The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 19, 1977, Page page 12, Image 12

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    mond3y, September 19, 1977
page 12
daily nebrajkan
At 1976 prices.
Famous Snowlion men's or
women's ultimate parka, featur
ing 1.9 ounce ripstop nylon
throughout; average downfill of
12 ounces. 4 in. down filled
collar, elastic and snap closures
at wrist, nylon draw cord, 2
large down filled cargo pocket
with 5 inch velco closures, 2
hand warmer pockets, and inner
storage pockets. 2-way No. 5
Vision zipper with; snap down
draft flap. In Women's sizes
$47.50, Men's $49.88.
48th & Vine
76 Gremlin 3495
72 Monte Carlo 2995
75 Trail Duster 5395
72 Toyota Celica 1995
74 DatsunB-21 0 2095
75 Mustang It 3087
76 Mazda 2995
Come in and see our selection.
seating groups, entertainment
centers, bookcases, desks, chests
and more.
3939 N 48 466-9284
48th & Cornhusker open 7 days
1973 a Monte Carlo.
Excellent condition. Must
sell. Reasonable, 423-8124.
Jean Sale
Men's fashion jeans, 50
cotton-50 polyester, flare leg
and cowboy cut, style 938
LBL, 345NAC. 938BRN, 345
DGN. 345ICE, sizes 28-38"
waist, length 29-36". Regular
Sale $10.88-Special $5.99.
Men's-Women's backpack
shorts by Woolrich and
Wrangler. Women's sizes 8-16,
men's 28-40' waist. Regular
Sale $11.88 - Special $6.99.
Nice 2 bedroom furnished
apartment in 5-plex, 1516 No,
31 St. $170mo. . 432-3689.
Colorful 23" x 35", $3 plus
$1.00 postage and handling.
"Just learning about ' .
something isn't really
enough. You have to trust ....
yourself to use the knowl
edge. That's having
confidence. How else could
I do something as com- 1
plicated as this?"
And if you haven't used
tampons yet, knowing more
about Tampax tampons
. protection can give you
another kind of confidence.
That's why you'll find instruc
tions and answers to the
questions young women ask
most often in every package. "
Tampax tampons. The
more you know about them,
the more you trutt them.
I AmrAv
f 'v -i if i
f l
' '- '.-' J ' i ' 1 '"
s. ,- .
Furnished 1 bedroom base
ment apartment, 31st &
Randolf, utilities paid, $150
mo., 435-3386.
Apt. for rent, east campus,
facilities for 3 or 4 people;
furnished, air conditioned, car
peted, cable TV, nearly new.
Call evenings 464-6214.
1631 A St. 1-2 bedroom,
newly remodeled, laundry,
parking no pets, $190mo.
lights. Call between. 4-6 p.m.
weekdays and before 2 p.m.
weekends. 435-8234. '
for college men. Room, board
and utilities, only $115mo.
Brown Palace Co-op, 1900 'B'
St. Call evenings, 432-2583.
1748 Euclid, t bedroom
2245 'S St. 2 bedroom
2410 Lynn 3 bedroom
Stoves or refrigerators
$150-165 deposit and utilities.
(Mil c2t!M
Part-time service station
attendant. Evenings until - 8,
Saturdays noon 5. See Ken or
Earl at Craft Campus Service
Station, 17th & Vine,
PM bus boys, PM waitresses,
PM dishwashers. Apply at
Village Inn Pancake House. 66th
Part-time " cashier needed
start immediately, 25hr,wk,
Experience on NCR, 250 pre
ferred." Apply in person, ask for
Fred, World RAdio. 1323 '0'
There are kids who need"
help! Call if you have time to
Bill Roby 475-8749
Student Y 472-2584
Undergraduate or Graduate
position open with New Stu
dent Orientation for.
Administrative Assistant. . Year
round position. Come to room
200. Nebraska Union for a copy
of the position description.
Send resume and letter of
application to Orientation, 200
Nebr, Union by September 21.
1977.' For more information,
contact Barb Berry, 472-2484 ,
200 Nebr, Union.
Grampy'j Pancake House
and Restaurant, Wanted - host,
hostess, waitress, and kitchen
help. Apply in person 2105
Part-time work available,
weekends and evenings. Apply
in person, Van Sickle Paint
143 So. 10th.
760 W 'O'
Now taking applications for full
time and part-time workers.
Apply in person. See Craig.
Furniture delivery man to
drive cab-over truck, Tuesday
and Thursday afternoons, alt
day Saturday. In town delivery.
$2.50hr, Eno Upholstery, 1601
So, 17th, 431-6598.
Part-time waitress and cooks
wanted. Day and evening shifts
open. Flexible hours. Please
apply at Fiesta Cantina, 321
No. Cotner,
Part-time retail clothing,
sales experience preferred,
flexible hours. Call Bob or
Vickl, 466-2788.
Job openings: counter
cashiers 11 a.m. 2 p.m.,.
counter cashiers 10 a.m. 5
p.m., food production 11 a.m.
2 p.m.
Burger Chef
13th & P
Just 2 blks. from campus
Now hiring full- or part
time -waitresses, bus boys and
dishwashers for the 3 11 p.m.
and 11 p.m. 7 a.m. shifts.
Call for an interview, 435
7194. Denny's Restaurant
900 R St.
Now hiring food and cock
tail waitresses for evening and
weekend work. Apply in parton.
Town & Country Motel,'
Restaurant and Lounge, 33rd
& Cornhusker Hwy.
STUDENT -- Make fast,
easy profits with our Photo
Stamps. Write Economy
Creative Products, Box 5851,
Sarasota, Fl. 33579 for free
exciting details.
Juniors and first semester
seniors, earn $3. Bell System
needs Omaha students for re
cruiters workshop. Help
October 17 through the 19th.
Call your placement office or
Sharon Lipit 402 422-7845.
We need three girls for part
time evenings work. $2.50hr.
Snack bar. For more Informa
tion call 464-3446 from 9:30
11 a.m. only. Bingorama, 4515
No. 56th,
PART-TIME: Our student
service organization has an
immediate opening for an
underclassman who lives on
campus. He or she will forward
mail to our home office and will
assist . us with deliveries and
other aspects. Very little time
involved. Good pay For more
information write Mark J E.
Coleman, 5223 Hadley No. 1,
Overland Park, KS 66202,
Prominent club in Lincoln
now hiring part-time waiters and
waitresses Students welcome.
Will train. Call 423-8502 for an
appt.. -
AT 13th &E
Part-time and full-time
Students wanted, day and night.
Food allowances. Call 475-3505
for Paul,
Help wanted part-time Fri
day and Saturday nights, also
part-time day help. Apply in
person, Embassy Theatre, 1730
"O" St.
Girl wanted to work 2 nights
a week. Apply in person at
Mike's "O" St. Drive Inn, 22nd
& O. '
15 Immediate Openings
$300 per mo. 15 hrs. per week
Flexible schedule, must be neat.
Call 8 a.m. - 8 p.m., 464-0223.
Excellent experience for
reference. Volunteers for YMCA
rehabilitation, program. Swim
ming experience helpful but not
required. For more information,
contact Brian. Seegar 432-1251,
ext. 269.
We need full, and part-time
waitresses and waiters. Flexible
hours. Apply in person, 239
No. 14th and 2435 So, 48th.
An equal opportunity employer.
Immediate openings avail
able for cooks, waitresses, etc.
Part-time and full-time. Apply
in person, Sharon-King's Food
Host J 9th &0,
Part-time help needed for
general warehouse work. Farm
ing background preferred but
not required. Apply in person.
Miller Seed Co., 1540 Can
husker Hwy,
Full-time openings in the
account i ng and secretarial field.
Fantastic career opportunities!!
Part-time bookkeeper needed in
the afternoon4 hours a day.
Cornhusker Placement
2801 Cornhusker Hwy.
Branding Iron Lounge, new
owner, new manager. Need part
time bar backs, cocktail
waitresses and bartenders.
Apply in person. Belmont
shopping center. Suite 9.
4515 No. 56th
Wanted immediately: three
short order cooks, evening
part-time. Apply in person,
Alice's Restaurant has open
ings for: hostesses, waitresses,
line cooks, dishwashers. Ex
cedent starting pay. Apply in
person at 21 1 N 70th. ,
Keyboard player andor
guitar player needed immediate
ly for good rock band. Plenty
of $'s, vocals preferred. Greg
432-3195. Mike 432 6140.
" win m ii ii i i." i ' i . Jili . r .. u i ill ... j ,i
SERVICES has daily jobs avail
able: labor, rlerical and light
industrial. PAID DAILY.
Open 6:30 - 5:30 Monday
through Friday, Vi day Satur
day. Part time waitress, evenings.
Apply in person only,
Godfather's Pizza, 12th & Q.
Ask for Terry or Rusty.
We are looking for men and
women to work part-time In all
city areas, 3-4 hrs. per day,
morning or evening. Apply in
person. Floor Brite Services,
3235 N. 35th St.
Red Lobster, 66th & Q now
taking applications for full- and
part-time waiters and waitresses,
bus boys and night kitchen.
Paid vacation and holidays,
group Insurance, profit sharing,
uniform allowance. Please apply
between 2-4 p.m., 6540 O St.
An equal opportunity employ
er. ' Full-time day position. Clean
and neat, for kitchen counter
help Apply in person only.
Godfather's Pizza, 12th & Q.
Ask for Terry or Rusty.
Want to buy used stag films .
Box 80965, Lincoln 68501.
Replies confidential.
4 general admission tickets
to Baylor game. Call 472
8285. Babysitter wanted. Some
afternoons each week 2:30
5:00. Will pay $2.00 per hour.
Call 466-7839.
Apt. manager wanted, part
time, live-in, near east campus,
Retired couple or married stu
dents. 464-6214.
Female roommate wanted.
Adorable house, own room. '
Completely furnished. Call 471
2171 (day or 464-7797 (even
ings). Ask for Dianne.
1 female vacancy. Homey
atmosphere. Close to campus.
. $480sem, 475-6796, ask for
house officer.
Wanted: Male roommate to
share furnished v apartment.
Close to campus. 435-7497.
Male graduate student needs
roommate non-smoker; 435
0001 or 475-0656.
Congratualations to the
members of Pi lota Tau on their
new Intiates,
Dear Riyike,
Happy Birthday and many
happy returns.
Happy Birthday to Olariyike
Grace Dare.
Happy B-day Lou,
Wising you a happy 22nd I
"N" street was out of your
specialty, so you'll have to settle
for a big splash.
Lovies, Waterbed Queen
It was a fun infatuation,
too bad sc short. Will think of ,
you often.
Professional or beginning
photographers will be delight
ed with the new course we
will be offering at Malone
Center. A professional photo
grapher will instruct you in
developing color, or black and
white prints, and also slides.
He will have some bright ideas
on composition and other areas -in
which you might be interest
ed. Everyone will be welcomed.
The courses will begin the week
of September 19th. Call Malone
Center 432-2843 for registra
tion. FREE.
Sgf n H im;WllMMWMWtlfflWi. JUMP!! ! MBUjiuw
"TKf ftCTIS.Itt ta RUL
VAuit Of tt fmt
fOua mom
4 r Jumh Of
Nt s
IN I flWt
i it urn hi nr
riiTYT frill Tit Tin
Don't miss Itl Ski club's
first real meeting of the year.
It'll be carrels of fun. Wed.,
8 p.m., upstairs at
Pregnant? Birthright is a con
fidential, helping hand. 477
8021. ,
Jesus reincarnated, named
Michael as prophesied In Daniel
12:1, Revelations 3:12. For
conclusive scriptural proof
explanation of revelations write:
Johannes de Silentio, P.O. Box
812, South Bend, Indiana
Learn to let the sonshine.
A new approach to Christianity,
Public classes Tuesdays, 7:30
p.m. 2348 Q St. Sponsored by
the Christian Community of
Men and women needed to
model for nationally known
stylist, presenting latest styles
to Nebraska barbers and
beauticians. It is a 2-day seminar
at Villager. Motel Convention
center. Appointments necessary.
Seminar is Sun.-Mon., Sept 25
26 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Model
party Saturday Sept. 24th at 8 .
p.m. Call 477-6787 and ask for
more information.
at 1611 'O' St. announces the
day, Friday and Saturday from
9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Give
your room some class and
atmosphere with house plants.
Nebraska State Women's
Chess Championship
Saturday, September 17, 1977.
Gateway ' auditorium. Registra
tion 8:30 9:00 a.m. Games 9
a.m. - noon and 3 p.m, 6 p.m,
Prizes five high quality
trophies. For more information
call 477-2861.
How about a break from
football? Sexuality workshop.
Oct. 7-8. Call Student Y, 472
2584. . '
We can believe in Fairy
Tales Desparado. A Satirway to
Heaven reaches your Dreams .
Let It Be. You've Got a Friend.
Maybe You're Amazed. What
can I say?
' Later, Sh
UPC Human potentials com
mittee looking for new
members with broad interests.
For more information come to
the union program office and
sign up by Sept. 23.
Herbie K:
I was there, so WHERE were
you? I don't like being stood
up, but I'll make an exception
. in your case since you're so dam
cute! I'm going to the
game this Saturday, so how
about " meeting me at the Rail
afterwards, say 5:00? I'll be
watchin'. . .
Guys & Dols University
Singles Club is here. If you like
to party, have fun, and meet
people like yourself, write us for
all the' free details. P.O. Box
12669, Gainsville, Florida,
Childbirth Education Assoc.
Lamaze classes for couples and
single mothers. Call 435-4045,
Bored with YOUR OLD RE
buy; sell and trade old records
and tapes. Bring them in (in
good condition) and receive
cash or a trade.
Trade A-Tape 1 127 P St.
Linda (dirtbag),
Have a great 19th b'day
tomorrow. Maybe even some
yummy good lunch!
Thank you, Bev (Hagatha)
HELP!!! Beginning Monday,
September 19, the Daily
Nebraskan is attempting to
better distribute itself to
campus buildings and local busi
nesses. Information Is being
gathered by custodians as the
whereabouts of "excess" issues.
Now we need help in finding
out buildings that could use
more papers each day. IF YOU
II you eren't petting papurf,
but would like some, please
call also. Every effort will be
rnaJa to redistribute the excess
so everyone gets a chance to
read the D.N. that wants to.
Thanks for your helpl
Do you need your hair
styled? Call Debbie, licensed
barber, now offering student
discounts. Male and female wel
come. Call 474-3040 or come
see me at 201 70'.
Remember us for pro
fessional typing of disserta
tions, theses, term papers,
multiple individualized
letters, correspondence,
typesetting and graphic
Dick's Watch Service
Repair all makes
Seiko - Timex Bulova etc.
watch batteries, watch bands
where your watch
meets a friend
Yt blk. so. of Nebr. Bookstore
starting Wed., Oct. 5 at 10 a.m.
and 7 p.m. Limited enrollment.
423-5340. ;
Quality tennis racket string
ing at reasonable prices,
guaranteed. Evenings 435-6695.
Zager Studio is now accepting
a limited number of additional
students for fall schedule. $6.75
per lesson. 483-2096.
Save on brand name hard and
soft lens supplies. Send for
free illustrated catalog. Contact
Lens Supplies, Box 7453,
Phoenix, Arizona 8501 1 .
American Society of
Personnel Administrators meets
Sept. 20 at 7 p.m. in the Union.
Business Administration majors
are welcome.
Interested in being another
Esther Williams? Learn syn
chronized swimming Thursday,
September 22 and 29. 5:30
7:00 at Mabel Lee Hall. Spon
sored by the UNL Aq"uaquettes.
The Overseas Opportunities
Center is a service to you! We
have Youth Hostel Cards, Inter
national Student ID's, ideas and
discounts, plenty of info, on all
parts of travel, work, and study
experience. 345 Nebraska
Students, have any spare
time on your hands? Learn to
fly. A professional flight
instructor will teach you how.
For more info, call 464-6215,
after 6:30. -
LOST Doberman male, 6
mo. old, black and tan, campus
area on' Saturday. Answers to
Artimus. Return greatly
' desired. REWARDI 474-4573.
LOST; Man's blue sapphire
ring. Reward! 435-7157 or 472-
Ride to Omaha Wed., Fri.,
starting October 1, share gas.
Anyone interested .in a
'passenger to share transporta
tion .costs to Ames or Des
Moines area call 472-0708.
Jackson Hole, Steamboat,
and Ski Club!!! The three best
deals of the season. Tonight,
8 p.m., upstairs at
want ads