The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 03, 1977, Page page 9, Image 9
monday, October 3, 1977 daily nebraskan page 9 . Toothy grin almost visible when Harris mimics By Rod Murphy Although the voices of a UNL student produced recording sound familiar, the things they say seem un charasteristic. For example, the following is an exchange last year between a journalist and a familiar Georgian. Interviewer: In your opinion, who sacrificed the most ' in your family (during the cam- . . . paign)? Carter: . . . . My mother. She has sacrificied so much. For, example, can-you imagine . what that woman went through when I was born again? One has to wonder what Miss Lillian might go through if she hears the recording this quote came from. The voice of "Carter" matches her sons's so close one can almost see the teeth gleam. The comedy .album that quote appears on is "Hail to the Teeth" featuring a UNL graduate student imi tating Jimmy Carter. : Bert Harris, seeking his Ph.D. in economics, has temporarily suspended his school work to promote the album he and four brothers recorded last Feb ruary. ' Hollywood label The album began selling nationally this month on. Crescendo Records, a Hollywood label that also has' promoted other; comedy acts such as Joan Rivers and Don Adams.. . The album, released on the national market, is somewhat different than the original one, according to Jim Harris, one of the performers, writers and the sales manager of "Teeth." Three new bits have been added: "French Chef," "Call to NASA," and "Party line." The brothers are hoping the album will become a hit about the Christmas season,' Jim said. It's apparent success surprised the brothers. , "We were only doing it for fun. We never expected it to be selling in stores across the country," Jim Harris said. The Harrises and their friends did all of the writing, recording, producing and local promotion Jim said. The national promotions are by Crescendo with help from Bert doing his Carter imitation on radio and TV shows. Harvard professor Jim, a .freshman law student at UNL' said the first breakthrough occurred when a Harvard law professor saw the record in the Cornhusker Hotel gift shop in Lincoln. He was curious, bought a copy and liked what he heard. Later he contacted the Harrises and said he wanted to buy the rights to the album. This was the first indication the album had nation al possibilities, Jim said. Next he suggested Bert appear on Candid Camera. Bert agreed to try.-He called the studio and, using his best Carter voice without identifying himself asked the secretary some questions. She was convinced. Within a week, the show contacted Bert and he taped a segment to be aired in January. Meanwhile, . the brothers were mailing copies of "Teeth" to record companies and radio stations across the country. From this effort, the album began receiving radio air play. The largest radio station in Washington, D.C. . and one in Denver played some, of the bits. . Later, Crescendo Records contacted the Harrises. They had received a copy in the mail. Usually record . companies simply .throw such unsolicited; material away t or return it to. the sender, but this time Cres cendo listened. They said they wanted to discuss a contract. Former top D. J. 4 , The Harrises invited a representative from Cres cendo to Nebraska. Gene Norman, formerly one of the country's top D. J .'s arrived. The brothers looked over the contract terms and signed. "We're glad we went with this company," Jim said. "They expressed a lot of interest in our material." ; Crescendo has an option for a second album if one should be recorded. Bert began doing radio shows and TV spots across the country. His usual routine is an "ask Carter" bit. A critic from the Chicago Tribune heard one of these broadcasts and printed a review that praised Bert's performance. : Following this, WIND, the largest radio station in Chicago, asked him to perform. While in Washington D.C. Bert plans to contact the ' Washington Press Club by telephone and talk with them as Carter before identifying himself, Jim said. "Bert, I think, would like to go into it full time. He's got the best Carter-no doubt about it." Jim said. However, he is not banking on a career as Carter, He plans to return to graduate school to get his PhD., Jim said.