The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 26, 1977, Page page 11, Image 11

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    moncby, September 28, 1977
daily nebraskan
lNo frills' contained in NU's budget
The NU budget for fiscal year 1978-79 contains no
frills, claims Brent Stevenson, director of the budget.
The budget is aimed at continuing existing operations,
with only new expenditures for the new plant science
building on East Campus and inflation increases,
Stevenson said. ,
If the budget is approved by the Legislature, the
university system will receive a five per cent overall infla
tion increase.
Faculty members will receive an additional four per
cent salary increase for a total of nine per cent. Other
staff members will receive a total seven per cent salary
increase, Stevenson said.
Two areas will experience more than' five per cent
inflation, he said. These are utilities and library acquisi
tions such as books and periodicals. The library would
receive a nine per cent total increase and the allocation
for utilities would be increased by 15, he explained.
The cost of medical supplies is also rising, so the
medical center would get a total increase of 10 per cent to
cover the cost of supplies, he said.
The budget also includes operation costs for the new
plant science building, which should be open by the
beginning of the fiscal year next" July, Stevenson said.
If the Legislature doesn't appropriate the requested
$U3.6 million for the university, the only way they could
cut it without cutting back on operations or services
would be to cut salaries, he said..
The following is a breakdown of the UNL budget
request and sources of funding for fiscal year 1978
79. These figures do not represent the budget request
for the entire NU system.
Figures were supplied by NU budget director Brent
Object of expenditure State-aided request
-Prior year base $83,121,465
-Salaries and wages . 4,579,468
-Benefits (retirement, FICA, 457,947
-General operating 1,085,290
-Extraordinary inflation
Utilities 359,745
Library 54,246
New building 212,783
-Revolving fund workload 200,000
Total request $90,070,944
Source of funding
-General fund $60,993,899 ,
-Cash fund 17,546,332
-Federal funds 3,761,345
-Revolving fund 7,769, 368
Total $90,070,944
Special request for the ' ,,
Institute of Agriculture
and Natural Resources
(general fund) $ 695,000
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Extra grants increase research level
By Jane Johnson
A 15 per cent increase in total outside grants and con
tracts has resulted in the largest research effort ever by
the College of Engineering, according to an Engineering
and Technology newsletter.
"The main reason for the grant increase is due to the
emphasis on research . and building incentives for
research. We are to do teaching, research' and extensions,
that i? why the grants were increased" said Associate
Dean and Director of Engineering Research Center, Donald
Edwards. -
Money for the research comes from federal, state and
local agencies, private industries and gifts.
Edwards said, "We hope the money and the research
will continue, that is our goal. We want to adequately
meet and serve' Nebraska. We should be at a level of
research three times that of where we are now."
According to Edwards, students benefit to a great
extent from research programs. In graduate programs
there are great research frontiers. With students attempt
ing a more advanced level, it keeps the faculty knowledge
able of new happenings and what is going on in the
research fields. This knowledge is transferred to the stu
dents through class experiences.
Currently a research project is underway. The
structures near Mabel Lee Hall are solar collectors that
have been an appropriation by the Legislature. The
research project is a commercial demonstration to see if
the solar energy is useful to public buildings.
Maharishi U. nixed
The State Board of Education Friday decided not to
allow the Maharishi International University to operate its
program in Nebraska.
Maharishi International University, based , on the
former Parsons college campus in Fairfield, Iowa, wanted
to offer accredited college courses at the school's trans
cendental meditation center in Omaha.
The board questioned the school's financial soundness
and ability to fulfill its objectives.
The school also has expressed an interest in expanding
its operations to Lincoln.
UNL is leading other schools in Nebraska in the area of
research projects, such as those being conducted. Though
research has been going on for many years it did not
come to UNL until eight years ago. The real emphasis on
projects began in 1973 and has continued to grow
Edwards said other universities established engineer
ing research programs as much as 50 years ago.
"We were slow in getting started but we have
progressed considerably since five years ago," said
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