Firefall's 'Luna Sea' provides strong followup to year-old debut album Review by Andy Riggs A little over a year ago, an album was released by a new band, Firefall, and quickly skyrocketed to the top in album sales. On that album were three songs that reached the top ten in singles sales, A tremendously successful debut. . It wasn't surprising. Firefall was composed of a very talented group of individuals who had played with the Byrds and The Flying Burrito Brothers in previous years. And they play good music. The first Firefall album mmmisnc had few flaws. It was new and exciting,, and it was 1 ByrdBurritos influenced. ; . The influence is still there on the new Firefall album, Luna Sea. The composers of Firefall's music, Rick Roberts and Larry Burnett, lend heavy influence through their vocals and guitar playing as well. Michael Clarke is on drums, Jock Bartley plays guitars, Mark Andes plays bass. They all sing. Firefall has extremely good vocal harmonies. On Luna Sea, there is a new addition to the band, 1 David Muse. Muse plays keyboards, organ, sax, flutes, harmonica, and moog,,and all his talents are displayed on the new album. Side one begins with the familiar harmonies and drifting lead guitars that characterize Firefall music. Rick Roberts sings the lead, but the effort is a total one, an indication of the tightness of the band. "So Long" is a justification for leaving a lover, Roberts is also the composer of the next cut, "Just Remember I Love You", an acoustic ballad: "When the blues come callin' at the break of dawn Rain keeps fallin'but the rainbow's gone, ', . Just remember J love you ,. And it will be all right, . .it will be all right. The sax backing by Muse is forceful, and a good . addition to the sound of the band, The rest of side one contains another love song by Roberts, a boogie number by Burnett, and one that is co-written by the entire band. Roberts song shows his extremely wide range as a vocalist, the cut by Burnett is good musically, but has trite vocals. Not up to Firefall standards. Side two begins with more of the trite vocals that seem to be Burnett's style on Luna Sea. It might sound better if Roberts helped out with writing. There are bight sides, however, "Only a Fool" is a song filled with comparisons, "In a moment of madness I let you say goodbye You never miss your water 'Til the well runs dry. . . Even a fool like me should know Only a fool would let you go." . Roberts seems to be quite emotional on this album, every song he writes has romantic sadness attached. The songs are all strongly stated, vocally and instrumentally. The last song on the album is probably the one that will make it big on AM radio, Too bad, for the song is really quite good. "Even Steven" begins strongly with electric guitar, and is joined by more active backing by the band, The presence of David Muse again is noticeable on keyboards Art by Andy Riggs and a blazing solo on tenor sax. One of the hardest things for a band to do is to follow up a great debut album with one that is even better, Firefall probably knows this as well as anyone. Luna Sea is a good album. One apparent weakness is the writing of Larry Burnett, He seems almost incapable of making any sense of his lyrics. But the addition of Muse and the brilliance of Roberts make the album well worth listening to, This is an album that might have a tendency to grow on you. Starts Friday 13th &P 475-2222 A different kind of loue story. MARTIJ FELDMAN ANN-MARQRET MICHAEL 10RK PETER USTINOV JAMES EARL JONES "THE LAST REMAKE OF BEAU QESTE" TREtfOR HOWARD 'HENRI Q15S0N TERRlj-TrtOMAS SereenpUtj t, MARTIj FELDMAN & CKRIS ALLEN y,H by UAITiJ FELDMAN & 5AM tOtEiCK toV bj JOHN MOtEIS D.rcctcd MARTI) FELDMAN PwUed bj VW11A1A 5 QILMORE Ei Frod m HCDARD Vt ST v4 QEORQE SHAPIKO A UWUW5AL MCTCK TtCNiCOLCf'.ll CKM3 J!S5(JTt8 Y- PUTT-PUTT COIF C0URSfS- : PUTT-PUTT GOLF 2501 N. 11th 475-9007 Mon. $2 Day 10 a.m.-12 p.m. 2 p.m.-B p.m.. Tues. Bonus Night Wed. Tournament Night (Practice 7 p.m Tee-off 8 p.m.i Thurs. & Fri. Special -3 games for $1.50 Sat.'Super Saturday (for the kids) Sun, Family Play Day 9 Sun, Pitcher Nile Tues. No Cover Wed. 2 Fers Thurs. Ladies Nite Fri. Pogo's I.D. Sat. Happy Hour Free admission with this coupon. Expires 8-15-77 1118 South 72nd St Omaha Sheldon Film Theater's SUMMER STARS y 1 T 1 Sheldon Art Gallery 1 2th &R Streets THE GRAPES OF WRATH Directed by John Ford Starring Henry Fonda, John Carradine, Jane Darwell and Charley Grapewin. Wednesday through Sunday - August 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 Screenings at 7 & 9 p.m. I riday, Saturday & Sunday matinee at 3 p.m. We accept Lincoln Community Arts Council senior citizen coupons. Discover the Shear Design Difference. yTO Distinctive' hairstyles for men and women. Glass Menagerie 12th &Q 432-0304 8REDKEN