The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 24, 1977, Page page 3, Image 3
- " - r .fc, -.1..4rM.1.., . , , . , , ......... . . . r, , . . ,. , - , , fc ' . monday, October 24, 1977 daily nebraskan page 3 Cong ressman: forged letters sent to influence votes Washington-Letters with forged signatures of constit uents are being sent to some congressional offices in an effort to influence lawmakers on the Panama Canal issue, a Kentucky congressman said. ' At least 20 congressional offices have reported receiv ing the letters with forged signatures, .said Rep Romano Mazzoli, D-Ky. He said he has asked postal inspectors to investigate. associated press datelines Most congressional offices have reported a heavy flow of mail on the Panama Canal. The proposed treaties, which would transfer control of the canal to Panama in the year 2000, are awaiting ratification in the Senate. House members also have been flooded with mail on the subject. Mazzoli did not identify other congressmen who have discovered bogus letters. He said he first came across the problem while answering letters from his constituents who oppose the canal treaties. Tests biased San Francisco-Culturally biased 1Q test unfairly trapped young James Lannigan in classes for the men tally retarded and may be doing the same thing to black youngsters across the nation, said attorneys in a trial here. Lannigan and five" other black students are suing the city and state boards of education for alleged discrimina tion against them. Attorneys say it is the first direct legal challenge to IQ tests, which are supposed to measure a person's intelligence quotient-ability to learn-rather than how much a person knows. If the plaintiffs win, their attorneys said the suit could be the first step in sweeping the time-honored exams from American schools because use of discriminatory assess ment tools violates federal law. B1 bomber Denver-President Carter said Saturday his morning tour of the cavernous Strategic Air Command headquar ters near Omaha did not change his mind about the Bl bomber. "I think we have an adequate force capability (without it)," said the president after flying here from Omaha, "and that we'll have a good improvement with the cruise missiles when they are deployed." Carter's decision not to build the expensive Bl.but to rely instead on the drone missiles, went against the urging of many top Air Force officers, who wanted the bomber. He said his tour of the SAC post at Offutt Air Force base left him "reassured about America's military might." Howling demons New York-David R. Berkowitz, found mentally com petent to stand trial in the "Son of Sam" case, says he's anxious to tell the world about the howling demons that he claims drove him to kill six persons for blood. At a two-day competency hearing, State Supreme Court. Justice John Starkey ruled him competent to stand trial for the murder of Stacy Moskowitz, 20, the last of the Son of Sam victims. No trial date was set, but Starkey scheduled a hearing on possible motions for Nov. 2. daily nebraskan Publication no. 144080 s Editor in Chief: Rex Seline. Managing Editor: Pete Mason, News Editor: Larry Lutz, Associate News Editors: Janet Fix and Ann Owens. Layout Editor: Steve Boerner. Entertainment Editor: Carla Engstrom, Sports Editor: Mike McCarthy. Special Editor: Michael Zangari. Night News Editor; Betsie Ammons. Photo graphy Chief: Ted Kirk. Executive Assistant to the Editor: Ron Ruggless. Copy Editors: E.K. Casaccio. Jill Denning, Susan Kissack and Barbara Lutz. Business Manager: Jerri Haussler, Advertising Manager: Gregg Wurdeman. Assistant Advertising Manager: Denise Jordan. Production Manager: Kitty Policky. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL Publications Committee on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during fall and spring semesters except during vacations. Address: Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14t'h and R streets, Lincoln, Neb. 68508. Telephone: 472-2588. Material may be reprinted without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, except material covered by a copyright. Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Neb. 68501 . (DSGCFS 13th & Q top floor Gunnys Monday through Friday JOHN BALLEU Mon. : LADIES NIGHT 30 drinks Wed. -25 draws $LOO pitchers Weeknights - Newfers 3-7 32 oz. Bud & Blue 70 Save by Sowing it Yourself Save 42 by making your own Altra Down Parka kit, and save 30-50 over ready-made vasts, sleeping bags, comforters and other camping gear. ft J 'Julia, m 4ml Sew a Kit Week Special Oct. 24-29 Altra Down Botties are 20 off the regular low price of $13.00. 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