The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 13, 1977, Page page 15, Image 15
k thursday, October 13, 1977 daily nebraskan page 15 Saboteur, sadistic woman inhabit 'Whipping Star' By Mark Younc Whipping Star, Frank Herbert, $1.50tBerkely Medafton Books. Picture a universe in which the do-gooders control the government. Red tape is eliminated; legislation is sug gested, approved and signed into law before lunch. This super-government threatens to bring the entire universe under its well-intentioned laws. Recognizing this threat, the government creates a Bureau of Saboteurs. This hardy band is dedicated to slowing the government by fair means or foul. book.rvlw This is the universe Frank Herbert uses in his novel Whipping Star. Herbert gained fame and fortune in the early 70s with his novel Dune. Whipping Star was first released at about the same time as Dime and somehow got lost in the shuffle. , Dune is a classic science' fiction novel. Herbert's characters exist in a rich, fully developed world. The work is an action novel with subtle analogies of our own time. Whipping Star is something else again; it's a grade B pot boiler. " Sadistic woman For example, Mikie, saboteur extraordinaire, must stop . You emu join anytime! Updatt lists ai vallabU if you ovj, dias job or hour. LI! wtea cutely hCcet O . I W , Oct 14-22 Howell Theater S3.00&M.00 ,12th &R 472-2073 IK1 11; BLUE OYSTER CULT SPECIAL GUESTS DLACIC OAK ARKANSAS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26 8 PM Omaha Civic Auditorium TicVeii S6 00 in dice, ilbl t the Auditorium Bo Offict nd all Crand !it outleti a sadistic woman from flogging the last known Caleban to death. The Calebans are an invisible race who control the jumpdoors. A jumpdoor, of course, is a means of leaping, inter-dimensionally, from one end of the universe to another. All of the Calebans, except one, have disappeared. Each time a Caleban Vanishes, other intelligent creatures die or at best go insane. If the rich sadist has her way the last Caleban is destroyed, the universe probably will go up in smoke. Mikie slowly ferrets clues to the mystery by talking to the last Caleban, Fanny Mae: Talking to Fanny Mae is a lot like talking to a Lewis Carroll character, fascinat ing but tiring. Between bouts with Fanny, Mikie jumps from planet to planet combating evil with a wallet full of flashy gadgets. The situation becomes messier and more confusing until only the impossible could help. Luckily, the impossible happens-sort of. In Whipping Star, Herbert combines a tight, well , paved plot, ingenious devices and thoroughly engaging . characters into a solid novel. There is little character development and even less social significance. Whipping Star will not raise your consciousness, but it will enter tain you. What more do you want for a buck and a half? story in The Worlds of Frank Herbert. It is a good story. This time he uses a device that causes snakes to grow from a man's skull. - , Unfortunately "The Tactful Saboteur" is the only first rate story in this collection. The others tend to start off well, but the situations within them cannot carry the wooden characters for a full story. They are good trash reading, perfect for the night before an accounting test, but hardly worth a $1.75. Neither Whipping Star not Worlds approaches Dune in breadth of vision or matches its skillfully written plot. Luckily, Herbert didn't try to write another classic. Instead, in Whipping Star he pounded out an entertain ing book for the hard-core sci-fi fan. Whipping Star de served to be reissued and it deserves to be read. Mikie returns Mikie reappears in "The Tactful Saboteur' the lead The Lincoln Jazz Society presents if P- ijl Dexter Gordon October 13 8:00 p.m. O'Donnell Auditorium . Nebraska Wesleyan Campus Reserved Seats $4,00 Available at Dirt Cheap and at the door the night of the concert. One need only look at him to recognize a hard blower, a boss tenor; even the saxophone appears to take on new dimensions in his hands. Bob Blumcnthal, Boston Phoenix Supported by a grant from the Nebraska Arts Council PLUS 2nd CHEAT HIT: Row, ttats entertainment! HARRY REEMS DARBY LLOYD RAINS in 5 (dm r f y . r i : AOui!vAduIrFi!m( Mllhotl Htf nwi I fi i tnc sis m Tiasfi Continout shows from 1 1am. Latt show Fri-Sat Must b 18-Hav 1.0. 1730 't)" St.- 433-4043 , ; mm. JT.J-jy mum o 5 5 mi Toet; freo dzjHxrmv 475-7672 E 0 Pizza Go. Hollar Offer Good Only Thursday; ff SU.OID I'il'.V.. fc- any lairge pizza wtwo or mora items iyv uu- fl w - MI M V any large pizza two or moro items :Mot9: 0nly one rouPn cceptable per 'fMyMyi mm. I Mi a Q D D D 3 D a D R u i if n 4 V f