The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 28, 1977, Page Page Five, Image 5
28 July 1977 Summer Nebraskan Page Five Proposed NU operating budget totals $161,701,952 The recommended 1977-78 operating budget for the -University of Nebraska will be up for consideration at the July 30 Board of Regents meeting in Lincoln. The operating budget, which divides state and university funds among university programs and departments, was prepared by the office of William Erskine, executive vice president for administration. The total recommended operating budget for the University of Nebraska is $161,701,952. This amounts to 6.7 per cent of the state general fund, Erskine said. UNL is allocated $83,533,233 out of the total budget, compared to $74,259,128 for the 1976-77 academic year.' The big change this year, Erskine said, is that the Nebraska Legislature directed the University of Nebraska to use up a cash surplus that has accumulated over the last few years. The cash surplus, which amounted to about $2 million, resulted from tuition income from higher enrollments at UNL and leftover funds from the hospital at the Medical Center in Omaha, Erskine said. The surplus was ear marked by the legislature for improvements in NU departments and programs, he said. Erskine said that the budget is a "set thing" and will probably be approved by the Board of Regents with no changes. Erskine said that there were relatively few problems in drawing up budget recommend?tions for next year. "Our relationship with the governor, the legislature, and the Appropriations Committee was excellent this past year," he said. The recommended budget breakdown for University of LI -I 1- T 1- . r II iNeorasKa-iJincoin is as ionows: SUMMER NEBRASKAN The Summer Nebraskan is published weekly by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln School of Jour nalism during eight weeks of the summer sessions. Summer Nebraskan office is U 2 Avery Hall, City Campus. Telephone 472-3210. Editor: Steve Boerner Business Manager: Andy Riggs Reporter: Rex Henderson Advertising Representative: Kent Swain Instructors: Jack Botts Don Glover School of Journalism Director: Neale Copple : 144 N. 14th KNIT SHIRTS $5.99 to $9.99 (500 short sleeve) BLUE JEANS $9.99 (were $20 to $32) SHOES & SANDALS . . (many, many styles) SUITS . . . . (45 vested) $5.99 to $9.99 Instruction and Research Academic Administration and General Expense College of Architecture College of Arts and Sciences College of BusinefS Adminktraf inn Extension-Off CampusNight Classes College of Dentistry Teachers College College of Engineering and Technology Graduate College College of Home Economics College of Law Libraries Summer Sessions Other Instructions and Research Scholarships and Fellowships Improvement of Instruction Extension and Public Service Continuing Studies Television State Museum and Art Gallery State University of Nebraska Other Extension and Public Service Operation and Maintenance of Physical Plant Plant Administration Buildings and Grounds Utilities Campus Planning Campus Security $2,425,144 835,954 14.086,861 2,054,075 789.914 2,086.182 3,533,350 3.366,318 170.375 1,167.479 758,571 3.250,474 2.275.484 1,152,817 1.432,405 887,191 2,217,912 426,063 288,056 382,787 191,995 288,579 3,827,040 128,408 182,694 656,073 Other Operations and Maintenance Utilities-Outstate Stations Utilities-Lincoln Campuses Administration and General Expense General Administration Student Services Business and Finance General Expenses Improvement Funds 171.723 132,250 3,358,130 283,540 1.384,849 1.356,230 1.680.572 1,002,000 Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources College of Agriculture 2,026,328 Agriculture Experiment Station 12,390,977 Agriculture Extension Service 7,019,333 Conservation and Survey Division 804,768 Water Resources Research Institute 287,232 Other IANR 1,140,193 NSTA-Curtis 952,815 Fieldhouse 647,092 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $83,533,233 Funded By State General Fund 46,238,143 Net Tuition Income ... 14,381,226 Other Cash Fund 1.231,795 Federal Funds 3,584.614 Revolving Funds 6,774,960 Allocation from Central Administration State General Fund 8,982,432 Cash Funds . 2,035,863 Revolving Funds 304,200 TOTAL FUNDING $83,533,233 soPe, U,d' our a& J K n $49.00 PANTS, BELTS, SHIRTS EXCITIfIG FALL FASIISOIIS ARRIVING DAILY Mon.-Sat. 1lT6 Thurs. 10-9 7 $b 680,09 - ( ii f - j - j, 'rv-i vv.v coons OF unccuj " V?i: 400 W- IOUSTH! At LAKH Dl. .. , S t' UMCOUJ, KECn. 6S3C8 "' " (402) 474-CSCO