The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 16, 1977, Page page 13, Image 13
friday, September 16, 1977 daily nebraskan Campus police praise concert crowd It seems the musical standard set at Wednesrlav nioMv, Fleetwood Mac concert won't be the only act that's hard to follow. Spokesmen from the UNL Sports Complex Union Program Council, and Lincoln and Campus Police all had words of praise for the concert crowd. Lincoln police sergeant John Briggs, who has patrolled concert crowds at Pershing Municipal Auditorium for about seven years, said the crowd was "well-behaved, causing no serious problems." Briggs also said that "about $1,000 worth of drugs, mostly marijuana, were seized at the complex entrances." He said that no arrests were made in connection with the confiscations which were used as "mostly a deterrent to prevent drug usage on state property." Briggs, one of 35 LPD officers at the concert, said although the department always prepares for an unruly crowd, they are always pleased when the crowd proves otherwise. Campus police Captain Robert Edmunds said there were three arrests made in connection with the concert. One woman was scheduled to be arraigned in County Court Thursday morning on an intoxication charge. Two men from outside the Lincoln area were also arrested for selling "bootlegged" Fleetwood Mac T-shirts before the concert on 15th and Court Street and 17th and Court Street. Edmunds also mentioned that cigarette smoking inside the building was a . "continuous problem" for his 20 officers. Despite problems, Edmunds said his first experience with a concert on campus was a positive one, commending the crowd for their orderly conduct. Jim Ross, UNL Sports Complex asst. athletic direc tor and complex mgr. said there were a few minor pro blems to iron-out in preparation for the next Sports Complex concert. Ross said that his staff had assumed the crowd would gradually filter into the complex mostly through the North doors near the free concert-parking area. However, some long lines resulted when the crowd of mostly campus students waited until 7:30 p.m. or later to walk to the complex, entering on the south side. Ross also mentioned that there was little resistance to purse and parcel searches as a result of "adequate fore warning" on KFMQ and on signs near the building entrance. According to Ross, "We're willing to hold con certs again if we can be sure the crowd's behavior won't hurt the building or people." Gary Gilger of the Union Program Council said it is possible the UPC will continue offering reserve seating since this "seems to eliminate the crush of people trying , LL.l U I I LI 1, 1 1 A Lu RADIO FRIDAY NIGHT MIDNIGHT MOVIE "Taxi Driver" Admission $1.50' ru"i ri wwv v to get a good seat.' They didn't siuelxe cirass. Thoy didn't go all the way. They didn't do their own thing. They went to college in the Fifties. They pledged fraternities. They celebrated Hell Week. They were the butiened-down, bottied-up generation. And sometimes they exploded. SHOWS T0JJITE: 7:30 & 9:25 LI a w tfC" 'if t . TOMORROW AT: 'I 1:45-3:40-5:35 : 7:30-9:25 55 3 , J. V ,i 7:30-9:25 i hi i i PARAMOUNT PJCTURES presents "FHflTEOfJSTY mvr Stainng PETER FOX GREGORY HARRISON SCOTT NEWMAN NANCY MORGAN WENDY PHILLIPS Special Guest Star ROBERT EMHARDT Featuring Music by DON McLEAN Written and Produced by CHARLES GARY ALLISON a "WAR" tonight at 4:30. 7:30 and 10:30 "COLLIDE" tonight at 6:00 & 9:00 Matinees Sat. & bun. at 1 :ju & J:uu GATES OPEN AT 7:30 TONIGHT SPECIAL 3RD FEATURE-"GATOR' T I mmm Late WJl.V n Oflif JZLl fJ.ii-.f1 IliLMiIHUUr !I(L' lil'JiLI! '4 J7 fJSi,-W I fc'l III II I 111 TT" v.-, "O- V HP J I ' - - - ' i , Call toll free: 800-'124-8580- Peace Corps fA fl I APuhkcSefWol . JJ-l This Newspaper 4 VXXJKil The Advertisinq CoiinrH Q D D D D 0 fi C HELD OVER p DAILY AT 1:00,3:05.5:10. 7:20.9:30 A long tinne ago in a galaxy f3c for away.. U D D Q D Li 1 :4S, 1 :4S, 3:45, 5:45, 7:45 & 9:45 ,v., .... . -V j. .t. jt- wiy j !HT 7 "iter- fSi iff 3 f r-, i S t -.1 V ' ' ' : I' V w i m r" i To story of a winnor Fwjrn Vitomei Brc C A V. ar ner ComrrwicAons CortTpany AT:7:J3&f:23 12:33-2:15-4X3 5:45-7:301 Ml f :3 i:Nlf . EtSSiM ill f-WTS