The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 19, 1977, Page page 8, Image 8

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    page 8
daily nebraskan
Wednesday, October 19, 1977
, .inn-WRftrtftrtftftftfti'
3 (
- . i . .
Start stockina ud on vour Snickers,
I candv bar prices are bound to soar
Walk in
with glasses.
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with contacts.
In many cases we give
you same-day service
on contact lenses.
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By Mary Jo Pitzl
Beware, all you believers in the Great Pumpkin, St.
Nicholas and the Easter Bunny.
Candy manufacturers are telling us that chocolate
prices are rising because of the higher cost of cocoa beans.
The standard 20-cent chocolate bar soon may cost a
quarter. With such inflation, perhaps the only place
candy-loving college students can obtain satisfaction for
their sweet tooths is from the generosity of those peren
nial candy givers.
Canteen Vending Service, supplier of university
vending products, has not scheduled a price increase for
its 20-cent candy bars, but such a price hike is possible,
according to a Canteen representative.
"We'd have to go to 25 cents," said the representative,
who said he preferred to remain anonymous. "I don't
anticipate it will go any higher."
Canteen has about 280 vending machines on campus,
according to Gene Meerkatz, university vending systems
manager, lie said 52 of these machines carry candy, and
80 percent of their products contain chocolate.
Meerkatz said that although he is aware of rising cho
colate prices, "I've been trying not to mention it to Can
teen. It sounds like it may be coming, but not any sooner
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than I have to do jt."
By stocking up on chocolate candy before the price
increase takes effect, Meerkatz said the university can
delay the advent of 25 -cent candy bars for about two
.months. He said he anticipates the quarter candy bars will
not be sold until bet beginning of 1978.
It is too early to predict the impact chocolate prices
may have on future university food supplies, according to
Douglas Rix, assistant director of housing in charge of
food services.
"If it (chocolate prices) took a 10 to 15 percent price
hike, weprobably wouldn't take it off the menu," Rix
said. On the other hand, an item with a 90 to 10Q percent
price rise would most likely be eliminated immediately
from the university food store's shopping list, according
to Rix.
"Traditionally, (hot) chocolate has beefn one of the
cheapest beverages," he said. "This year, it is the same
cost as milk, and milk is pur most expensive beverage."
He said supply and demand would determine how
much chocolate the university will order in the future.
Other Lincoln candy wholesalers said they liad not
yet been notified by their suppliers about a rise In choco
late prices.
10 a.m. to 3 pjn. - Arts
& Sciences-Pharmacy Ad
vising, room 222
Noon - Student Y-Wo-menSpeak,
room 232
12:30 p.m. - College
Career Christian Fellowship,
room 337
2:15 p.m. - Union Pro
gram Council Human Poten
tials Committee, room 343
2:30 p.m. - Beta Alpha
Psi, Auditorium
3:30 p.m. - Young Re
publicans, room 232
5:30 p.m, - Engineer
ing Toastmasters, Harvest
room A
, 6 p.m. - Gamma Lamb
da, Harvest room C
6 p.m. - Multi-Cultural
Affairs tutoring, room 225G
6:30 pjn. - ASUN Sen
ate meeting, Ballroom
7 p.m. - Mu Epsilon Nu,
room 202
7 p.m. Nebraska Union
Board Survey Task Force,
room 243
7 p.m. - Interfraternity
Council, conference rooms
7:30 p.m. - Students to
save the Niobrara, room 232
8 p.m. - UPC coffee
house, south crib
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