The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 22, 1977, Page page 12, Image 12
thursday, September 22, 1977 page 12 daily nebraskan A' i '1 I t i ' I ! i J 1 , ? " ) ; .J'.1 . h' r' i 1 1 it 1 , Cirl wanted to work 2 nights a week. Apply in person at Mike'i "O" St. Drive Inn, 22nd 15 Immediate Openings $300 per mo.-1 5 hours per week Flexible schedule, must be neat. Call 8 a.m. 8 p.m., 464-0223. Alice's Restaurant has open ings for: hostesses, waitresses, line cooks, dishwashers. Excellent starting pay. Apply in person at 211 N 70th. WORK . A WHILE TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVICES has daily jobs avail. able: labor, clerical and light industrial. PAID DAILY. Open 6:30 - 5:30 Monday through Friday, Vt day Satur day. CALL 477-4178. Part-time bus , driver for elementary school. 2 hours a day.. Call 432-3987 or eveings 783-2281. Part-time clerical help want . ed for the Ag-Engineering Dept. 20 hours a week, call 472-1412. Unusual opportunity for someone who is interested in extra income. Flexible hours. Call before 8 p.m. 489-2432. STUDENTS - Make fast, easy profits with our Photo Stamps. . Write Economy CreativeProducts, Box 5851, Sarasotai Fl. 33579 for free exciting details. Two general admission tickets needed to the Baylor game. 464-9296. Apt. manager wanted, part time, live-in, near east Campus. Retired couple or married stu dents. 464-6214. Need Large carpet for bed room, reasonable price. Would also like someone to make sunk bed frame!! Call 472 8646. Need roommate for base ment apartment, own room, furnished, cable TV, utilities paid. $85mo. Call 472 2639 after 5. Female roommate wanted for nice large apt., own room. Vt rent and lights, 474-0845. r m Your eriGwcr 10 ninth Tho Lincoln Plasma People. ; Earn eoeily GO per month Become a Blood Plooma Doner For further information Coil ; Lincoln Plasma GorpB- 472335 PJtaday - Friday 0-4 r 1ett Donation earns oiitro S2.G0 mth thso od. a it Male roommate needed, non smoker. UNL or SCC student, to share 2 Bedroom Apt., at 2603 Vine. Call 432-8679 after 5 MWF or afternoon T-Th. " Serious male student for newly remodeled house, fire place, dishwasher, central air; near campus. 475-8659. Female student needs room mate. 1 bedroom apartment $85mo. plus V utilities. Located near East Campus. Call 464-9444 before 4 p.m. Need 1 dr 2 roommates for 2 bedroom, 2 bath; apt. Call 432-2269 after 6. Female roommate $75mo. apt., own room, close to city campus, available now. Call 477' 4688, after 4, 475-3878. Joint Beta Alpha Psi and Accounting Association meeting Thursday, Sept. 22, 4:00 in the Union. Topic: Accounting Liability. Two male graduate students who don't particularly like the bar scene, wish , to meet two 'females for dinner companions. Jon and Randy, 432-6961. ELVIS MEMORIAL POSTER Colorful 23" x 35", $3 plus $1.00 postage and handling. Birthright offers free preg nancy tests, confidential, under standing help. 477-8021 . House plants make great gifts that keep you on their . mind. Beautiful plants at Oak Creed Plant Store. J 61 1 'O', Judi's enemy club. Now accepting fall applications. For more inofrmation call 474 5307. Students interested in serv ing on the fees allocation board should apply to the ASUN office, 334 Nebraska Union as soon as possible. Also students who applied for ASUN committee positions last spring should re-apply. The deadline for all applications is 4:00 p.m. Friday, Sept. 23. Jesus reincarnated, named Michael as prophesied in Daniel 12:1, Revelations 3:12. For conclusive scriptural proof ex planation of revelations write; Johannes de Silentio, P.O. Box 812, South Bend, Indiana 46624. r AW it and can t got it no per person. Guys & Dolls-University Singles Club Is here. If you like to party, have fun, and meet people like yourself, write us for all the free details. P.O. Box 12669, Galnsville, Florida, 32604. Childbirth Education Assoc. Lamaze classes for couples and single mothers. Call 435-4045. Steve M: Should you ever desire the companionship of a young woman from River City, who loathes DEAD CHICKEN LEGS, please get in touch! J.L.W. To . officers Marueen Knott and "Rusty" Fleming: You're, realy professionals, thanks for caring. Anneliese Warta Tim M, To my very special friend (aka miracle worker). Thanks! Love, Lisa W To the two pro's at the Hilton: " I had a great time. Thanks! Signed, exhausted Hey Stinky, I've passed you twice in the hallway in the Union in the last two days You're kind of cute, but you need a deodorant. I'll be watching (and smelling) for you again soon. I'll wink if you've cleaned up your act. Big Nose ATTENTION: FACULTY & STAFF HELP!!! Beginning Monday, September 19, the Daily Nebraskan is attempting to better distribute itself to campus buildings and local busi nesses. Information Is being gathered by custodians as the whereabouts of "excess" issues. Now we need help in finding out buildings that could use more papers each day. IF YOU ARE IN A BUILDING THAT "RUNS OUT" OF PAPERS EARLY IN THE DAY, PLEASE CALL JERRI AT 472-1767. If you aren't getting papers, but - would like some, please call also. Every effort will be made to redistribute the excess so everyone gsts a chance to read the D.N. that wants to. Thanks for your help! ? d1 Meet me at Mid-City Toyota for some great deals) it's right across the street at 12th & Q. M.C.T. n n V - 1 FREE HAIRSTYLE Men and women needed to model for nationally known stylist, presenting latest styles to Nebraska barbers and beauticians. It is a 2-day seminar at Villager Motel Convention center. Appointments necessary. Seminar is Sun.-Mon., Sept 25 26 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Model party Saturday Sept. 24th at 8 p.m. Call 477-6787 and ask for more information. DOUG, HAPPY 1st! I LOVE YOU! YOUR CAMPUS WATCHMAKER Dick's Watch Service Repair all makes Seiko - Timex Bulova etc. watch batteries, watch bands where your watch meets a friend Yi blk. so. of Nebr. Bookstore 432-3414 Do you need your' hair styled? Call Debbie, licensed barber, now offiering student discounts. Male and female wel-. come. Call 474-3040 or come see me at 201 7 '0', OBEDIENCE CLASShS starting Wed., Oct. 5 at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Limited enrollment. 423-5340. . French tutor available. Call 474-5670, 2-5 afternoons. GUITAR INSTRUCTION Zager Studio is now accepting a limited number of additional students for fall schedule. $6.75 per lesson. 483-2096. ATTENTION STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS The office of student activities will present a workshop entitled "money bags, where to get them, how to carry them" on Thursday evening Sept. 29. The workshop will be located in the Union small auditorium and will run from 7-9. ' Geared particularly to organ izational treasures this workshop will focus on the whys and hows" of financial management." In addition to keeping books, developing budgets and maintaining financial accountability, suggestions for fund raising will also be discussed. Interested in being nother Esther Williams? Learn syn chronized swimming Thursday, September 22 & 29. 6:30 - 7:00 at Mabel Lee Hall. Sponsored by the UNL Aquaquettes. UPC Human potentials com mittee . looking for new members with broad interests. For more information come to the union program office and sign up by Sept. 23. Students, have any spar time on your hands? Learn to fly. A professional flight instruc tor will teach you how. For more info, call 464-6215, after 6:30. POLY FOAM CUSHION MATERIAL 2"x21"x52" Back packer pad, $1.99. 2"x48"x72" Station wagon pad, $9 .95. , 3"x43"x72" Station wagon pad, $14.95. 4"x54"x76" Full bed mattress, $24.E0. 3"x30"x72" Bunk mattress, $3.40. 2"x26"x72" Cotton pad, $5.25. 4"x22"x22" Couch cushion, $2.79. 1"x54"x76" Full bed topper, $535. 1"x60"x84" Oueen bed topper, $7.70. 2"x39"x76" Twin bed mat tress, $3.50. Over 50 sizes in stock. SURPLUS CENTER 1000 W "O" St. Thinking Hawaii? Apply now for the most prestigious credit card only in Hawaii, colorful free mailings. Send name and address to: Credit. P.O. Box 25533, Honolulu, Hawaii 96825. DIANE LOST: Opal ring In Burnett Wednesday morning. Has. extreme personal value. Rewardl Would appreciate very much if returned. Call 432 9042. . To Find fl Roommate Sell fl Car Or Simply Say HI Use The Classifieds 472-1761 For a free booklet on how to stop smoking, . call or write your local unit of the AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY i THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY judson automotive Start mo schootyear smartly in 5 1 ' Let tho real you shine through with the natural look of contacts. They're easy to get used to, easy to wear, easy to care for. Get all the facts about contact lenses at our nearest office. Do It today! THE Lh EYEWEAR PROFESSIONALS N - LINCOLN: 1324'0'St- 432-9652 840 N. 48th St. - 466-1924 3923 S. 48th St. -488-3106 LOST: Calculus . and Analytic geometry book, Hamilton Hall, reward. Call 472-9686. LOST: a blue sapphire stone. If found, please call Barb 435-3629. LOST: Tl SR-50 calculator en route to Music Bldg. If found,, call 472-0299. Reward! LOST: Man's blue sapphire ring. Rewardl 435-7157 or 472 0959. " LOST in student union: wallet with Wisconsin ID'S. If found call 475-9091. Ride to Omaha Wed., Fri., starting October 1, share gas. 475-8786. Anyone interested in a passenger to share transporta tion costs to Ames or Des Moines area call 472-0708. THE PUBLISHER AS A PUBLIC SERVICE foreign car specialists 27th andT Lincoln, Nebraska "475-9022;... W ViiA j D