Wednesday, October 12, 1977 daily nebraskan page 5 Dick and Pat at their seaside home: dishonorable thieves, innocent leaders C ,-A XI, : l ...... 1 . Good Morning, housewives another stroll down Memory Lane to visit with Dick and Pat in their little summer white house overlooking the blue Pacific where they dwell in humble luxury. , As you know, Dick modestly retired from the public spotlight in order to devote his declining years to putter ing about earning $5 million by explaining to a grateful nation why he didn't do it. As we join them today, Pat is excitedly reading Dick an item from the newspaper. Pat: Listen to thisdear! Judge Sirica has cut the sentences of Haldeman, Ehrlichman and Mitchell in half and they'll soon be eligible for parole. arthuf hoppe innocent bystander Dick: That's wonderful, Pat. I have always said they were three of the finest public convicts I have ever known. Pat : I think you said "public servants". Dick: Yes, that, too. But I have always stoutly main tained their innocence and quietly supported in my heart their defiant struggle for justice. Quiet support Pat: No one's supported them more quietly than you, dear. Dick: I am therefore gratified that hard-hearted Judge Sirica at last has seen the error of his ways and is cor recting his grave miscarriage of justice. Did he say he was sorry? Pat: No, they did. Dick: They were sorry for being innocent? Pat: No; for being guilty as charged. As Bob Halde-, man told the Judge, "In effect, I abdicated my moral judgment and turned it over to someone else," Dick: Good heavens! Did he say who? Pat: Not yet. No honor Dick: He will when he comes up before the parole board. You can bet on it. All three of them will. There's no honor among thieves. These snivelling rats will say anything td eet out. What can that hleedine-heart Jiidee Sirica be thinking of-freeing confessed criminals to prey once again on society? Pat: But, dear, you said ... Dick: No wonder our streets aren't safe when this revolving-door system of criminal justice turns these hard ened ex-convicts loose to commit the same old crimes over and over. We should lock them up and throw away the key. Pat: But they said they were very, very sorry and they promised never ever to do anything wrong again. Old haunts Dick: That's what they all say. But I know criminals. As soon as they're out, theyU go back to their old haunts. TheyH hang around Mexican laundries, hire plumbers and dupe any innocent president who passes by. Pat: Maybe so, dear. But IH bet they feel a lot better for having said they were sorry, (hesitantly) I don't sup pose you ever consider ... Dick: Never This whole episode shows there's a world of difference between them and me. Pat: What's that dear? Dick: A pardon means never having to say you're .sorry. Copyright 1977, Chronicle Publishing Co. Ths Good Neighbor. rz rr rn fn Each must find his own road. buy four Argus posters and get one FREE! 1 Your room got tho Dlahs? Dross It up with Hosiers! Bring this ad to the bookstoro snd cut the cost of beautifying your rooms. f mm COMMUNICATIONS UiJj Division of DLM Inc. This offer is good until October 31, 1977. Open 0-5, fcAonday -Saturday i tip Csrds Velcoma 7Nll?4jlil iiir::Ji&.-w i Jik r. .ir i mirr JiJlrir n 1 1 " i " hi m iinHniilli -m Hideaway Starfifte choolyear smartly in Let the real you shine through with the natural look of contacts. They're "easy to get used to. easy to wear, easy to care for. Get ail the facts about contact lenses at our nearest office. Do it today! V&4 THE Lj EYEWEAR PROFESSIONALS LINCOLN: 1324 '0' St- 432-9652 840 N. 48th St. - 466-1924 3923 S. 48th St -488-3106 Come Saturday morning! for an informal bridal showing 9:00 -10:00 on Third Floor, Downtown. Juice & rolls & you & us . . . & all those heavenly dresses. Call 477-9211 for reservations hovland-swanson ' ' - 1135 R 432-0111