The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 24, 1977, Page page 11, Image 11
monday, October 24, 1977 page 1.1, dgily nebraskan want 1973 LeMans, iports coupe, excellent condition. Call after 5:30 pjm, 467-1642. CLASSIFIED . ADVERTISING Rates: . 'Regular classified ad 10 centswdday $1 minday individual & student ads $2 minday commer cial ads Classified Display $3col. inch Deadline 1 p.m. day before pub lication No refunds on pre-paid ads. No responsibility assum ed for more , than one in correct insertion. Rm. 34 Nebraska Union 472-1761 1974 Super Cheyenne ton, 4 wheel drive, dual tank, dual batten steering, brakes, air, automa- tamper pacicage, match ing camper shell. WHEEL CITY AUTO 483-4438 Must sell 1976 MGB, girl friend wants to get married. 6,000 miles, AM-FM. 8 track, many other extras. Excellent condition. Call 435-5918 to make offer. MID CITY TOYOTA YEAR END CLEARANCE Toyota Shinook mjni r-v pop top Excellent for ski trips etc. MID CITY TOYOTA 12&Q 1968 FIREBIRD Power steering, brakes, air, automatic, extremely clean $1650 WHEEL CITY AUTO 483-4438 1974 Z 28 4 speed, air, silver, LT pack age $3950. WHEEL CITY AUTO 483-4438 1972 Audi 100 SI Automatic, $2250 WHEEL CITY AUTO 483-4438 Two 1973 Mark IV Lincoln Continentals Sun roof, rully equipt. A pair to choose from. Black or white, we're not prejud ice. WHEEL CITY AUTO 4834438 8 ' Mm '75 Monte Carlo $5495 '73 Nova $2495 '69 Dodge $995 '74 Gremlin $1995 76Camaro $5195 72 Chevrolet 4dr. $1395 '74 Dart $2595 75 Pinto $2495 '69 Polara 4dr. $750 '76 Gremlin $3295 '76 Plymouth Duster $3650 76 Cougar $5295 GUY KERNS AUTO CITY 48th & Vine, w , '464-0278 Tired of riding bicycle? Get yourself a motorscooter. Rated No. 1 at 120 miles per gallon. 466-0206. Honda 1975 "360"-excel-lent condition, 5,000 miles $650.00. BTO 3000 turntable, fisher 3-way speakers, fujica compact deluxe 35 mm. camera with vivltar 152 strobe. 4754613. One year old 3-speed, $55. Call evenings. 472-0560. 24 in. Schwinn Sportabout 10 sp. bike, yellow,good shape. $65. 466-8902. Conn Constelation 48 H-top of the line. Used only one concert season. Reasonable price. Call Kathy 472-9040. Apollo drums set. Very reasonable. For info, cal 423 3019. SOFA BED LIQUIDATION Will liquidate full truck load of sofa beds in new herculon fabric. Several patterns to choose from. These are brand new full size studio couches that fold into a bed. While 25 last only $99.00 or terms. Open to public 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. FREIGHT SALES CO. 226 S. 9th Lincoln, NE. Warehouses in Nebr. & Iowa DINETTE SETS LIQUIDATION Just received truck load of manufacturer's closeout of brand new dinett sets in several styles. Have 12 real nice 5 piece sets for only $59.95 or terms. Open to public 1 1 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. FREIGHT SALES CO. 226 S. 9th Lincoln, NE. Warehouses in Nebr. & Iowa New $80 Dunham Climbing Boots, 10VS, $40, 472-0805. Decorate your room, apt. or home with the natural white sheepskin rug. Approximate size 3x4 ft., $29.95. Call for your order at 423-1989 or see 3325 E. Pershing Road. 2128 'B' St. Large 2 bed- 1516 N. 31 -Nice two bed room, recently .remodeled, shag, room, furnished apartment, laundry, no pets. $225mo. All Availabla Nov. 1, $170mo. . utilities paid. . Call 432-3689 for particulars. matress, heater, and drain kit at Waterbed liner and fill $119. Lincoln Swimming Pools Waterbed Kings 1921 South 17th 475-2554 BEAN BAG CLOSEOUT Just received truck load of man size bean bags. All colors. Your choice $14.88. Open to public 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. FREIGHT SALES CO. 226 S. 9th Lincoln, NE Warehouses in Nebr. 8i Iowa v l PHOTO LAS SAME DAY SERVICE ON KODACOLOR II & FUJHI PRINT FILM! OVERNIGHT SERVICE ON EKTACHROME SLIDES! uiiwnviRMTnrpoSITBOX! CARSERA S FILM SUPPLIES! maw umw 27TH fi "O" STREETS 474-2662 7:30-5:30 M-F, S00-5 00 SAT. MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL ON BIG SCREEN TV Los Angeles has three very capable quarterbacks in Namath. Haden, and Ferragamo. but Minnesota Oed by scramblin' Francis Tarkenton and chuggin ChucMe Foreman) should't have much trouble upending the Rams on their Caiifornia turf. LOUTJGE OFanflaol&or Profliet VIKINGS 30 HAMS 20 U1 Qnl r?,, Com. out and watch tht gamt tonight on my big "free" 201 blinVCUay ntltnwt M whili a-iovi"9 vour fawrlt. drink. ?wl foVtball fans. And don't forget about my 13 7b. chaurgers, french dip. and reuben,. Powerful good, if I do say so mywi.. Doubvcrd TIL 1 Q.IT1. LOWENBRAU, COORS. BUD & PABSTON TAP 2327 R St. 1 bedroom furn ished, $155mo., plus util ities. 901 So. 17th effiency, available now. $85mo. Call 474-2437 after 6 for more information. 1 bedroom, newer 4-plex, 3223 N. 19th; 2 minutes north of city campus: $145mo. 477 3446. 1948 Q St. Available. Novem ber 1st. Efficiency with air, appliances, bed, carpet, drapes, garage, no pets. $140mo. 475 6523 and 466-1933. A '1 V i' it Hi 1 m Refrigerator RENTALS 2.9 & 4.4 Cubic Ft. models (check our low rates) Refrigerator Rents 489-0876 m it LST IT DQ TOLD BEFORE IT OQTS COLD THAT WIGHDWALLY AND HIS CARS ARB WINTQRIZSD AND READY TO 00 WALLY'S USED CARS Let Me Sock It To Ya 2323 P STREET WHEN YOU 00 TO P THINK OP MB WE NBCD CARS SELL US YOURS 990 1977 JOS. SCHLITZ BREWING CO.. MILWAUKEE. WIS. TK1 07 EIEnS QinQ&l QU3L Q: The figure "130" represents: a) The number of mailmen in the U.S. answering to the name of Louie. b) Any combination of the numbers 70 and 60. , c) The number of times the word porcupine can be written on a zucchini. - d) The number of Schlitz taste testers. e) Both (b) and (d). A: (e) I can think of no combination of 70 and 60 that does not equal 130. (If you can, you now know why .you are flunking math.) I also can't think of anything better than being a Schlitz taste tester. Except, perhaps, owning Kuwait. And Schlitz maintains a trained panel of over 130 of them. They're qualified and requalified experts who make sure your taste for quality is never disappointed. Because Schlitz knows the final test for flavor is yours alone. Class dismissed. A3YOUKKO;m Sk!:ndaStdnfir Dean of Deer f JS um e; 4-b nmmi-cnii sins a mm rani