ft- LsvQ thursday, October 20, 1977 vol. 101 no. 28 lincoln, nebraska Professor claims the weed is safe By Tarn Lee Marijuana is one of the safest drugs in use today, according to Dr. J. Thomas Ungerleider, marijuana re searcher and psychiatry professor at the University of California Medical Center in Los Angeles., He testified before a subcommittee of the Nebraska Legislature's Judiciary Committee Wednesday in opposi tion to LR 26. The resolution, sponsored by Omaha Sen, Patrick Venditte, is to study the feasibility of imposing stiffer penalties on marijuana users. Ungerleider disputed testimony by Prof. Hardin Jones, who testified in support of the resolution last month, Jones said marijuana was the most dangerous drug used in the United States today. "In an experment cited by Jones, monkeys who were forced to inhale 200 times the normal dosage of marijuana showed genetic damage, Ungerleider, Said, ' "Marijuana is one of the safest drugs we have" he said. Some drugs will kill people who take five or ten times the recommended dose," he said. Although Jones said marijuana has been shown to . cause brain damage, Ungerleider said no reputable scien tist believes that , Researchers who have compared long term marijuana user? with non-users have found no mea surable difference, he said, , ; , : Contrary to Jones's testimony, Ungerleider said, mari juana does not cause physical dependency on withdrawal symptoms, although long-time users may develop a psy chological dependence on the drug, He said there also is no evidence that marijuana is responsible for an anti-motivational syndrome. L , J 111 : , rtl A I - "V cy I Photo by Bob Pearson Marijuana researcher J, Thomas Ungerleider testifies Monday at a legislative hearing that reports of marijuana's harmful effects were "nonsense." The effects of marijuana are transient impairment of . time -space perception and psychomotor control, he said. It does not cause people to become homosexuals or violent either, he said, ; It does, however, help patients suffering from glaucoma, cancer, asthma, anorexia nervosa (a nervous disease in which young women starve themselves), and maybe epilepsy, he said. Marijuana also increases the pain threshold, is a sedative and a mild tranquilizer, he added. It does temporarily decrease production of the male sex hormone, testosterone, but it does not cause impo tence or sterility, contrary to Jones's testimony. Ungerleidei; was appointed to serve on former president Richard Nixon's Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, The commission found that alcohol use was a much more serious problem than marijuana use. It also unanimously recommended decriminalization of mari juana, he said. If, p V r Photo by TJ Kirk This raft relatives will be out on the prowl by month's end, but this little white kitty is sitting pretty, waiting out the last days of autumn. N CLU attorneys meet today to discuss illegal search suit Attorneys representing the Nebraska Civil Liberties Union will meet this afternoon to try and reach an agreement concerning alleged illegal searchs at the UNL Sports Complex. : The meeting is a continuation of a Wed nesday meeting. Private Attorney Robert B, Creager met with reporters in the U.S. Federal Court Clerk's office Wednesday, describing the meetings .as "an Hth hour move. . .We had anticipated filing suit today," . The controversy surrounds complaints that students were illegally searched for alcohol and controlled substances at the Sept. 15 Fleetwood Mac concert. , Creager said a petition for an injunction against the procedures and a temporary restraining order pending a hearing is pre pared. He refused to name the plaintiffs and defendents of the suit if it is filed. The immediate goal of CLU actions is to stop similar procedures at the Oct. 28 Crosby, Stills and Nash concert, he said. "We're not- even certain precisely what the official policy is. That's the nature of the meeting," Creager said. Following Wednesday's meeting . with UNL attorneys, he said "We're bargaining in good faith right now. . .the university is apparently willing to cooperate with us." Creager previously had said that if Wed nesday's negotiations proved fruitless, the suit would be. filed later that day. Any CLU action has been postponed until after this afternoon's second meeting, he said. Need for meeting discussed The necessity of a special Faculty Senate meeting on the 1977-78 UNL budget problem was the discussion topic at a senate executive session Wednesday. The Oct. 25 special Senate meeting was scheduled to allow faculty members a chance to form a recommendation on the $1.6 million budget deficit UNL faces, said Michael Turner, Faculty Senate president. However, Ned Hedges, vice chancellor . for Academic Affairs, said it may not be necessary to have a special Faculty Senate meeting if the budget problem can be handled in the senate's regular meeting. The senate meets the second Tuesday of each month. - Turner said most budgets allocate $700,000 to $800,000 more than the amount of money available to allow for expenditures that don't ma ierialize. However, he said UNL's deficit, accumulated over the last five or six years, is inappropriate and could cause difficulties. He said the faculty is affected by any part of the budget and should have a chance to discuss it openly. ' The budget is a sensitive internal problem and should first be addressed by the Senate's executive committee, Turner said. inside Uiurcday Fees-Behind closed doors: Hie task force on student fees will conduct meetings until December. . . ; .p. 7 Night Train pulls into Lincoln: and unpacks a distinctive style of jazz and blues. p. 8 Baby, you can drive my car: County city employees begin carpool program to save energy ..... .p. 9