d3ily neBraskan mond3y September 26, 1977 page 4 Gomer Pyle, television's inept Marine private had a good word for it: "Goooooolllllyyy " Pyle was simple and direct. You knew exactly what he meant. The same cannot be said about William F. Buckley's speech last Tuesday in the Nebraska Union. In a letter to the editor today, the Daily Nebraskan is criticized for its coverage of the Buckley speech. We accept the criticism, but stand by our account of the speech. v We noticed and reported that "many students glanced nervously among themselves when Buckley made (some) comments, . ."..We. wonder if many students reading the letter from John P, Johnson might also glance nervously around while trying to decipher it. It is not that Buckley is not brilliant. And, as far as we can tell, Buckley and Johnson use the language correctly. We believe we understood their comments. But can't some things be said more effectively so words are not the challenge, ideas are? The problem may lie with education itself . which, rather than producing communicators, . breeds word-users. Few libraries are being built by schools today but several media centers and learning resource facilities have been. It's no longer a gymnasium and classroom building, it's the health, physical education and recreation complex, Or as nationally-syndicated columnist James J, Kilpatrick felt compelled to remind us, bananas are not elongated yellow fruit, Buckley might give us a nice long phrase to describe the phenomena of the dying art of communication. All we can say is: "Goooooolllllyyy " 6 Israeli militarism deserves U.S. look without tears' Washington-The sight of Moshe Dayan in Washington, his black eyepatch as jaunty as ever, makes one realize again that Israel is rich with emotional symbols, like a brother or favorite cousin, it has a stronghold on the United States. Yet, to be a true friend means to look without tears on occasion to avoid being blinded by emotion. The United States must continue to support Israel, but the United States also must take a hard look, . Israel is so heavily armed that it is a veritable Little Prussia, Wars of the past 29 years created a siege mentality. But today Israel is not threatened by immediate war, nick thimmesch r Egypt, poor and beset with domestic problems, is in no condition to wage war-and Egypt is necessary for any Arab war against Israel, Syria and Jordan would not start nor Join a war without Egypt. ' Still, Israel Involves itself in the" war in "Lebanon sending troops and jet fighters. According to one recent news dispatch, Israeli troops, backed by artillery fire, raided two Lebanese villages, kidnaped 32 civilians and killed 14 others. These invasions are not new. Israelis, in following an eye-for-an-eye philosophy,, have crossed borders many times to raid airports, villages and cities, The most shocking Israeli overreaction was in June, 1967, when Israeli fighter planes and torpedo boats attacked a defenseless U.S. Navy intelligence ship, the Liberty, leaving 34 Americans dead and dying on the bloody decks. According" to British journalist Anthony Pearson, the Israelis attacked because they thought the United States was using the Liberty to interfere with Israel's conduct of the Six-Day War. Americans-including one Jewish-American boatswain's mate who ripped the Star of David from his neck-cursed the Israeli raiders. 'Go to hell, you bastard!" cried Cmdr, William L, McGonagle, the Liberty's captain, when an Israeli heli copter, carrying, medical orderlies, tried to land on his ship after the attack. Medal of Honor McGonagle, severely wounded, was awarded the Con gressional Medal of Honor, Israel apologized for what is said was a mistake. After a great deal of pressure it paid " reparations to the families of the dead and wounded men. But to this day, Israel refuses to pay the United States for several million dollars of damage to the Liberty, As Pearson pointed out, there was a "conspiracy of silence" in the U.S, government over this devastating and embarrassing episode, Pearson wrote that the CIA, the White House and top Israeli officials, including Dayan, promoted a "contained war' between Israel and Egypt, But Israel went beyond the game plan. If the liberty attack was thoroughly investigated, all parties on this questionable plot would be exposed-hence, the hush-hush treatment by the U.S, government, While Israel has good' reason to be wary of Arab neighbors, some Jewish thinkers in Washington and in Jerusalem believe Israel will never find peace by over reacting and indulging in excessive violence, 'Akin to Nazis' Back on Dec, 4, 1948, the New York Times published a letter signed by 28 prominent Jews, including Albert i Einstein, Sidney Hook, Hana Arendt and Rabbi Jessurun Cardozo, warning of an Israeli political movement "closely akin in its organization, methodspolitical phita ' sophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties," Menahem Begin, Israel's current prime minister, led that movement and was condemned in the letter. Specifically, the signers condemned Begin's terrorists for raiding the Arab village, Deir Yassin, killing 240 men, women and children, and proudly publicized the massacre, "Within the Jewish community," the letter went on, "they have preached an admixture of ultranationalism, religious mysticism and racial superiority," The signers lamented that American Zionists did not oppost Begin, Today, by invoking the Old Testament arid a religious mission, Begin encourages takeover of land from Arabs on the West Bank, calling it a liberated territory rather than its proper designation? occupied territory, 4 He thumbs his nose at President Carter and sends Payan to the United States with the diversionary plan to keep the Israeli military on the Arab West Bank while slowly giving the Arabs a measure of political control Audacious Begin acts audaciously because he knows he .does not need Jimmy Carter as long as Congress continues its lavish financing of Israel, which now gets more U.S. money than any other country, Moreover; he knows that Israel receives additional hundreds, of millions of dollars from the U.S, because of special tax breaks on Israeli bonds and from United Jewish Appeal contributions (tax-deductible) used for Israeli purposes, The Jewish lobby has reason to be cynical, The United-States must keep its commitment to Israel, as it must, to South Korea and Taiwan, But there is another side to this, a side shown by. ABC-TY's refugees in a camp near Beirut, a side which more U.S. congressmen are hearing about when they visit Arab nations. The United States wants peace for Israel. But, since Begin plays games with the Carter Administration, perhaps the onlv way he will get the message is when the American people take a look at Israel without tears and begin setting conditions for our support, Copyright 1977, lot Angalai Times Syndicate. f HIMD f Wff, DOWV ICMtim V OH W 600! YaJot ryry TJVST JOIWD TO GFf MY V iVf GOT f AM '-wsa w mm A u&u. tmt I 5 m J letters A super person and long-time administrator at NU died Sept. 17, Ruth Frahm was the type of person who dedicated herself to her career. She was instrumental in the design and operational strength of your fine residence halls food service, She will be greatly missed by those who knew her. R.Steve Bowers Food service director, v University of Iowa Rcdorgutlon offered l kit myself thoroughly entertained by the eloquent William Buckley' last Tuesday, but the coverage of his lecture by the Daily Nebraskan was unsatisfactory in several ways, and for those unfortunates who missed him and had to rely on the article, some explanation is due. The focus of his talk was conservative philosophy, to be sure, but less its sufferings than its foundations; focusing on the ideology of freedom and liberty, The threats and erosions that individual freedom is suffer ing on a broad political scale in the world community, especially America, to be countered by exposing the emptiness of egalitarian promises and by the reaffirma tion of the sovereignty of the individual. The article said many students glanced nervously among themselves when Buckley made comments like: "We should examine the civil consequences of the pur suit of Utopia as it bundles us down the road to serfdome (sic), making music of abundance, justice and joy," This phrase (actually a misquote), may have caused reporters to glance at each other, but the civil consequences he had in mind, as I understand him, are the disappointments and frustrations of a public that has listened to the music of grand promises of politicians (e.g. "Great Society," etc. ad nauseam), promises that realistically couldn't have been fulfilled! The letdown of false hopes. Or, to put it in another more Bucklean way, the synthetic expectations raised by the Utopianiation of political rhetoric unavoidably effected frustrations en masse. Further the article alleges Buckley mentioning the "moral vacuity of Capitalists" actually this is another misquote, Buckley's phrase was the Ies3 critical "moral disorientation of Capitalists." 1 realize the limitations of newspaper space, but the Daily Nebraskan missed the important points of Buckley's reflection on a question once put to him concerning the morality of making a "profit on human misery" (not "profiteering from human suffering" as misquoted). lie went on to explain that "misery" was too broad a term, and that even socialized morticians (or doctors) would still be making a profit under socialization by accepting salaries from the government, just, that there would be no profit "at the per corpse level;" and furthermore that there is a difference between making a profit and taking "usurious exactions" (i.e. "pro fiteering"). The implication is that the mere existence of human suffering is hardly sufficient grounds to criticize the , consequential existence of profit-making, and that to label such profit making as villianous is an act of mis understanding by the morally confused. It is ironic, in terms of the article, that two themes of Buckley's talk were ignorance and misunderstand ing; and a rity that the Daily Nebraskan didn't do as good a job in coverage as (the Union Program Council's) Talks and Topics did in providing something to cover. J hope this letter has cleared up some things, and may we be continued to be provided with exceptional lecturers. John P. Johnson I'Jitor's note: The Daily Nebraskan stands by Us account of the speech.