The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 19, 1977, Page page 11, Image 11
Wednesday, October 19, 1977 page 1 1 daily nebraskan Student activity, Union program offices combine After Nov. 1, the UNL student activities office will leave the realms of the department of student develop ment and merge with the Nebraska Union programs, according to Richard Armstrong, vice, chancellor for student affairs. Armstrong said he recently decided to combine the programs because services overlapped. "There is much similarity in the focus of both de partments except one looks within the union and the other looks outside it Armstrong said . Supervision of student activities will shift from Jayne Wade Anderson, acting dean of student develop ment, to Union Director Al Bennett. Anderson said she thoughts the decision would pro vide a "more united, coordinated, arena so that the thrust can go in one solid direction." The consolidation would provide better and more efficient services to students, she said, - , - Student activities, currently directed by Dan Steller, includes summer orientation, student banking, leader ship training, community involvement services and stu dent organization services and advising. After the merger, Steller will become recreation di rector, Armstrong said, where he currently serves part time. The recreation department will remain under the department of student development, he said. Armstrong said Bennett ultimately will hold the reins over the consolidation. The Nebraska Union Ad visory Board and the Union Programs Council current ly are working to put into affect the transfer and analyze its implications, he said. Armstrong said he did not know what will happen to some staff members. V Bennett was not available for comment. J Jza JV xz) JV STMT MfflMIffi As advertised three times this semester in the DAILY NEBRASKAN and as noted in the annual UN-L Student Handbook, you have been notified that it is an annual requirement for all student organizations, honoraries, and honor societies to file updated information with the Office of Student Ac tivities by 10-1:77. It is also required to have a constitution on file and to process all organizational financial accounting through the Office of Student Activities. Organizations who have filed this information and met these other requirements are granted active status and are accorded full privileges on campus i.e., the right to conduct campus' activities and events, use campus facilities etc. Organizations who have not complied have been placed on an inactive status and have no campus privileges. Organizations with inactive status at the end of a two (2) year period will have recognition as a student organization withdrawn. Any questions concerning the status of your organization may be directed to the Office of Student Activities, 201 Nebraska Union, 472-2484, 85, 86, 87. ACTIVE ORGANIZATIONS The following organizations have met all requirements of the Office of Student Activities,, A-S-U.N., and the Board of Regents and are-considered active organizations on the UN-L Campus: Actuarial Club African Student Association Afro-American Collegiate Society Ag Advisory Board Ag Economics Club Agronomy Club Alpha Epsilon Alpha Epsilon Rho Alpha Lambda Delta Alpha Tau Alpha Alpha Zeta American Guild of Organists American Society of Civil Engineers American Home Economics Association American Institute of Architects American Institute of Chemical Engineers American Institute of Industrial Engineers American Society for Personnel Administration American Society of Ag Engineers American Society of Interior Designers Angel Flight Aquaquetts Arab Student Association Arnold Air Society Association for Computing Machines Associated Students of University of Nebraska Association for Childhood Education Association of General Contractors All University Fund Baptist Student Union Baha'i Association Beta Alpha P$i Block & Bridle Blueprint Booster Yell Squad Broadcasting Association, Student Campus Crusade for Christ Campus Girl Scouts Unnese Culture Club Chinese Student Association Christian Science College Career Fellowship Concerned Pro-Life Students Concepts Through Theatre Corn Cobs Comhusker Marketing Club Council for Exceptional Children Council of American Indian Students Crew, University of Nebraska Daily Nebraskan Distributive Education Clubs of America Delta Phi Alpha Eckankar Club Ibero American (Spanish Club) Elites Engineering Executive Board Engineering Toastmasters Engineers for Christ Epsilon Chi Eta Kappa Nu Eta Sigma Gamma Fencing Club Food Science Club 4-H Club Le Cercle Francais (French Club) Gamma Lambda Gay Action v Geology Club Hillel Foundation Home Economics Education Association Horticulture and Forestry Club Human Development and the Family India Association Innocents Institute of Electric and Elec tronic Engineers InterFraternity Council International Club Inter Sorority Music Council .InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Japanese Student Association Judo Club Latin American Student Association Mortar Board Mu Epsilon Nu Muslin Students Nebraska Masquers Nebraska Tae Kwon Do Association ACTIVE 0r.0Ai:iZATI0!IS (CO day extcnslaas) Nebraska University Public Interest Research Group NU Meds NU Vets Omicron Delta Epsilon Orchesis Organization of Iranian Students Panhellenic , Pershing Rifles A-2 People for the Children Phi Alpha Theta Phi Beta Lambda Phi Chi Theta Phi Delta Gamma Phi Epsilon Kappa Phi Eta Sigma Phi Upsilon Omicron Pi Lambda Theta Pi Mu Epsilon Pi Sigma Alpha Fi Tau Sigma Prayer & Praise Prospective Law Students Association Red Cross Rifle Club Rodeo Club Rugby Club Sigma Alpha lota Sigma Delta Chi Sigma Lambda Chi Sigma Xi Ski Club Soccer Club - Society of Women Engineers Student International Medita tion Society Students to Save the Niobrara Student Veterans T8ble Tennis Club Tassels Tau Beta Pi Tau Sigma Delta Towne Club Union for Christ University of Nebraska Insurance Club Upsilon Pi Epsilon Vietnamese Student Association Water Polo Club Weightlifting Club Wildlife Club Women's Law Caucas Young Americans for Freedom Young Democrats Young Republicans YWC A The following organizations have met all other requirements but have no constitutions on file in the Office of Student Activities. They are granted a 60 day ex tension from this date of their active status during which time a constitution must be filed In this office. Any organization not having a constitution to file must deyelope one and submit it to the Office of Student Activities subject to A.S.U.N. approval. Any organization failing to meet these requirements at the end of tne 60 day period will be automatically classified as inactive. American Society of Mechani cal Engineers Builders Chi Epsilon Delta Omicron East Campus Gavel Club Mechanized Agriculture Club Mexican American Student Association Pershing Rifles National Headquarters Student Bar Association Student Dietetic Association Student Education Association Univ. of Nebraska Tae Kwon- do Club Upsilon Pi Epsilon INACTIVE ORGANIZATIONS As noted, the following organizations have deficiencies rendering them inactive. As soon as these deficiencies are met the organizations will be moved from the inactive to the active list with full restoration of privileges. Contact this office for information about the necessary procedures td follow (Inactive Organizations) (Constitutions on file but with the following deficiencies:) Organization No activity No update financial acct listing of in Stu. Act. off icers No activity financial acct. in Stu. Act, Accounting Association Agriculture Executive Board Agriculture Communicators Agronomy Grad Students AIESEC Alpha Kappa Psi Alpha Pi Mu Amateur Radio Club American Institute of Mechanical Engineering Ananda Marga Yoga Society Arts & Sciences Advisory Board . Association for Pre-Med Technicians Basketball Association Blacks of African Descent Black United Sisters Black American Law Students Blue Beret Drill Team Boxing Club C.B.A. Advisory Board Cadence Countesses Chess Club Citizens for Environmental Improvement Coalition for Peace and Justice Coa'lition for University Reform Collegiate Association for the Research of the Principles Comenius Club , Delion Union Delta Sigma RhoTau Kappa Alpha Oeseret Club Fellowship of Christian Athletes Gamma'Alpha Chi Gamma Delta Gamma Theta Upsilon German Club Graduate Counseling Fraternity Graduate Student Association Graduate Student Organization of Ed Psych & Measurements Healthful Living Club Helping End Marijuana Prohibition Historical Simulations Club Ice Hockey Club Home Economics Advisory Board Human Relations Insight League Individuals for a Rational Society Italian Club Kappa Psi Korean Student Association Kosmet Klub Lambda Tau Latter Day Saints Lincoln Draft Information Lincoln Student Council on Health Lincoln Student Dietetic Assoc. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Military Ball Committee Mu Phi Epsilon National Society of Interior Designers Navigators NROTC Batallion Recreation Newman Club Omicron Nu Pakistan Student Organization Pentacostal Student Fellowship Phalanx Phi Alpha Delta Phi Beta Kappa Phi Delta Kappa Phi Delta Phi Phi Lambda Upsilon Philosophy Club Phi Sigma lota Phi Sigma Tau Pi Kappa Lambda Pre-Physical Therapy Club Psi Chi Recreation and Parks Society Scuba Club Semper Fidel is Sigma Delta Epsilon Sigma Eta Chi Sigma Gamma Epsilon Sigma Theta Epsilon Society of American Military Engineers Social Work Club Sports Car Club Star Trek Stewards Council of Wesley House United Chapel Student Council on Health Teachers College Advisory Board Women in Communications Tutors of Nebraska Indian Children (TONIC) Tractor Club Turkish Student Association Undergraduate Psychology Organization Undergraduate Sociology Organization Unicorns University Folk Dance Society University Flying Club Vocational Homemaking Education Association The Way, Campus Outreach Walk for Development Women's Physical Education Club Y-Pals Zoology Club X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X No update listing of officers X X X X X I ' X X X X X X X X X X x , X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X . INACTIVE ORGAKIZATIOliS (No constitutions on file plus the following deficiencies) Alpha Kappa Delta X X Student Association X X Alpha Kappa Gamma X X lota Sigma Pi X X Alpha Phi Omega X . X International Agriculture Student American Chemical Society XX Association X X American Society of Civil Engineers X National Student Speech & Hearing Beta Gamma Sigma X Association x Dental Hygiene Student Association X X Nebraska Univers'ty F.F.A XX Delta Phi Alpha XX Omicron Keppa Upsilon XX Delta Theta Phi X X Pi Epsilon Delta X X Delta Sigma Delta XX Pi Lambda Upsilon XX Epsilon Chi Tau XX Scarlet Berets XX Gamma Theta Epsilon XX Slavic Club XX History Club X X Tau Rho X X Home Economics Graduate