The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 08, 1977, Image 1

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    ASUN ODDroves fees takeover
By Mike Patten
The first step in , what may amount to the eventual
takeover of the fees allocations process at UNL was taken
Wednesday night by the ASUN Senate.
The Senate voted 26-0-1 to begin the' process of
amending the NU by-laws to replace all mention of the
present Fees Allocation Board (FAB) with ASUN.
Mike Brogan, chairman of the ASUN budget and fees
committee, told the senate he agrees with its decision be
cause he thinks it is a "fundamental right" of the students
to have an elected, rather than appointed body allocating
fees. ,
He suggested the new board by comprised of "about
nine ASUN senators" to be elected by secret ballot. In
addition, he said, a non-voting adult should be present to
serve on the board.
The ASUN proposal must now be sent to the chancel
lor who, along with the Faculty Senate, will make recom
mendations on the proposal. The proposal would then be
given to the NU Board of Regents for final approval.
Debate on the bill, which was limited to ten minutes,
focused on the question of having the issue decided by a
student referendum rather than by an ASUN vote.
"I would be in favor of the referendum if any of the
people I talked to opposed ASUN taking over," she said,
Fejfar said she contacted more than 60 people.
The senate, also went on record opposing any
expansion of Memorial Stadium.
The ASUN Stadium Expansion Committee
recommended that no expansion take place because,
committee member Kent Thompson said, the proposed
expansion would place the UNL athletic dept in debt for
8-10 years and ruin the stadium's . aesthetic quality.
Thompson also said , the expansion, if it were to take ,
place, would be financed by a $2 a ticket surcharge. He
said he doubted that this surcharge would be lifted when
the debt had been paid off.
The possibility of losing seasons, coupled with the
availability of tickets, could- combine to create empty
seats if the expansion is to be done, Thompson said.
Sen. Scott Cook, who serves on the Citizens Expansion
Committee, said 13 schools have larger stadiums than
UNL, but only two others sell out their games. He said the
question of supply and demand should not be forgotten. m
4 t
Daily Nebraskan Photo
Webb Bancroft has resigned as ASUN student government
task force chairman. Story on page 9. x
Sen. Roger Brodman said he thought referendum was
needed because of the varied responses he got this week
when obtaining opinion from his constituents. . " ,
"Sixty per cent of the students I talked to said
they did not want ASUN taking control," he said. Sen.
lary Fejfar said none of the people she talked to opposed
the proposal.
QIIU (n)(l
thursday, September 8, 1977 vol.101 no. 6 lincoln. nebraska
Heck of a way to train!
By Mark Getzfred uous learning experience with each day
For most UNL students, Scarface and you work," he added. ,
Marblehead were simply names given to "You're always learning about a fire's
two of the devastating forest fires in behavior, the effects of the weather and
California. ; what types of vegetation burn quicker than
But for UNL sophomore Rod Horn, others," he said,
those forest fires were more . than just There also is the ever present danger
names. Horn spent all but 27 days of his that the wind will shift and leave a fire
summer working as a firefighter in Arizona . fighter caught in the path of the oncoming'
and California. - . ... blaze. A , firefighter . must be constantly
Currently the number one defensive award of that danger, Horn said.""
right tackle for the Cornhuskers football His work as a firefighter often took hini
team, Horn was a member of the away from his daily schedule of running
"Seekers", an on-call church-organized and weightlifting. But firefighting involved
force financed through federal, state and a great deal of physical activity; hiking and
regional funds. - cutting through the forest and working on
"Our main job was' to build firelines to the fire lines, Horn said,
contain the fires," Horn said. At 6'5", 250 "I didn't suffer from a lack of activity,"
lbs., he was considered too big to be a para- he said.
jumper. . A junior academically, Horn came to
"I took the space of two men," he said. UNL as a high school All-American. He
A wildlife major, Horn has worked for started at defensive tackle on the freshman
the "Seekers" for the past three years, squad. His sophomore year found him on
getting the job through his high school the scout squad; The hyperextension of a
baseball coach. ; knee caused him to be redshirted.
"It's exciting for me as an individual to "I didn't get the work I wish I could
do something that's challenging and worth- have," he said of his scout squad duties,
while," Horn said. "Besides, it's a contin- During spring football he battled for a
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Cornhusker and fire-eater, Rod Horn Daily Nebraskan Photo
starting position until a sprained ankle sidelined him. But
after Barney Cotton's injury, Horn became number one.
He hopes it's for good.
How Horn performs as a Cornhusker for the next three
years will determine his future. "My goal isto play pro
football," he said, but he won't be totally disappointed if
he doesn't make it. .
"In fact, it might be better if i don't make it, I can al
ways go live in the mountains," he said with a wondering
look in his eye.
If pro football does fail to materialize, Horn wants to
collect data on flora and fauna.
The composition of the proposed ASUN fees allocation
board was reported incorrectly in Friday's Daily Nebras
kan. The committee woulJ consist of ASUN senators and
would replace the current Fees Allocation Board.
'Better the ball than me'
The Hockey player on the right is cither breathing a sign of relief or silently cursing herself for over running
the baP. -
inside thursdaij
p. 8
You eld fossil: Crinoids of Nebraska are not over
looked .
The cow jumped over the moon: But UNL as
are jvt-set educators. p. 10
Sleep tight, Tom: Demoted defender says that's a sign
the decision was right. pm 14
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