $795, by buying direct from leading diamond importer. For color catalog send $1 to SMA Diamond Importers, Inc., Box 42, Fanwood, N.J. 07023 (indicate name of school) or call (212) 682-3390 for location of showroom nearest you. SOPHOMORES: If you were initiated into Alpha Lambda Delta last spring, you can pick up your member ship certificates from Mrs, Cunningham, Rm. 108 Administration Bldg. QK QUICK KEYS & ASSOCIATES Remember us for profes sional typing of disserta tions, theses, termpapers, multiple individualized letters, correspondence, typesetting and graphic design. 464-3305. YOUR CAMPUS WATCH MAKER Dicks Watch Service Repair ALL makes. Seiko-Timex-Bulova, etc, watch batteries, watch bands. Where your watch meets a friend. Vi Blk. So, of Nebr. Bookstore 432-3414 UNL SOCCER PRACTICE 6:00 tonight in Schulte Field house (North Stadium). COME HEAR DR. OSWALD HOFFMANN, VOICE OF THE LUTHERAN HOUR, SUNDAY, NOV. 6. 10:30 AM, AT PERSHING AUDITORIUM. Attention: Native American Students C.A.I.S. is sponsoring intramural teams for both volleyball and basketball. We need more players. Do not have to be athletically inclined. For more information call Marty at 464-1792 or attend meeting at Culture Center on 16th St., Thursday at 4 p.m. 10 DISCOUNT That's right! Goodyear tire stores are allowing all students 10 discount of retail prices, on any tire In stock, Come see the selection. GOODYEAR TIRES 19180St. 432 6521 LOST: Red M,ckey Mouse watch If found pleast phone 4720349. Reward I REWARD - GOLDEN RE TRIEVER, 2 YR. OLD FEMALE LOST 37th & SOUTH. 433536 AFTER 6. LOST: Red. white & blue prescription sunglasses (slight myopia) mirrored. Reward I 488 6820,