The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 20, 1977, Page page 2, Image 2
-J page 2 daily nebraskan thursday, October 20, 1977 y) NU Med Center sponsors monthly lecture series Spotting children with communication problems will be the first topic in a monthly lecture series sponsor ed by the University of Nebraska Medical Center's Meyer Children's Rehabilitation Institute. Dr. Harris Winitz will begin the series tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Center for Continuing Education with a pre sentation on "Comprehension and Production Reconsider ed." Dr. Winitz, a speech and hearing science professor from the University of Missouri at Kansas City, has authored numerous articles on speech Communication problems. He also has written three books, including "From Syllable to Conversation" and "Aiticulatory daily nebraskan Publication no. 144080 Editor in Chief: Rex Seline. Managing Editor: Pete Mason, News Editor: Larry Lutz. Associate News Editors: Janet Fix and Ann Owens. Layout Editor: Steve Boerner. Entertainment Editor: Carla Engstrom. Sports Editor: Mike McCarthy. Special Editor: Michael Zangari. Night News Editor: Betsie Ammons. Photo graphy Chief: Ted Kirk. Executive Assistant to the Editor: Ron Ruggless. Copy Editors: E.K. Casaccio, Jill Denning, Susan Kissack and Barbara Lutz. Business Manager: Jerri Haussler. Advertising Manager: Gregg Wurdeman. Assistant Advertising Manager: Denise Jordan, Production Manager: Kitty Policky. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL Publications Committee on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during fall and spring semesters except during Vacations. Address: Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R streets, Lincoln, Neb. 68508. Telephone: 472-2588. Material may be reprinted without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, except material covered by a copyright. Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Neb. 68501 . The Feace Corps is alive and well. Call toll tree: 800-424-8580. PkaOl Corps A Public Service of this newspaper&The Advertising Council fni nrfl mm pots For balance of school year: 2.9 Cu Ft $ refrigerator 44Cu. Ft $ refrigerator Phone Rent-A-Wash 489-0876 V take one presents GARY COOPER In IGH NOON" TONIGHT 7 and 9 P.m. I UNION CENTENNIAL ROOfTl Acquisition and Behavior." In addition to Dr. Winitz, the lecture series will consist of monthly presentations throughout the winter (except December) by five prominent educators in audiology and speech pathology. Among these speakers will be Dr. William Diedrich from the University of Kansas Medical Center in Novem ber, Dr. Dan Boone from the University of Arizona in March and Dr. Jon Eisenson from San Francisco State in April. The wturft series is desicned for audioloeists. speech pathologists and students in the field but will be open to anyone, according to series coordinator, Dr. Edwin Leach, director of the Division of Audiology and Speech Pathology at the institute. The series is being funded by subscriptions and ticket sales. Subscriptions for the series are $25 for adults arid $15 for students. Tickets can also be purchased at the door for $7 or may be obtained from the Center for Continuing Education, 5414452. V I THOPSSPMY DOLLAR oFFii 'fast fre& delivery 75-7672 mm 1 mm, HBfl tnSI w w v vWj I A Good Only Thursdays !' -SCPff . mil OKI any large pizza wtwo or more items zza yo. uoiiar unrer Mfrm JWfKnJtffJll any large pizza ';Hg HJxr nit wtwo or more items , jjp5 v ThoBig M : ote: Only one coupon acceptable per pizz a ia fcri" fcsrii feai AmJ fcaa iue tasMj fepg asa tefai Hk bj Wsm mtm tsa c-tfli u-i fe'yf mz m""-m f" mzs rn YES! INTERNATIONALLY BE :D READING BOURSE VJI TAUGHT HERE IN inn Ai IK LAST MEETING TONIGHT - THURSDAY National Reading Enrichment Institute, (a non-profit organization), will offer a 4 week course in speed reading to a limited number of qualified people in Lincoln. N.R.E.I.'s PANORAMIC method of instruction is the most innovative and effective program available in the United States. Not only does this famous course reduce your time in thtfclassroom to just one class per week for 4 short weeks but it also in cludes an advanced speed reading course on cassette tape so that you can continue to improve for the rest of your life. In just 4 weeks the average student should be read ing 3-10 times faster. In a few months some students are reading 20-30 times faster attaining speeds that approach 6,000 words per minute. In rare instances speeds of up to 20,000 words per minute, have been documented. Our average graduate reads 3-10 times faster upon completion with greatly in creased comprehension and concentration. For those who would like additional in formation, a series of FREE one hour orientation lectures have been scheduled. At these free meetings, the course will be explained In. complete detail, including class schedule and a special classroom procedures, instruction methods, tuition that is one-half the cost of similar courses. You must attend any of the meetings for information about classes. These orientations are open to the public, above age 14. Persons under 18 should bo accompanied by a parent if possible.) If you have always wanted to be a speed reader but found the cost prohibitive or the course too time consuming . . . now you can, just by attending 1 evening per week for 4 short weeks, read 3 to 10 times faster, with greater comprehension and concentration. If you are a student who would like to make A's instead of B'sror C's or if you are a business person who wants to stay abreast of today's ever changing accelerating world, then this course is an absolute necessity. The special FREE one-hour meetings will be held at the following times and places: LINCOLN AREA MEETINGS Mon., Oct. 17 Two meetings, one at 6:30 P.M. and again at 8:30 P.M. Tues., Oct. 18 Two meetings, one at 6:30 P.M. and again at 8:30 P.M. Wed., Oct. 19 Two meetings, one at 6:30 P.M. and again at 8:30 P.M. TWO FINAL MEETINGS Thurs., Oct. 20 One at 6:30 P.M. and again at 8:30 p.m. THESE MEETINGS WILL BE HELD IN RADISON CORNHUSKER HOTEL iou o. met. tun i u ivr uij. If you are a businessman, student, house wife, or executive, this course, which took years of intensive research to develop, is a must. You can read 3 to 10 times faster, comprehend more, concentrate better, and remember longer. This course can be taught to industry or civic groups at "Group rates" upon request. Be sure to attend whichever free oreitnation that fits best in your schedule. REMEMBER, TUITION FOR THIS COURSE IS ONE HALF THAT OF SIMILAR COURSES. MONEY SPENT IN SELF-IMPROVEMENT IS - NOT AN EXPENSE, IT IS AN INVESTMENT; MAKE AN INVESTMENT IN YOUR FUTURE NOW. , -4 UNL 1.50 General $2.00 002