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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1977)
thursday, October 6, 1977 daily nebraskan page 1 1 e I e B 0 0 B 0 0 D 0 D 1 Q D 0 & Downtown banks... Continued fron p. 1 Club membership First National also offers membership to the First Flight Club to all personal account holders, Dischner said. For a $3 per month membership fee, the customer gets free checking with nd minimum balance, free check printing, a $5 discount on safe deposit boxes, a $10,000 accidental death insurance policy, discounts on certain loans, free money orders, free travelers checks and cashiers checks and a newsletter which offers dis counts on hotel rooms, car rentals and other services, Dischner said. Citibank will offer free checking for customers who keep a minimum balance of $300. For accounts between $200 and ' $300 there will be a $1 monthly charge. An account with a $100 to $200 balance will be charged $3 each month and accounts falling below $100 will be charged $3, according to executive vice president Jim Masonbrink. Reinstated charge Gateway Bank and Trust reinstated service charges on low balance accounts in February, 1976, bank president Karl Dick inson said. The charge is eight cents a check and 25 cents a month on accounts below $100, he said. If the account aver ages $200 or more, the customer gets credit based on the average balance and the number of checks written, he said. An option many students take advan tage of at Gateway is to deduct 10 cents for each check,- he said. There is no other service charge and no minimum balance is required, Dickinson explained. This option is helpful for people who write few checks, he said. Citizens State Bank, near UNL's East Campus, began a seryice charge on checks ing accounts about four months ago, according to cashier Ralph Thomas. Accounts falling, below $200 are charged $2 a month, he said. An option charging 10 cents per check with no mini mum balance is offered to students, he said. ' All banks said they offer free checking to senior citizens, but there are no plans to offer the same to students. eoooooGoooooocooocoooooooccoeoooooo3eooooooooooooooooooooooa ; j&t Just a hop, skip and i rll&v a jump from campus. i fWj Precision Hairstyling ! ! Vl llzsf For men and women, ! J tfs Long and short hair. j; i ) 124 N. 12th A 432-4214 p3j 1 i WJ (Two blocks south of campus) ' iSfeii ti" fjjji JESM ESS ESS WntM fr- V'.'H KSS M2mM tflSI Cu3 ESI fl ffHI ESS n 1 WnM ESI IPtj S23 ESI Kfil BrS3l JESB Crl K23I E28 11 Em9 fHEM EZ3 fmM Wt IS3 UPG MM POTENTIALS GOlTOTTEE PROGRAM SURVEY D The Union Program Council's Human Potentials Committee plans all kinds of programs-films, speakers, workshops, performances-on all kinds of topics relevant to the fuller development, use, and integration of our human facul ties. Following is a list of some such topics. Please indicate which ones are of interest to you. If you mark more than one, please rank" them, using No. 1. to indicate the topic of greatest interest to you, etc, Please write in any other ideas you have. MINDSTYLES (Meditation, ESP, Psychokinesis, Biofeedback) . BODYSTYLES (massage, Yoga, Material Arts; SEXSTYL.ES (Sexual Mores, Human Sexuality, College Student Sexual Patterns) FOOD STYLES (Diets, Natural Foods, Nutrition, Ethnic Foods, Organic Gardening, Basic Survival) . - .ALTERNATE LIFESTYLES (Family Synergy, New Marriage Patterns, Communes, Childbirth) J.E1SURE STYLES (Crafts, Fibers, Photography, Earth Art, Physical Fitness) jGODSTYLES (The Old & New Gospel, jNew Gospel, New Cults, East Meets West, Gnosticism) .THE OCCULT (Astrology, Witchcraft, The I Chlng, Tarot, Cabala, Alchemy) PARAPSYCHOLOGY (Psi, Kirlian Photography, Pyramid Power) LTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS (Learning to "See", Psychoactive Drugs) . . .CONCEPTUAL FRONTIERS (Dolphins. Space Colonies, Genetic Control. UFO's, Energy Sources) .FOLKLORE (Stories, Living Conditions, Myths & Symbols) OTHER D D 0 D 0 0 0 e What type of program do you prefer? If you mark more than one, please rank order as above. ' FILMS SPEAKERS OR PANELS INFORMAL DISCUSSION D Q WORKSHOP OTHER. Would you be interested In working on UPC'i Human Potentials Committee? YES NOlf yes, please include name & phone number below Would you like to be on our mailing list? (If yes, please Include name and . . JtrtHrpttl ' PLEASE RETURN BY CAMPUS MAIL TO HUMAN POTENTIALS COM-. MITTEE. NEBRASKA UNION 115-OR DROP BY THE UNION PROGRAM OFFICE (ROOM 115). . Thanks fcr year input! . 2 JOJI iataaaBHei"B,,aH,aBB"aaBB,3,aBt:l D D D G E D B 0 HaveaBFiesr. It can save your life. American Cancer Society. I THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY THE PUBLISHER AS A PUBIC SERVICE Watch for the Opening of Second location at Rathbone Village 32nd & South as well as the original Havelock location limii'(MM ,iMl i iiimuiwiiwiiiii ii inn-ni-irn ii r ' " ' 1 i'miiiii mini i imn in n i wnWirmilHw itmmvwmv .li nfiHl i mil hi . .t.n.,,,,.., ,u. .,-1 ,- mar -mirw n n n. iimi-i. fMwn Gateway -'and km---Jf , 13th &N him Hife-f it ' Celebrate Columbus Day jk S I M ;7 ' ' If 'Wf ' ' ' 111 I'll!. iff Sensational sale just when the weather is getting cold Wools, plaids, fur-trimmed and wrap coats. Many sensational fashion junior and contemporary coats. . NOW SS9 79 $89tX) Savings of 20 to 33 I The Atrium 13th &N D J Gateway