The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 09, 1977, Page page 3, Image 3

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    friday, September 9, 1977
daily nebraskan
page 3
short Suff
The Boost Her Yell Squad, (for wo
men's athletics) is interviewing for pro
spective members. The six-man squad is
open to all university men. More informa
tion is available in Union 300. .
ctaily nsbfCkskon
Publication no. 144080
Editor in Chief: Rex Seline. Managing Editor:
Pete Mason. News Editor: Larry Lutz. Associate
News Editors: Janet Fix and Ann Owens. Layout
Editor: Barbara Lutz, Entertainment Editor:
Carla Engstrom. Sports Editor; Mike McCarthy.
Special Editor: Michael Zangari. Night News
Editor: Betsie Ammons. Photography Chief: Ted
Kirk, Executive Assistant to the Editor: Ron
Ruggless. "'
Copy Editors: Jill Denning, Susan Kissack and
Anita Stork. Business Manager:' Jerri Haussler.
Advertising Manager: Gregg Wurdeman. Assistant
Advertising Manager: Oerilse Jordan, Production
Manager: Kitty Policky. , .
The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNU
PublicationsXomrrttttee on Monday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday during fall and spring
semesters, except during vacations. Address:
Daily Nebraskan) Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R
streets, Lincoln, Neb. 68508. Telephone:
472-2588. . .
Material may be reprinted without permission
if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, except
material covered by a copyright..
. Second class postage paid at Lincoln. Neb.
Positions are available -on the Union
Program Council Union Films Committee.
For more information contact the
Program Office, Union 115, or call 472
2454. The first Nigerian student meeting will
be 6 p.m. Saturday, in the Nebraska Union.
The Actuarial Club is sponsoring a pic
nic, 3 p.m. Sunday at Pioneers Park. For
more information, call Mick at 489-725K
The Ag Econ Agra -Business Club will
meet 5:30 p.m. Tuesday at the home of
Professor Baker, 3259 Starr. Sign up in
Filley Hall 301.
The UNL Young Democrats will meet
7 p.m. Tuesday in Union 345.
The UNL 4-H Club is sponsoring a
picnie 5:30 p.m. Tuesday in Peter Pan
Park, 33rd &Y St.
1 1 a.m.-5 p.m.-ASUN Book Exchange,
Conference rooms. ,
11 a.m.-UPC Art Lending Library,
Main Lounge. .
3:30 p.m.-Panhellenic-LF.C, Room
7 pjn.-Inter Varsity Christian Fellow
ship, room 202. . V
. 7:30 p.m.-Free China Assn., Auditorium.
baked potato or French fries. Melt-in-your-mouth Stockade )
11 toast, salad and choice of beverage. ' ((
Every Friday after five. fy v
(( All day Saturday KjJ v Sun.-Thurs. 11 a.m.-9 p.m.
( andSunday. Tryoone Fri.&Sat. 11 a.m.-10p.m. J)
Earn $10-40 in one morning
by selling FIRST DOWN y
on home game Saturdays.
Hurry, these 30 positions
must 'be filled by Thursday,
September 8. For information
contact Carla or Barb at the
Daily Nebraskan. room 34
fi Nebraska Union or call 472-2588.
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