The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 06, 1977, Page page 16, Image 16
thursday. October 6. 1977 page 16 daily nebraskan One "silvertone . "22 TV with color. control. Powerking Indoor TV an tenna $100. Call 472 0343 after 5:30. THE PITS" Dont let youf room get hit with the pits. Lee' Kirby has rebuilt vacuums and attachments. specially priced for a students bud get. All fully guaranteed. Lee's Kirby is even giving a 10 discount to alt students on anything ; In stock. There is never a labor charge. P.S. Now that's a deal ! AnnncTir' omitadI AND BANJO SALE YAMAHA MORRIS CORTEZ HAGSTROM HOHNER GIBSON from 20-50. We repair and trade. Hogan Music 830 P St. 432-9429 Tournament foosball table, coin operated, professional model, very good condition. $325 or best offer. 423-8229 or 488-0654. (FOOSBALL FANS) For sale. 1 foosball table. $350 or best offer. Call 432 2583, Ask for Rex or leave a message. Waterbed mattress, heater, liner and fill and drain kit at $119. Lincoln Swimming Pools 1921 South 17th 475-2554 Decorate your room, apt, or home with the natural white sheepskin rug. Approximate size 3 x 4 ft.. $29.95. Call for 1 your Order at 423-1989 or see 3325 E, Pershing Road, 4 rooms. 1 bedroom apt., furnished. Utilities paid, no pets,$185mo." 220 So. 38th 477-70SS Excellent. 1 -bedroom apt.. 5 blocks from campus; utilities paid; fully carpeted and furn ished, with tub. shower, washer and dryer, Dave 477-7305 477-5049, Efficiency $140.2 bedroom $160. Utilities Included, pettess. 4774350. Two-bedroom house fur nished for 3 students, with washer, dryer, shower, furniture and parking; 4 blocks north of campus. 477-5049, 7-11 p.m. 1720 MC" and 1521 MD' 1 bed, newly remodeled, shag, laundry, no pets. $165mo lights. Call 4-6 p.m. days, before 2 p.m. weekends. 488 4313. New Apartments. Unfurnished. 1 bedroom. City campus area. Dishwasher, disposal, air. $175 call 435-3626 Terl HarrisBill Danley Wanted: Full-time bartender w management capabilities. Full-tlmepart-tlme grill cook day or evening hours. CHESTERFIELDS EOT. TOMSLY AND POTTS 24S No. 13th Student for part-time sales representative. Well groomed young lady. New gift Item with proven student appeal. Send general Info about yourself. (itre content, not format) preferably with recent photo, to Art crafted Specialties Co., Santa Fe, Auttin, Texas. 78741. M i- " -- I.IIU-I i i.i--linn u J.,.J "., - .: . -'ijari , mil mmmv l 1.J.MV I' -rll ! IV-. " - - .1- W 1 COMMISSION AUOIO , SALES Full-time and part-time, hourly plus commission. Self major brands of Hi-Fi and smalt elec tronics. Experience starts at a higher rate. Available some night and weekends. Apply at Richman Gordman. 4600 Vine, Lincoln. An equal opportunity employer. - Sorority needs bus-boys. Free meals. 432-8S07. . Part-time, evening and week end help needed. Call for appointment. Alice's Restua rant. 483-2572, 4013 S, 48th. Part-time Recepttontst.typist. Daily Nebraskan. Monday thru Friday guaranteed. 1:30-3:30 optional, depending on work toad. $2.40 hr. to start. See Jerri or Gregg at 34 Nebr. Union immediately. HELP! The Scndwich Shop-242 No. 13th just opened and must sell sandwiches.Stop and try us. Person's needing jobs apply in person to Mgr. Part-time cocktail waitress ses. apply In person to Santo, Clayton House Lounge. Brannigan's is now taking applications for full or part time night cooks. Apply In person. BRANNIGAN'S 1223 P St. Meet the public, work part time. Days or nights. Flexible schedule, pleasant working con ditions. Apply between 2-4 pm ask. for Jon. Burger King 1221 No. 27th. PART-TIME Applications are being taken for maintenance assistants and "janitors. Call for appointment between 2-4 pm. 477-1235. PLAZA 4 12th &P " . Restaurant help needed day or night, wilt work around sche dule. Contact Diane or Bonnie, King's Food Host. 165Q Corn husker. VILLAGER MOTEL Needs full-time front line cook and weekend dishwasher. Apply in person. 111 No. 56, 8 am-4 pm. 464-9117 ext 358, YANKEE HILL BRICK Brick r production workers needed to work 4:30 to 8:30 pm, Monday through Friday, $3.2543.50 an hour. 432-6661 3 blks, sout of Pioneer Park HELP Pizzaca needs part-time delivery help. Must have car. Apply in person after 5 p.m. at 611 N. 27th St. Responsible male with car to run errands, change bulbs and furnance filters, light office maintenance, and repairs help with wrestling tournaments. Prefer morning hours. Wages Ne gotiable. call 466-1946. CAFETERIA WORK Set up salad bar, serve food to employees and visitors from cafeteria tine. Clean service area. Occassional operate cash regis ter. Part-time 4:30-7:30pm 2 or 3 evenings a week, Saturday and Sunday, Department of Human resources, Bryan hospital. Apply in person. An equal opportun ity employer, Frenchees Hamburger Joynt, 1315 'N'St. Is looking for help over the noon hours. Monday through Friday. Apply in person after 2 pm. BINGO-RAMA A We need part-time callers, $3.30 an hour. Must be able to work one weekend night. Call 464 3407 between 9 and 1 2. , . BINGO-RAMA We need part-time snack bar help. $2.50 an hour. Must be able to work 1 weekend night along with regular schedule. Call 464-3407 between 9 and 12, KINGS FOOD HOST has kitchen and dining room openings on the day and night shift. Hours flexible to work around your schedule. Apply In person. 1840 0" St. An Equal Opportunity Employer Full-time dayi kitchen worker. Soma know ledge of mathematics help-j ful. Good starting wage.i CHESTERFIELDS BOT TOMS LY & POTTS 245 No. 13th Permanent part-time oppor tunity working with youngsters, parents and customers In news paper circulation department. Must be able to work afternoons and Saturday, approximately 30 hours a week. Car required, good pay with mileage expenses. Please call .Jerry Genrich, 473 7349 for interview appoint ment. v Red Lobster, 66th 8i O now taking applications for full-and part-time waiters and waitres ses, bus boys and night kit chen. Paid vacation and holi days, group insurance, profit sharing uniform allowance. Please apply between 2-4pm, 6540 O St. An equal opportu nity employer. Alice's Restuarant has open ings for: hostesses, waitresses, line cooks, dishwashers. ExceU lent starting pay. ; Apply in person at 21 1 N 70th. PAINTERS NEEDED Tartan Construction is now hir ing full-time painters. Apply in person; 4723 Prescott. Between 8 and 5 Monday thru Friday. WANTED; 3 general admis sion tickets to the Colorado game. Generous offer, 472 0378. Wanted; Espanot tutor. Wilt pay cash weekly. Call 477 8673, Wanted: 4 tickets to Colorado game, together or in pairs. 477-9030. . Needed: 4 female football tickets for Ohio St. game. 488-8120 after 6 p.m. . Wanted: - three mainfloor tickets to C S N. Call 489 5341 after 5. 6-10 tickets to Colorado game together or in pairs for good price, 472-0520, Require: 2 tickets Colorado game, eastwest stadium. 477 6645 after 5, . - Wanted; Bassist and drummer(s) for new innovative boogie band. Call after 5. Jeff Smith. 432-3617, To Kelly Monteith. "Take my wife, please. . ." Sunday', 7:30 p.m., Nebraska Coliseum. From' Henny Youngman Hey Foools Thanks for the "American Graff Itti". You're a couple of Hard Core, two fisted, tequila drinkers. Let's do it again sometimel LOVE IT, 1 Host Babes (B & C). Get Full and drunk at the Great Gyro Sandwich Shop. 25 cent draws (Coor's and Blue Ribbon) on tap this Friday and Saturday, 6-11 p.m. plus chili hamburgers, frozen yogurt and of course, Jhe Great Gyro Sandwich. Talent search application deadline is Oct. 7 this Fridayl Marti, "Boogie Nights" are coming. Check your mailbox, RLB UNL Rugby is alive and tri-en. Beat Omaha. ASUN needs one faculty member, one off campus stu dent, and one student at large for the task force to study Student Government: one faculty ' advisor; electoral commission ( members; and representatives to the career action commission; curriculum, grading, and honors con vocation committees. Apply In the ASUN office, 334 Nebr. Union, by Tuesday, October tlth. Kc! " I can't wait to go to Topeka, Fridayl (not Manhattan) I issure you, it will be nicer than Lawrence, Love you always. Signed. Not Cip "Tickle Your Fancy' next week and have a laugh on us UPC. University "Red Tape" is slowing up the system again.. Daily Nebraskan distribution routes will be changed by 10-1? now, not 10-10. Sorry for the . delay. Your patience is appreciated. Meanwhile if you can't find a Daily Nebraska anywhere else, stop down to 34 Nebraska Union and pick up a copy. Thank your Captain Kangaroo's daughter is living in 908 Sandoz Jingle Jangle on Amy Baby. ECKANKAR: The Path of Total Awareness presents an "Afternoon with ECK, Theme; 'ECK: THE CREATIVE LIFE FORCE," Music. Poetry. Talks & Skits wilt be presented by area ECKists. Sat., Oct. 8, 1 p.m., Nebr. Union. (Intro ductory Film. 11 a.mj. DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF FANFARE AT UNCLE SAM'S TONIGHT. $1 Cover, 50 cent Drinks. Boogie, Boogie, Boogie. If the football ticket and ID for Section 4, Row 15, Seat 4, isn't returned before Friday to 912 Sandoz, they will be invalidated and useless. Remember Plantasiar Stop by the Union Ballroom Oct. 4, 5 and 6 anytime between 10 & 5 p.m. Buy a plant for a friend! Guys & Dolls University Singles Club is here. If you like to party, have fun, and meet people like yourself, write us for all the free details. P.O. Box 12669. Gainsville, Florida, 32604. MEN! WOMEN!!! Jobs on ships! American, Foreign, No experience required. Excellent pay. World wide travel. Summer job or career. Send $3 for information, SEAFAX. Dept. G-2. Box 2049, Port Angeles, Washington 98362. How do you say Happy Birthday to a DIRECT decendent of 'Mr; Clean? I know . , ........... Happy Bh-thday Mom!! Love ya lots. Carta P.S. How old did you say you were again? Whuss. Happy 21st. Moby MOM, Happy Birthday. Dave & Pete BEWARE - THE GREAT PUMPKIN CONTEST IS COM ING, Watch for further details, Birthright offers free preg nancy tests, confidential, under standing help. 477-8021, jj You're a Kookl But I love you anyway. Your little stinker Ag students, unite and fight! Laws made by city politicians for the good of farmers. Call 472-2448. ABORTION INFORfTlflTION BUREAU INC. Call us free. 1-800-523-5350 Nonprofit . Organization DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT . & WEDDING RINGS: Up to 50 off discount to stu dents, faculty & staff. Example, iicarat $95, carat $275. 1 carat $795, by buying diiect from leading diamond Importers, For color catalog send $1 to SMA Diamond Importers Inc., Box 42, Fanwood, N.J. 07023 (indicate name of school) or call (212) 632-3390 for location of show room nearest you. Attention: Sophomores initiated into Alpha Lambda Delta last spring may pick up membership certificates at a booth in the Union the 5th & 6th. 10 OFF. rsnnWvaar stores are! announcina their special student discount. 10 off the regular price of any tire in stock. 1918 .V" St. GET DRUNK with the BSMB. Back by popular de mand: The Bohemian Stationary Marching Band. Polkas, waltzes, bad jokes and a good time. We play for parties, weddings and funerals. Call 475-5500 after 5. , Childbirth, Education Assoc. Lamaze classes for couples and single mothers. Call; 435-4045. Have you been getting the attention, you deserve? Debbie is a licensed hair stylist who knows how to make you look and feet good, at student prices. Men and Women welcome. Get a style and a relaxing and cleans ing facial for $8.50, 2017 'O St. 474-3040. , Piano lesson and accompany ing. Calt 489-3151 after 5. Do you need your hair styled? Call Debbie, licensed barber, now offering student discounts. Male and female wel come. Call 474-3040 or come and see me at 2017 O St. NEED SOUND for our party? We have speakers, power, sound sources, lights, personnel available. Loud, Inexpensive. We also do sound for bands. . Sound City Music .475-5128 144 So, 19th OK QUICK KEYS & ASSOCIATES Remember us for profes sional typing of disserta tions, theses, termpapers, multiple' individualized letters, correspondence, typesetting and graphic design. 464-3305, YOUR CAMPUS WATCHMAKER Dicks Watch Service ' Repair ALL makes Seiko-Timex-Bulova etc, watch batteries, watch bands. Where your watch meets .a friend blk. So. of Nebr." Bookstore, 432-3414 PLAIIT bTa yIIToIa ft ij 7 wTT XTs e. m ohm o oL a h a t SIAlt A DpH D E C Op M E R "iM N D L R t TTeIrIS V.E0 NIC AA K E C". i 0 aJ s E iioIo'm Te B 0xN n m frw otpff e'mii t u ne a $ eljwTTn bu or d s iff eTa" m sr""1 B E do's e i "alI s b p'oir o o.iN HffTT g t r H l oTc H. goTri Tf e i e jo oTt e IIMlI --TsTaTxl rtrfcjA Student Union 2 nd Floor BALLROOM 10:C3to5:G9 October 4,5,6 Sponsored by A.U.F. & Green Fingers . Brannigan's Sunday Brunch MorvThuis. . 1111 pm Fri Sat. Il l am Sun. 11 8 pm Football Sat. 101am 1228 - HARRIS LABS INC. Do you have diarrhea? If you have been troubled by watery stools for at least 24 hours, but not over 3 days. Harris Labs would like to have you call. Must be in good health with no known allergies. 19 yrs. or older. If you participate In this study, we will pay you $25. Call 474-0627 between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. LOST; Tl SR 51 A calculator Friday, Sept. 30. Please return to 472-8639 reward is offered. Oct. 6-Last day for Alpha Lambda Delta pledge sign-up and membership certificate pick-up. Interested in the Young Workers Liberation League con vention? If you plan to attend, please call; 472-1763, Ask for Ann. GUITAR INSTRUCTION Limited number of time slots ope'v for the fall schedule. $7.50 per private lesson. , ; Zager Studio 483-2096 Eta Sigma Gamma initiation ceremony tonight at 7:30 p.m, in City Campus Union. All health majors and environmental health majors are 'urged to join. Any questions, cal 1.472-8279. Lincoln; Are you ready for this? An integral hatha yoga class will- be offered on Mondays at 7 p.m. Includes postures, breathing, relaxation 8t meditation. For information & registration call 432-0094 or Student Y at 472-2584, The American Film Classics presents "Citizen Kane" starring Orson Welles, October 6, 7:00 and 9:00 p.m., Centennial Room. Attention: Sophomores intitated Into Alpha Lambda Delta last, spring may pick up membership certificates at a booth in the Union the 5th & 6th, AU your life you've wanted to do something im portant for the world. Now a lot of the world needs you to do it, We need volunteers with skills and all kinds of practical knowledge. Call toll free: " 800-424-858- Peace Corps APUcSsrvcol SALE