The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 08, 1977, Page page 2, Image 2

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    thursday, September 8, 1977
page 2
daily nebraskan
Community Involvement
Services is sponsoring a
"Volunteer Affair from
10 ajn. to 2 pjn. at the
Nebraska Union Plaza.
Community agencies from
around Lincoln -wCl be oi
hand to discuss their volun
teer projects.
Phi Chi Theta wi3 meet
at 4:30 pjn. in the Union.
Room number will be
The Block and Bridle
Gub will meet for a steak
fry at 6 pjn. on the Bio
ccmistry and Nutrition
Bldg. lawn. Meal cost is
The UNL Agronomy
Club wi3 meet at 7 pjn.
m Kelts Hall 244. A free
watermelon feed will fellow
the meeting.
The Actuarial Oub is
sponsoring a picnic, Sunday
at 3 pjn. in Pioneers Park.
For more information, call
Mick at 459-725 1.
''"". ' .'.
Positions are available on
the Union Program Council
Union Funs Committee.
For more - information
contact the Prozram Office,
Union 115 or cs3 472-2454.
Any imderiaduate inter
ested in working cn a liter
ary magazine and any
English major interested in
serving with the English
department should contact
RJ). Stock, Andrews 304.
The Boost Her Yell
Squad, (for wo mens' athlet
ics) is interviewing for
prospective members. The
six-man squad is open to all
university men. To obtain
more information contact
Union 200.
11 ajn.-UPC Art Lend
ing library, Main Lounge
1 1 ajn. - 5 p J3.-ASUN
Book Exciunge Conference
10 ajn. - 2 pjn.-Com-munity
Involvement Ser
vices Volunteer Fair, Me
mcrial Raz.a
1:50 pjn. Nebraska
Union Employees Meeting,
room 242
3-6 pjn.-Union Program
Council Interviews, room
3 pjn. Music Dept.
'Surrealestate, South Crib
3:30 pjn.-Healih Edu
cation, "Dr. Kostnibala",
3:30 pjn. PanhellerJc
LF.C, room 232
4:30 pjn.-Fhi Chi The
ta, room 202
. 6 pjn.-Christiin Science
Org., room 222
7 pjn.-Beta Alpha Psi,
room 202; Residence Hall
Assn.. room 243,; Baptist
Student Union, Auditorium;
Bihai Assn., room 337; UFC
FJm Comm. "The Gold
Rush", Cefitensial Rm.
730 pjn.-Math Coun
ters, room 225B-C; Nebr.
Union Beard-Host Sc Hos
t:a Committee, room 232
3 p.m.- Campus Gill
Board needs student hosts, hostesses
Host and hostesses for Nebraska home football games
are needed by the Union Advisory Board.
About 12 to 15 students are needed to work in ih
Nebraska Union on each game d3y to he!? "fans who use
the union before the game, program coordinator Nancy
Eicher said.
Duties include greeting visitors and answering ques
tions, giving directions, assisting in the buffet lunch lines
and showing football films in the Union main lounge.
. Publication no. 144083
Editor in Chief: Rex Seiine. Managing Editor: Pete Mason.
News Editor: Larry Lutz. Associate News Editors: Janet Fix and
Ann Owsrs. Layout Editor: Barbara Lutz. Entertainment Editor:
Carta Enc strom. Sports Editor: Mike McCarthy. Special Editor:
Michael Zangari. Night News Editor Betsie Amnions. Photo
graphy Oief : Ted Kirk. Executive Assistant to the Editor: Ron
Roggss. "
Copy Editors: Jill Denning. Susan Ktssack and Anita Stork.
Business Manager: Jerri H-aussler. Advert ising Manager: Gregg
Wurderrjn. Asjistara Advertising Manager: Oenise Jordan.
Production Manage-: Kitty Policky.
The CaSy Keorasksn is pubiished by the UNL Publications
Committee on Monday, Vf editesday. Thursday and Friday during
faii and spring semesters, except during vacations. Address:
Daily Neferssisrs. Nebraska Union 34. 14th and R streets. Lincoln.
Nsb. 68503. Tekphorse: 472-25S3.
Material nay be reprinted without permission if attributed to
te DaLV Nebraskan, except material covered by a copyright.
Second class postage paid at Lincoln. Neb. 63201.
m wa asp'1 mw.-k.
Why Qo It Alone
When there's
mm. - & - m
Professional Organization
for Business Majors
for information on the upcoming rush
function at Valentino's
contact: Jerry Psgsley 472-1X593
Barb Ewerth 432-S727
V K -
setsmmmimn-mvn mvmr mrmainwm .
A New Dimension in Entertainment
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anient club
i pnttirm meeting will be held in the union at
7 JO pjn. today for those interested.
"Students would work from 10:15 ajn. to 1Z,.JU
pjn. on the Saturdays they have chosen, fcicher said.
It is a volunteer program with no pay involved.
This is the first year the Union Advisory Board has
sponsored the Host and Hostessing Committee, In the past
it was under the control of the Union Program Council
(UPC) said Suzanne Brown, assistant director of Ul u
The duties of the'eommittee end Nov. 12, with the Kansas-Nebraska
game. m
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