The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 29, 1977, Ad lib, Page page 3, Image 19
thursday, September 29, 1977 adlib page 3 Dim tih& ' PAPILLON '1 f K v . , f " '.. V "vj l?.2i. ' , ... . .. . ' , , - ' i 1 - 1 . .-IwWMi" r Canal Zone CANAL ZONE, the newest in a series of films pro duced, directed and edited by Emmy-winner Frederick Wiseman, will premiere Friday, October 7 on PBS. Filmed in the ten by fifty-mile strip of Central America which the U.S. has owned, operated and controlled for more than sixty years, CANAL ZONE is the eleventh in Wiseman's series of documentaries on the operation of American institutions.' Beginning with a trip through, the Canal onboard a Japanese freighter laden with automobiles bound for Europe, CANAL ZONE depicts the daily life of the American residents, a scenario played out against the background of the treaty negotiations between the U.S. and Panama. Although it departs geographically from the con tinental U.S., CANAL ZONE is in every way a logical part of the continuing Wiseman chronicle. The Canal Zone is like a small city. The main business of the Zone is the proper functioning of the Canal. The film shows the prin cipal kinds of events that are involved in the governing of the Zone and in the operation of the Canal. Meetings in the Governor's office, the work of the courts, schools, commissaries and hospitals, the issues debated in com munity meetings, the technical work involved in the operation and maintenance of the Canal, and the leisure activities of the Zonians, are among the events shown. Recently, after thirteen years of frequently bitter negotiation, Panamanian and U.S. negotiators signed a "principle of agreement" on a future Panama Canal trea ty. If approved by the plebiscite in Panama and by the U.S. Senate this fall, control of both Canal and Zone will gradually be yielded to Panama by the year 2000. As with his other films, CANAL ZONE is filmed in black and white and has no narrator or commentator to in terpret the events filmed. Patrick Sullivan, writing nThe New Republic notes: "Wiseman constructs his films so that we find ourselves there, with the camera. We are observers: routine situations, representative sorts of en counters, conversations, duties, expressions and at titudes come together to create their own story." Check your local PBS station for broadcast day and time . 4 ' I ? - 'I i- 4 ft r j attain A IV - . t 1 if, r r, . ilter ' St 'Papillon,' the incredible but true story of a convict's harrowing 13-year ordeal in the hell of Devil's Island, from Henri 'Papillon' Charriere's book, will be presented Thursday, Oct. 6 on CBS-TV. The special stars Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman. Enroute to Devil's Island, Papillon meets Louis Dega, an urbane and in famous counterfeiter. He agrees to protect Dega in return for money to finance his escape. Papillon's first attempt ends in , disaster. Betrayed, he is captured and sentenced to two years in solitary confinement. Emerging from solitary, he immediately tries another escape. This time, Papillon gets as far as Col ombia before he is captured. Upon his release from five years' solitary confinement, Papillon finds his friend Dega now a broken and demented old man. But Papillon, his thirst for freedom unquenchable, makes new plans to escape or die in the attempt. 1 fa EVENING 1:00 f DICK VAN DYKE SHOW : f l EMERGENCY ONE 0 SUN: FREEHAND SKET CHING 1:30 flO ODD COUPLE Q TO TELL THE TRUTH I J CONCENTRATION -U WILD KINGDOM 'Land of the Coati" CD THURSDAY MAGAZINE m MACNEIL-LEHRER REPORT . F9 ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW 7:00 fl SERGEANT BILKO U O HEAVYWEIGHT BOXING CHAMPIONSHIP Live from Madison Square Garden In New York City, NBC Sports will telecast the 15-round bout in which World Heavyweight Cham pion Muhammad Alt will defend his title against Earnle Shavers. (Other events TBA) O O WELCOME BACK, KOT TER "Buddy Can You Spare a Million?" The Sweathogs become finalists In the $1,000,000 New York State lottery and find themselves at odds with Mr. Hot ter who claims one fourth of the v - prize. O O THE WALTONS Ben leaves Walton's Mountain after losing his part-time job and his hopes of becoming a full-time employee at Jarvis' used car lot. UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS Final Episode. "Whither Shall I Wander?" 7:13 O CHARLIE'S PAD 7:30 f ADAM 12 U O WHAT'S HAPPENING!! 'It's All In Your Head" When Dee goes to the school psychologist to seek advice for a frlond, he la sure the friend Is fictional and a comedy of errors begins. . 63 MAVERICK SPORTS 13 HOLLYWOOD CONNECTION :N U MOVIE "A Guide for the Mar rlbd Man" 1W7 Walter Matthau. Robert Morse. O O BARNEY MILLER "Bugs" Cockroaches aren't the only bugs Infesting Capt. Miller's squad room when An exterminator ac- , cldentally uncovers several con cealed microphones. O 0 HAWAII FIVE-0 A brazen magazine writer becomes Five-O Chief Steve McGarrett's nagging critic as he Investigates a puzzl ing kidnapping case. C3 63 BACKYARD FARMER C3 MOVIE "The Pink Panther" 1964 Peter Sellers, David Nlven. Priceless gem Is sought by ' wanted jewel thief whose ac- ETVexamines teenage pregnancy Guess Who 's Pregnant? a probing look at the epidemic of teenage pregnancies in the United States, will be rebroadcast on the Nebraska Educational Television Net work on Sept. 20 at 9 p.m. The 60-minute program looks at the wide spectrum of causes and effects of adolescent births. It examines what parents, educators, religious leaders and various social and governmental agencies are and are not doing in this area. Guess Wha's Pregnant? considers the consequences of childbrearing at an early age, regardless of legitimacy, the high mortality rates for mother and child, the risk of mental retardation and deformities. It also looks at societal cost of supporting unwed, unemployed mothers and their children, the effect on the girl whose education and earning power is suddenly cut short, and the gradual destruction of normal family life. , - The program reviews current TV com mercials and popular songs that are sexual ly suggestive. Entertainment Editor: Carla Engstrom. Ad lib Layout Editor: Liz Deard and Kitty Policky. Ad lib if an entertainment supplement published by the Daily Nebras kan Editor in Chief: Re Seline, Adverting Manager Gregg Wurdeman. Production Manager: Kitty Policky. Buiineii Manager: Jerri Hauuler. Unlets covered by another copyright, material may be reprinted without permission if attributed to Ad lib, entertainment supplement to the Daily Nebreskan. Ad lib is distributed Thursday with the Daily Nebraskan, Cover photographs by Ted Kirk. complice is the wife of a French police Inspector. 1:30 OQ CARTER COUNTRY "Out of the Closet" Chief Roy is dumb, founded when veteran teacher Bill Peterson, one of his best - friends, announces he Is gay and - Is fired by the school board. O AGRI-SCOPE , G3 1977 NEBRASKA STATE FAIR 4-H SALUTE 1:00 O O REDD FOXX Guest stars: : Joe Louis, Slappy White, Billy ' Barty, Hal Smith, the mysterious "Unknown Comic". O GD BARNABY JONES One of Betty's closest friends shows " evidence of a beating and reluc tantly admits that her husband is responsible. C5 CORNHUSKER FOOTBALL 10:00 flOOOOOQNEWS ' O THREE ARTISTS IN THE NOR : THWEST Painter Guy Anderson, sculptor George Tsutakawa and poet Theodore Roethke are profit ed as they discuss their feelings about art and the origins of in- splration. , 3 CRIME AND JUSTICE 10:30 fj MOVIE "Maya 1986 Clint Walker, Jay North. Two teenage boys are entrusted with deliver ing a pair of valuable and sacred : elephants to a faraway temple. O O THE TONIGHT SHOW Guest host: John Denver. Guests: Carl Reiner, Valerie Harper, Dr. 11:00 Carl Sagan, Helen Schneider .: (singer). O POLICE STORY-THURSDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Police Story-"A Dangerous Age" Arch Tatum, too close to retirement for his liking, is teamed with a headstrong ' ' young -rookie. Thursday Night Speclal-'Adolf Hitler: A Portrait In Evil" Host: Peter Lawford. Com- ' 4 prehensive and new evaluation of the madman of modern history. (R - O MARY HARTMAN, MARY HARTMAN fl BOB DEVANEY SHOW CD THE CBS LATE MOVIE "El 11:30 Condor" 1970 Jim Brown, Lee Van Cleef. Two prisoners escape their 12:00 chain gang and set out to find and conquer an impregnable fortress filled with gold In the Mexican 12:1S desert. (R) 12:20 EVENING AT POPS "Atnerican 12:30 Vignettes" Ballet star Edward Villella dances In a celebration of 1:00 America and American music, featuring on-location filmed se quences set at West Point and on 'the California coast. Conductor 3:00 Arthur Fiedler is glimpsed In film-' 3:30 ed moments from American 4:00 history. - . ... S.-00 63 ABC CAPTIONED NEWS 8:30 CD STAR TREK O THE CBS LATE MOVIE "When, the Legends Die" 1972 Richard Widmark, Frederic Forrest. A con niving ex-rodeo star teaches and corrupts an orphaned Indian boy on the rodeo circuit. (R) f IRONSIDE 63 EVENING AT POPS "American Vignettes Ballet star Edward Villella dances in a celebration of America and American , music, featuring on-location filmed se quences set at West Point and on the California coast. Conductor Arthur Fiedler Is glimpsed in film ed moments from American history. ABC CAPTIONED NEWS . C3 AVENGERS O O TOMORROW Host: Tom Snyder. fl ANSWER IS LOVE f 1 NEWS QNEWS fij) NEWS C3QROUCHO O DRAGNET fl FOCUS CO MOVIE "The Pink Panther 1964 Peter Sellers, David Nlven. (SI LOVE AMERICAN STYLE C3 NIGHT GALLERY 3 THRILLER- O ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW ' 4JGOMER PYLE TK2?FS SOMETHING IN mzAm". KOLN TV CGIM TV LINCaNGND ISWND TIME SHOW . SUNDAY . 6 00 p m 60 MINUTES ' . 1 00 p m RHO0A 7.30 pm ON OUR OWN 8 00 p m ALL IN THt FAMILY ' ' 8 30 pm ALICE 9 00 pm . K0JAK 10 30 pm TOM OSBOfiNt SHOW MONDAY J 4 30 pm MUPPtTS ' I 7 00 pm - YOUNG DAN l BOON! " I 8 00 pm IHI BITTY WHITE SHOW ' f 8 30 pm MAUDE - I 9 00 pm IAFKRTY ' f TUESDAY 4 30 p m TOO pm . 8 00 pm , 8 30 p m 9 00 p m 1100,000 NAME THAT TUNE THE flTJPATRiCKS . M'A'S'M ONE DAY AT A TIME LOU GRAN! WEDNESDAY 4 30 p m HEE HAW 730 p m BUSTING lOOVt 8 00 p m LAWRENCE WCtK 9 00 p m GUNSM0KE THURSDAY 4 30 pm 1 00 p m 8 00 p m 9 00 p m Thursday magazine the wAiroNS Hawaii nvt 0 BASNAfirjOHfS FRIDAY j 4 30 p m 0000 TiMIS J 7 00 p m THE Hi W AOVINftCIS Of I W3XLKR WOMAN I 8 00 p 100AN S RUN I 9 00 pm SWiHH . I 10 30 pm THE SOS DtVANlY I IOOTSliVW I SATURDAY 4 30 pm 7 00 pm 7 30 pm 8 00 p m ' 8 30 pm 9 60 pm m RJHETKOOHIiti iHf n iujt vnm Vt GOt lWH OMR IM 10if R5-.l VH tmi (at MrfTi xm : ; j 1 1 - mm m - ftHB"mMm SW4f mm mw oners V.yjiJ TUESDAY f :?t 'I I ' Kjtr&ml TUESDAY V . i ' " w urr ; r r n n Vi, J KQHDAY