The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 30, 1977, Page Page Five, Image 5
20Jurs3l077 Summer Ne Ps"2 Fiva ars too convenient for drivers to kick the gasoline h . V wa a , ty ice l.-.u It's dtfehely Amcriaaa. ' ". It s!!r.3s, rears ar.d purrs oa good days,' and sputters arid' jsrks on bad ones. It's polished, praised ar.d papered in health, sad kicked, cursed sad given death threats if runrdag a fever. . Whatever its Eabt& or axats th3 Ai&sricsn autoracbils has become aa iastitutioa-aa institution that rAJ 7.5'mi!!ion barrels of oil a day, cr O psr csr.t of all oil ussd in America. And, energy exists say, the price of putting a titr in your tank is expected to- rise sharpy in the next two years. Csa Americans give tip their love affair with ; the cctazr.cb?!3? Ko, said S2ven cf 10 ptisoss polled at 17ih and K Streets. "IL2 no!" said Frr&k Dcwny, 50, cf 1435 VzIz-im St. "I ccCla't grt to work ia the morring wicicr a r;r. I Live to te there at 7 sad the bus don't rcar-'e.:. h at that hour." Dny, a L; ? at" the Ccnz.:5cer Radicsoa Hotel, a.:d th-t te c!.::a't bcLra an energy crisis exists and desra't s:2 tsy way he could reduce lis prccrat drives tl223, -.- ... ....... . ii5 e l cc::; :.;:s jiist wr.t 2s pnecs rassd to iacr:i:3 their prcCis," he said. "There's not say more cars ca d r I rac-v Cn U.:re was 10 years ex" v "I only il;:, 3 zzzzt 5, CCD rr.:!:s a year now and that's not much, lie:, tf t:;;t is tick and forth to work ari a car is the only way." Joe Haninfton, 43, a car p.' ttteadant, said he saves -a lot of time and convergence u:g a car, but vc.:Id arse to participate ia an energy-sivkg program if it was on a national scale. "I live cut in Southwocd and it would just be too much trouble to take a bus to work every day," Harringtoa said. "I doa't save money, but what I spend to drive is worth it for the added convenience.' The Summer Nebraskan is published weskry by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln School of Jour nsllsm during eiht wesks of the summer ssssons. Sumner Nebraskan office is 1 12 Avery Hall, City Campus. Telephone 472,3210. Editor: Steve Boerner Business Manser: Andy Ris Reporter: Rex Henderson ; Advertising Representative: Kent Swain Instructors: Jack Botts -" Don Glover School cf Journalism Director: Neale Copple U ,m &rsbm w Vi S . - .eyjf 1 LScccndcry Sslsncs Tecshcr with I Contact EL-psrimsndcfst cf Elsizn Public Schoofs I t. m m U to i --is."- I ! V 3,1 i - Jf 5 csuss cf ths way they lock. Pccp!3vc2rE;rkenstocksb2 CCLC2 cf th3 way thay f ec!. I ''.v r hn f if? v v v m r . I O it 2 S r s r - I r IBS A. ? jefc 3 -J i belisve there is aa enersv hri?"s md would ha' v;Z2 to reduce try driving ens-fourth," Ilsrrisigtoa added, "but caly if it was a unified effort on the part cf everyone." . x Max, (who diclinsd to give his last name and address), 33, a Ksbraska state patroteisa, ssid he vccld ' urs a!;crr.sUv9 means cf transportatioa "if tilings got badeaouch. "' Td.ts.wUUr.3 to cut my ' recraatioaal driving by . cr.s-fcurth'' ii s:,!i.. "I codd gtt to work by riding a tike, wCdnj or forml-g a car pool" lln. ssid ha favon the pressnt speed Ifeiit of 55 miles per hour "because it savss lives and fusl." "E?s:dts," he added, "with . the price of gssolke pscple couldn't afford a Usr speed Lrit," ;Geor?2 nSriaa, 25, of 1319 C St., and Pat llcLoun, 0, of 940 S. 20th St., said thry rsly oh . buses to zt thsia around and seldom have aay for "I cna't really afford to have a car," s Jd Ifcn, a hou-tintjr. "I gzt a ride to work and tale the brs evryv.:.:rs else. If something comes up and I rsaliy ncsd a car, I tcrrcw my mother's." Ms. LcLouh!Ia, a registered nurse at Lincoln General Ibitd, sdd, "I think cars are a waste of money. Ia c J Li i SUMMER' JO 05 PER H Pcrt-timo end full-timo cvcllcbb Lincoln there's really no place you csa't Ctoi-y ? "it costs rne 70 cents a day to take a bus to wcrk. tlo . gzi bills, parking problems or isaiatasaaca woik to fed with, she sddad. . 'Other persons have foumd a mode cf trr.:pcsttlsa that is even cheaper than the city bus systtsa: fckyd. !'The only thing I knev," obssrvsd Bant!! Ersnnsfa, 1 ownsr of the' Freewhcslia' Elks Shop, 427 S. IZth St., "is every fee I ride a tike I have more mousy ia my Uft pocket and a flitter stomach." Dranni23, -29, said he believes Ameri&a Lfttylcs are changing ia respense to aa energy" crisis ml tint's reSected in the bike business;' ' "I've besa with bike stores ia liacela slais 1970," Ls ... said, "and the growth has bsen pheaoaicasl. V'e Lr;j' a 'lot of customers ' usisg bikes, as their sols mans cf transportation. "I thisk we are going to have to coordinate tics, - busss, 'car 'pools, and wEcIng-anything we caa do to 'avoid using a car to combat the very raal problem of ?,a energy shortage." ;) '':':";.. ,:. . ; : ' If you doa't hive a financial s!;ort?s, Zttmtts add he has just the thing you need. Prominently drplayed ia the wiadov cf his shop, he 'said, is a custom-made green sad gold Bruce Gordon American Flyer. The price: $1,200. 7 Y r.CATo PRZPARSFCR: '''. DATotSATo SAT' GZZ GSJAT CCAT. VAT - .' ' Out broad rang ot programs provides an umbrellM of test ing know-how that tnabln us to otter the best preparation available, no mailer which course is taken. Over 38 years ol experience and success.' Small classes. Voluminous home study materials. Courses thai are constantly up dated. Permanent centers open days, evenings I week ends alt year. Complete tape facilities lor review ol class lessons and lor use ol supplementary materials. Make-ups lor missed lessons at our centers. ecfl:g o flex flAT'L MEDICAL & CENTAL COAu3 Fteiitsl Pregrams ft Hours 19733 Pacific St. Svitt 243 Cwft- fJsfersjka CS114 4S25 27-4342 cm. J mOUvifS SorMCi 1131 ' i I r v f L Lad L.i..i Li L w LJ Lj C O r iU 1 nil! 1S-J Si P Mat I Suqpr OKI (vnil!i, Kr4irry, lemon or KraM&arry-temon delight freest Ccs (urtij, ftrawberry. lemon or ftfawtwy-temoo fi8!!jfj) Z3 tti; j(, C'S&bwry or teiDon) X--5 Orangt CSoriou .X3 CnntkHTy SiiflMt X3 Sun s,nc:ftie fteafredia .......... 3 (Include 2 flavors of Fregurf with fresh fruit topping, choict of any 4 natural toppings) Banana Goat Coming ............ 1JE9 Strawberries Aweish ............ 1X3 ThtSuptrKkmnor .. " "tt't reniiy bsg". . . 3 flavor, of Frojurt, 4 fruit toppirtgt, 1 natural tofipmg of your ctwic 2.CD . Banana . Strtwiierry . , Coooout ChopptdNutt Apps'aehian Dutch Appta Rum Raisin Patch IAiba Beriubirf Siack Cherry " Monsecito Lemon . Nougat Itot fuj J25 Ik .-. m m Ib. V i .-. ' Ycur fawwia Frcgwrt flavor . witfi your cfsaiet of any 2 ; oslictout toppings ........... . . 2 atsjlis, rsrst-trry, tifnon) Frfia ............1.13 C-'a 2.C3 Cones . .'..23 3 Cups ......23 X3 Sunsiat your ehc4a of 2 topc4p . . .73 CI - Li hJ 8 1 I t:.:3 D P C::rrj C:i Dr.:;!:: Tt;:-:r:a n:::t a C.:r:?j C:.:!)