The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 19, 1977, Page page 16, Image 16
Wednesday, October 19, 1977 page 16 daily nebraskan Garrard SL-55 Turntable with sura M91-ED cartridge. $40, call 489-1073 or 432 6119. For Sale: Kenwood KA 3500 amp., 3 weeks old. Top condition. Retail $170, will sell for $140 or best offer. Call 472-8882. Hoover and Eureaka vacuum :leaner. Excellent condition. Mr. Sweeper Store 2810 N. 48th 467-3638 10 spd. bike, $45. Schwinn Continental $150. 435-8189 Waterbed mattress, heater, liner and fill and drain kit at $119. Lincoln Swimming Pools Waterbed Kings 1921 South 17th 475-2554 Genuine Dynamo Foosball table, $300 or Best Offer. 472-8525, Greg. For sale: 2-40 gallon aquar iums, complete with accessories. 475-1383, after 7. A good used violin. $240. Complete with new case and bow. 477-8216. Tired of riding bicycle? Get yourself moped rated No. 1 , at 120 miles per gallon. 466-1016. For Sale New Fabiano Hiking Boots, Womens 87, N. $45.-, Call 432-6846. Decorate your room, apt. or home with the natural white sheepskin rug. Approximate size 3x4 ft., $29.95. Call for your order at 423-1989 or see 3325 E. Pershing Road. DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT & WEDDING RINGS: Up to 50 discount to stu dents; faculty, & staff. Example, 14 ct. $95, 12 ct. $275, 1 ct. $795, by buying direct from leading diamond importer. For color catalog send $1 to SMA Diamond Importers, Inc., Box 42, Fanwood, N.J. 07023. (indicate name of school I or call (212) 682-3390 for location of showroom nearest you. Topaz & Amethist for sale. Interested??? Call 472-9505. Pumpkins for sale. Your choice 25 cents.v Friday. Gateway Center. Thursday- Shopping 1 CSN Concert ticket. Row 1. Call 4744442. 1 female- ticket to CU Game, 489-3283. For Sale-1 female ticket 50 yard line-Colo, game, $20. Call 475-0394. 1 female ticket to CU game. 472-2588. Ask for Carta. (m mm. Four students, 1021 North 9th, 4 bedroom, stove, refrig erator, washerdryer, central air, utilities paid, no pets, walking distance to campus. 489-6817 after 5 p.m. weekdays, 2128 'B' St. Large 2 bedroom, recently remodeled, shag, laundry, no pets. $225mo. all utilities paid. 1631 'A St. Unique 1 bed room apartment newly remodeled, shag, no pets, furnished. $165mo. plus lights. Call 4 6 p.m., 488-4313. 2808 Q, unfurnished, 1 bed room. $130mo., plus utili ties, (available immediately) 2327 R St. 1 bedroom turn ished, $155mo plus util ities. 1225 So. 11, 2 bedroom, attached garage, stove, refrig erator, $175mo t deposit utilities. Call 474-2437 after 6 for more Info. 2417 Vine-Spacious 2 bed room, fireplace, dish-washer, washer & dryer facilities: $225. 439-7200. FOR SALE: Kenwood amp KA500 65wch. at 1 THD and Kenwood KT-3500 tuner, $325. 474 5214 or 477-3328. Cornhurfter Co-op: Try us for homey atmosphere near Campus. For more infor mation 4756796 and itk for house of ficer. 321 N. 13th, 3 rooms,and bath. Pay own electricity-call 423 6636. Furnished, own room, utili ties pd., $85mo. Near 26 and R. 472-2639, 5 to 10 p.m. Rent our condominium in the heart of Ski country. Call 489-3444 or 4754429. 1516 N 31-Nice two bed room, furnished apartment. Available Nov. 1, $170mo. . Call 432-3689 for particulars. 1948 Q St. Available Novem ber 1st. Efficiency with air, appliances, bed carpet, drapes, garage, no pets. $140mo. 475 6523 and 466-1933. v - Zeta Tau Alpha sorority needs bus boys at both lunches and dinner. Phone 432-0583 after . 4 p.m. for interview. WORKERS NEEDED FOR COLORADO-NEBRASKA GAME COMMISSION SALES Call-472-3665. W-Th-F, 14. HELP Wanted-Workers to assist antique dealers; 8:30 a.m. 2 p.m.; Tuesday, . Oct. 26. For more information call, 489 1065. ) Taco Inn needs persons to work either 9 a.m.1 p.m. or 1 p.m.-5 ftm. Monday thru Friday. Apply in person after noons to Taco Inn, 13th & R. Part-time help, evenings and Saturdays. Apply in person, Maten's Texaco, 401 S, 10th, Addressers Wanted Immediately! Work at home-no experience necessary-excellent pay. Write American Service, 8350 Park Lane, Suite 269, Dallas, TX 75231. Part-time Computer Operator tor. Shift hours 4 p.m.-8p.m, daily and some weekends. Experience not required but desireable. By appt. only, Lin coln Liberty Life Insurance Co. 474-1111. Lincoln Air Host Restaurant now hiring morning and night waitresses, cooks and dish washers. Air Terminal, Municple Airport. REPRESENTATIVE In need of two women or men, to obtain new custo mers, for our already estab lished territory. No experience neccessary. Com plete training program. 6 hours per day should pay $150 a week. Send a per sonal resume to Karl Gilbertson. 5525 Normal Blvd. Lincoln NE 68506 Equal Opportunity Employer MF GOLDEN CHICKEN Needed; Cooks at $2.75 $3.50hr. Waitresses at $2.30 tip. Kitchen help at $2.30 $ up. Hostessescashier at $2.75 & up. Part-time or full-time. Must be able to work evenings. Apply at Golden Chicken, 4515 No. 56th, OVERSEAS JOBS-summer year-round. Europe, S. America, i Australia, Asisa, ect. All fiteds, $500-1200 monthly, Expenses paid, sightseeing, Free Inform. write: International Job Center, Dept. NA, Box 4490, Berkely, Calif. 94704. Responsible male with car to run errands, change bulbs and furnace filters, light office main tenance, end repairs help with wrestling tournament. Prefer morning hours. Wages nego tiable, call 46C -1946. Part time city supervisor for the Journal Star circulation Dept. Must be available after 2:30 daily; all day Saturday. Car required with mileage ex penses. Call Jerry Genrich 473 7349 for Interview appt. Part time parking attendants needed. Morning, afternoon, evening andor Saturday. Apply In person at Towne Parking. 1313 M St. Alice's Restaurant has open ings for: hostesses, waitresses, line cooks, dishwashers. Excel lent starting pay. Apply in person at 211 N.70th. MIGHT SHIFT Temporary part-time production work from present time to Febr uary, 1978. Apply in person, personnel office. Russell Stover Candy INC. 5:30 p.m. -10:30 p.m. 201 N. 8th St. An Equal Opportunity Employer HELP WANTED Need help over the noon hour from 12 p.m. -2 p.m. Meal included. Apply to manager. Sandwich Shop 242 N. 13th St. HELP WANTED Go-Go dancers, 1035 M, Street. 474-9909 Part-time, evening and weekend help needed. Call for appointment. Alice's Restau rant. 488-2572, 4013 S. 48th, GODFATHERS PIZZA Wanted full-time or part-time bartender, and part-time wai tress. Apply in person, 12th & Q. Ask for Terry or Rusty. Wanted-Part-time drive attendant. Crest Oil Co. 1545 Cornhusker Hwy. Position opening for female vocalist in local, part time, commercial band, For more information, call 435-2616,477-5987, Good starting pay if accepted. Evening and weekend hours. Call Thursday 464-0224 Need 1 female, 1 male ticket to Colo. game-Will pay $10 each. Call 475-0394, Need 4 football tickets. Pay good. 47541 27. Need four male football tickets for Colorado game. Need not be together. Call 475 6796 between 8-10 p.m. Wed nesday, . Need 2 tickets together for CU game, Call 467-3587 or 4234087. WANTF.D: 4 male, 4 female student tickets to Colorado game. Call 467-2853 after 6 p.m. Wanted-3 female & 1 male football tickets for Colorado game. Call 432-51 89-ask for Ortiz, WANTED: Three General Admission, tickets to Colorado game. Call 435-7330. Wanted; Pair of general admission tickets for Colorado. Call 472 8435. Wanted: 2 tickets to UN COLO game M-F TOGETHER, Call 464-1346. WANTED: 2 tickets to Colo rado Game (at least 1 of them should be male). Call 488 3314 after 6 p.m. Need 4 tickets to Colo rado game. 464 6065. Need: 3 female tickets to CU game. 4664093. Ask for Susan, Wanted: 3 general admis sion tickets together for the CU game. 477-9951. Wanted: 2 female and 1 male ticket to the CU game. 477 9951. Wanted: Male and Female ticket to the Colorado game. Must be together. Call 477 4789 after 6. i - Wanted: Female roommmate to share 2-bedroom apt. 5 blocks from East Campus. Avail able Nov. 1st. 466-5074 after 5. Male Roommate beginning November 1 for 3 bedroom townhouse. $75mo. and utili ties. Call 474-3735. ROOMMATE WANTED Female or male, to share expen ses for a 2 bedroom house, close to main campus, 19 & U. Rent is $160mo. utili ties, Call 4744745. Female or Male. Modern, spacious living in quiet resi dential area. Private bedroom. $75. 483-1 604, after 3. Wanted: Female roommate to share a house with another female. Three blocks from East campus. References, one months rent deposit avail able immediately, 466-8897. Becky B: Your Mom is watching over you so watch out! Don't forget to stop by the house for GOOD IES!!! Love, your p.m. REEFER MADNESS COM ING SOON; AND THIS IS NO MOVIE! -FIRST ANNUAL BONG-A-THON COMMITTEE COLORADO JOE INFORMATION Colorado Springs, Aspen, Vail. Rush $2.00 Box 785, Manitou Springs, Colorado 80829. - Mark Robert: Happy Birthday! Drink one forme! Love D.K, Theta Xi Little Sisters: It was Indeed the sweetest day of our life. You are the greatest, Love, Your Brothers of Theta X! To the seven who dared: Richard likes his new home. Thanks Happy 21st Melsel- Come watch Karen get plastered, to night at the Hole, Last Monday was SUE GUAM'S 18th birthday, Give her a call (472-8733) of, if you see her In person, give her a Heimlich! Amy Kepple says the Helmlichs are colder in Minn esota. Harper-Schramm -Smith resi dents; Your Heimlich represent- ative is Joan Sullivan. Sherry Helmke says, "I Heimlich every day and I never felt better." Learn how to Heimlich in the privacy of your own home! Contact Pat Pirtle for a free demonstration. JD: It began October 19, 1973. The rest is history. Thanks for everything. Tequlero pe Margo; Beware of the mud worm. "Roomie" Genon Rost, Will we see your booties next year???????? col Happy 19th to you, Don't get TOO drunk the rowdy at the bars tonight. ' Love, LG Cindy: Happy 19th birthday to a great friend I Love, Peg! .You fl0" teve HEART N U, Rugby, Your Captains We Love You Katey N.U. Rugby NOWII WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK EVER!! Stop In at Trade-a-Tape and Record and see our unique collection. They are all fully guaranteed, starting around $2.50. .We buy selltrade. TRADE-A-TAPE & RECORD 1127P'St. 474-9675 Arch Man Lives! Hi Stan, See you at ASUN tonight. Personals! Happy Belated 18th Sara! ZPSSt Wolfe Candy, My everything plus 1 is" yours. Meet me at the Union Bakery for a Bakers Dozen. Dick Dick, Hungry for cake? Come to the Union Bakery for a piece. Candy Pi Phi's Maybe when we get to know each other, you can come over for a swim! Your Secret Sisters THANKS to the winter Wal purgisnacht pommittee for their time and effort in making the "Search for the Top" a success. Special thanks to Judie Braun. Ron Dear Zeta Tau Alpha: We have a surprise for you tonight at 7. Please be at your house. Love, Your Secret Sorority 30 year old virgin I'd like to help. Reply via personals to "interested," Tenacious, Hope you had a happy B-Day yesterday, YHS'77 Marta, (Belated) Contento diez y nueve anos cumpleanos, Juanita "F ii i- ii in .i I I My Sweet D, The force is with us, I felt it Saturday night, When do I install your music box? Life Is GREAT! Bag To someone who needs some, so do UPS, Try signing your cards! Gregory- , Sorry you didn't get this in time for your B-day, but just be cause you want It, doesn't mean you can have it. Hope you got what you wanted Saturday! Kim BITCHIN', Happy 21st a day late . . . You're so sweet, horseflies keep buzzin' around your face! Love ya, Wuggins Dear Rich, Sorry to take advantage of your good nature. Your G.B.R. hat will be returned, Now will you sign the check? A Repentant S.A. Woody (CD, of Sigma Chi), I feel so sorry for you, Love & Kisses C Childbirth Education Assoc, Lamaze classes for couples and tingle mothers. Call 4354045. Guys & Dolls-University Singles Pub Is here, If you like to party, have fun, and meet people like yourself, write us for all the free details. P.O. Box 12669, Gainsville, Florida, 32G04. Learn to fly an airplane. You can meat requirements for private pilots license for as little as $850. Call Joe Fisher, 826-4202, Crete, NE. nOOflTION INFORfTlflTION BUREAU INC Call us free, 1-800-523-5350 . Non-profit Organization Pregnant? Birthright Is a con fidential helping hand. 477-8021. SC-do you have crabs? Feeling alone or has some thing gotten you down? Maybe OUTREACH can help. Call 472 2200 or walk-In west door of University Health Center from 6 p.m .-7 a.m. MATH TUTORING MS 2 yr. UNL Math TA. TA'd 90. 100, 106, 107. 477-1376 RESUMES To land the job of your choice, you need profes sionally written resumes. 475-9777. Protect your car from salty streets with the wash and wax special $19.95. Towne Parking, 1313 M St. 435-8905. . Quality child care, part-time, occasional, one-call, 475-2794. Experienced dissertation and thesis typing. References, Call Peggy. 475-1 837. GUITAR INSTRUCTION Limited number of time slots open for the fall; schedule. $7.50 per private lesson, ZAGER STUDIO 483-2096 YOUR CAMPUS WATCHMAKER D ick s Watch Service Repair ALL makes SeikoTimex-Bulova etc, watch batteries, watch bands. Where your watch meets a friend blk. So. of Nebr, Bookstore, 432-3414 I 1 .1 . Students to save the Nio brara will have a meeting to night In the Union. Anyone Interested is Invited, Room number will be posted. Omicron Sigma Epsilon will be holding the first annual "Ringenfest" Oct. 22. For more .details call 4325480 and ask for Bruce, Beta Alpha Psl meets Wed nesday, Oct, 19th, 2:30 p.m. Union, . Presentation on the CMA. University students, faculty, and employees! You have until 12:00 high to decide if you're going to see "High Noon" Oct, 20th at 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. in the Union Centennial Room, UNL HORTICULTURE CLUB WILL MEET Wed., Oct, 19, at 7.00 p.m, In the East Union (Room posted), Kay Young will speak on "Wild Edible Foods", Anyone is wel come to attend, Come to the Acacia-AXO melodrama: Oct, 20, 21, "22 at Gaslight Theater, 322 S, 9th St. All proceeds to AUF. See you there. Pumpkin Decorating Contest Prizes: $25-$15$10. Oct, 26. Gateway Shopping Center, call 464-5513 for details. Homecoming elections voting on East Campus at the Union today, 9-5:00, Welcome: NU Medical Cen ter readers. We hope to serve your needs; meantime, thanks for your interest. LOST: Set of keys In leather Case, Call 472-8197. Found: set of car keys on i ring. Contact Anne 472 1037. 11 x 14" orange envelope containing four photografhs. Call 477-8271. L01T; God, wire rim glasses In black case. Reward 472-BC61,