The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 20, 1977, Page page 10, Image 10
page 10 thursday, October 20, 1977 daily nebraskan Sp(nsS Equipment manager enjoys making people happy By Kevin Schnepf The way George Brown talks about Husker sports you would think he wrote the song "There Is No Place Like Nebraska, "You bet your life I like Nebraska sports," Brown says. "Ie been a sports nut all my life. I was too short to play any sports so I became a fan." Brown's enthusiasm for sports has taken him further than most fans. Brown is the equipment manager for the men's locker room in the Coliseum basement. Brown, 49, was born in Alvo and raised in Lincoln. He has worked for the Physical Education Department since 1968. Brown washes towels, cleans the swimming pool and the locker room and work with physical educa tion students. "I never get bored down here," he said. "There's never a boring day with all these students. I've met a lot of friends through this job." A graduate of Northeast High School, Brown was in the Navy 22 years before becoming equipment manager. Brown said he enjoys making people happy, especially students, "The job is what you make it," Brown said referring to his naval experience and his current position. "If you're happy everyday and put a smile on someone's face, you forget all your troubles. I'm nice to these guys because a lot of them are so far away from home, I enjoy helping people," Pictures of Husker football, track, basketball, and baseball coaches line, the walls in Brown's office, called the equipment cage. Two photos are missing. Brown said the photos of Tom Osborne and Joe Cipriano were vandalized. "I couldve punched the dizzy guy out if I would've caught him," Brown said, "You can bet that I'm getting new pictures of Coach Osborne and Coach Cipriano." Brown calls the UNL coaches a "great bunch of guys" Intramural ratings The following ratings are based on points scored, points scored upon and point differentials. Dormitory 1- Abel 4 A 3-0 2- BurrlWestA 3-0 3- Cather8A 3-0 4- Burr 2 Sodbusters 3-0 5- Raymond 2 3-0 Fraternity 1- Sigma Chi A 3-0 2- Sigma Nu A 3-0 3- BetaThetaPiA 2-0 4-Phi Delta Theta A. 3-0 5- Sigma Phi Epsilon 1-0 Independent 1- Thunderchickens 2-0 2- Big Knox Knockers 2-0 3- Royals 3-0 4- Aeros 3-0 5- C.C. Riders 2-0 sports shorts Team pictures for the UNL Rugby Club will be taken at 5 p.m, Thursday at Mabel Lee Field, Club president Mike Blanc said all members should attend rugby prac tices at 5:30 pan, Tuesdays and Thursdays at Mabel Lee Field. Information provided to the Daily Nebraskan on the results of the UNL Rugby Club's game with the Topeka Club Saturday was incorrect. The Topeka club won 32-3, adding that gymnastic coach Francis Allen is a good friend. 7 "Franny Allen is my hero," Brown said. "He took the gymnastics team from nothing to national contention. That shows you there's a lot of good athletes in this good old Cornhusker state." Before the UNL basketball team moved to the Sports Complex, Brown helped with the team's practices. Brown said he misses basketball in the Coliseum but said the Sports Complex is a big improvement, "When they packed this place (Coliseum), it was hard to beat Nebraska," he said. "The greatest game I saw in the Coliseum was when Nebraska beat Michigan in 1964. Michigan was top rated then, too. Brown said the Nebraska-Missouri basketball games also are memorable. Football is on Brown's mind now and he says Nebraska can win the Big 8 this year. "A lot of people think I'm crazy," he said. "But I think we can win the Big 8 and come close to winning the national championship." Brown said he hopes to continue working at UNL "ItVa very enjoyable job and I've been more fortunate than a lot of people. So I figure, be happy,. because a smile goes a long, long way." ' : I w-t -1M n Hi iWl-. J " I i i r- r J - f I : I d 4 a v ::s 4 . ... truiii iii iikiiii'iiiiiii hiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiii i .," , ' f wwtwwwwiwiM-iiMMgffmBaie ; I A I " """I ' . ! II r I A Big, Big Red Fan-Coliseum equipment manager George Brown, Photo by Bob Pearson Fluitt places 12th against Drake By Kevin Schnepf Husker. cross country runner Mark Fluitt battled the flu and four grueling miles over hill and dale last weekend and apparently it took its toll on the junior as he finished 12th in the Huskers 25-32 loss to Drake University, Fluitt finished the four-mile run in 21:34 at Wilderness Park, In two earlier meets this season, the junior grabbed fourth and fifth place finishes, "We had a pretty hard week of practice and I got pretty sicktn Fluitt said, "I was run down and didn't do too well against Drake," The flu still is bothering Fluitt but he said he should be ready for Saturday's 10:30 a.m, dual with South Dakota State University (SDSU). The meet will be held at Wilderness Park, 1st and Van Dom streets. - The Huskers are 0-3, but Fluitt said UNL should win its meet against SDSU, "We're a lot better than the last two years," he said, "My teammates are real great guys and we all get along," Fluitt said the team's top runners include Pat Colburn, Harold Stelzer, Steve Allen, Brian Dunnigan, Jeff Thurman and Kevin Hoffman, Fluitt, 5-foot-10, 135 pounds said he considers himself among the top three or four UNL distance runners. Last year, Fluitt ran behind UNL's top two distant runners; Matt Reckmeyer and Keith Whitaker, Both runners have been graduated and Fluitt said he hopes to fill their shoes. "I'm hoping to be the top miler this year," he said. "I'd like to be the head man on the relays, too," Head track coach Frank Sevigne said Fluitt had Reckmeyer and Whitaker for teachers last year and has improved a great deal, "He's a very strong runner and we're very pleased with him" Sevigne said, "He's maturing very much and hopefully he will have a good track season." Sevigne said Fluitt is capable of running the 880 yard run, the mile and the 1 ,000 meter run, "He'll be running the races which are best for him and where we'll need him the most," Sevigne said, Fluitt, who runs ten miles a day, said no letters are awarded for-competing in cross country meets but added, the purpose of cross country is conditioning. Team changes divisions to win The intramural team "Nocturnal Emission" expected easier competition when they dropped down from flag football's independent A division to B. But in their first game this season, "Nocturnal Emis sion" lost to Dental College 79, 30-6. Last year, "Nocturnal Emission" was runner-up to the Thunderchickens In the A independent league. "Nocturnal Emissions coach, Doug Hemke, said the team moved down to B division for enjoyment and to win the championship, "There was too much competition in A," Hemke said. "It wasn't enough fun. In B, you can have more fun play ing and there is just as much competition and we thought there would be more doggy teams." Hemke said "Nocturnal Emission" had quarterback problems in the opening loss, but that problem has been remedied. "We ended spring ball with seven of our top eight players vying for the quarterback spot ," Hemke said. Hemke said UNL soccer player Ernie Egr will start at quarterback for the remaining games. lie said turnovers allowed Dental College 79 to score 1 8 points in the first six plays of the game. "It was disheartening to look across the line and see eight sets of perfect teeth," Hemke said. "I think our offense and defense jelled during the game. We have good quality athletes and good speed " Hemke said "Nocturnal Emission" takes a 'lightheart ed approach to flag football but they are serious about winning the division championship. ' "I don't think well lost another game this season," Hemke said. "We have three games remaining and I think we can do it." r j Li 1 ihr J ' ? id h $0T ! ; f I- ; u i : : : I I " j I (fi ' iF - I i til l . V ' m ; ' P Dlui L.. in . n t it . Cross country runner Mark Fluitt wiU battle South Dakota State University and the flu this weekend when the Huskers meet the Jackrabhits in a 10 30 a.m. match Saturday at Wilderness Park.