The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 23, 1977, Page Page Five, Image 5
Curr.mcr Ncbrci&n Life is 4 'beautiful' ' in Cabaret 23 Jur.1Q77 n n j ( f H i( nil . ' . . ;. . .. , JLj.U v-vvj L-i.- iiwjv- L-tvj i.1BaiNiin. . . J .... . - , Eeviaw hj Csssia. Esirca Imagine it's Hew Year's Ev, 1203, just before Hitler coaes to power and you'ra wandering Uirosjgh tfca streets cf Es-rlia when you decida to take in the burlasque show at the Kit Kat Klub. Ecoisomfes'ly times are hard, the costumes are brief, yet the performers fjive you what director Rex McGraw calls a sense cf pa dstis the joy of living ia the Nebraska Repertory Theatre pro duction of Cabaret at Howell Theatre. The play's billing promises that "wanton sex and sia beckon from the garishly the atrical and innocently dscadsnt world of the Cabaret: . . . 'Here life is beauti ful .. . Come, hear the music play'." "Berlin in the CD's was one of the exciting cities in Europe and in some ways more exciting than Paris," McGraw said. Cabaret is a "contradiction in terms. All these people (the characters) ignore the upcoming socialists party, which later is the Nazi party." The play presents a "situation of hilarity, but underneath all this frivolity was this sense of doom or terror and that's what we're trying to get through," the director said. . The genesis of Cabaret is credited to Christopher.. Isherwood, who- wrote a series of stories entitled The Berlin Storks. "Cabaret is autobiographical in a sense. Christopher went to Germany and met' these people. He's actually one cf the characters," McGraw said. Then in the 43's John Van Druten took about three of The Berlin Stories and wrote a play titled lama Camera. Later John Kander and Fred Ebb composed the broad way musical version of - Cabaret, which is the version the repertory company is doing. . However, when the movie Cabaret was made, the writers went back to all of these sources. So the movie is the fourth version and it leaves out "two older delightful characters that are in the play." McGraw said he chose to direct Cabaret because "it's one of the few musicals I know that has a good balance of music, actkg and dancing scenes." To understand more about Eerlin in the 33's, the actors have studied Germany "so they'll have a sense of the people and the time." Rich Rahn is guest choreographer from Hope College in Holland, Mich. Douglas Anderson is musical director. Costume design is by guest artist-in-residence 1, jy Nalirsla ' Repertory 'Theatre cssi for ' "Cabaret": Mssice Lndissa, Ks&teen Morrow, Fslncia Ryan, lay Perry, Eric Soreisssa, ILry Qsitsh- Michael Cesario. Jerry Lewis is light designer and Daniel Proett is set designer. "It's not just me and the actors," McGraw said. The actors have to work with the choreographer and the musical director and McGraw. "Just getting it all together" is McGraw's job. There's n6 doubt that Cabaret is classified as a musical, "but it has a lot of punch. I don't think youll go out laughing," McGraw said. Cast members include Jay Perry, Kathy laoto courtesy Repertory Theatre Morrow, Maurice Erickson, CU3 Radcliff, Steve Houser, Patricia Ryan, Missy Critchfield, Eric Sorensen, Ken Langdoa, Paula T.ncdlan. Nsa Berlins. Debbie Oaks, Cindy Watkias, Patti Knight, Loreda Shuster, Patti Raun, Melissa Bacr, Joe McNeely, Scott Eoughn, Blike Hambrick and Steve Brown. Cabaret begins June 24 and runs ia repertory through Aug. 23, with Edward Albee's Seascape, Tennessee Villissss' The Night cf the Igvara and Thornton Wilder's The Matchmaker. it"? r' "0" Zh Secondary Sclsncs Teacher with pccsibla cosching position. Contact Superintendent of Ciadcn Public Schools Box 103 , Bladen, fisbrsska G3323 I no - i f"-'" HI H ' 'l ! !; v paths p daily at: 1:10 4:05 7:00 9:50 ia ! The 432-2241 1 Clo I: N Ma 1 1 r t W ' i r A Read ! j ,,. I in ft 1 M t 1 ssiflcds. I 1 11! pr";:: . cfrlKOVS BMI-$lNNUAl 4 CPSJ TODAY 1-0 COT.l LCCATIOrJG Mid-year inventory sale ends June 30th. All Gifts and handicrafts'reduced. Think Christmas now and save. - "We like ysu ... at 13th & T 5118 U si I - - -'Or V; lf- 1 f CUV 1:1 r!r c! CHG. TIXE, G3T 2nd ! LM2 fcr 5t! f Summer M v x1 Choose the style you like from the 2.CC3 psir of fine quality Men's & Wcmtn's shoes on sale and pay regular price '41 o -,;r aril lai nr locc va i if fnr nn v 1 nicke . ' 7 o Bring a friend for tha 2nd pair & You may Lay-A-Way your sslsction Basic Year-Round Shoes net on Sals 1 hbv -- r , Over 40 Dufersnt Brands f - J 9 a J 'J 4 S l S . 9 I