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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1977)
iiiiiibb 111 mill in i in iiwiiiiii,WMiiiiiwwnMwawMWWwwriMii iirimiini i n u i i, i"in rtnini iif irn wn rr iiiiwiMiiiiMMMBwwMWBiiiiiwmMW.L.-i A 1 m daily kgCm n 11 ULUi 11 IT q Wednesday, may 4, 1977 vol.100 no. 115 linccln, nebrsska II should divided. fs r likely senator By Psxh Dittdck The lone dissenter in the Nebraska Legislature to advance the higher education budget bill beyond first reading said he wants to separate the bill into smaller bills. Clair Sen. Walter George was in the minority, 25-1, as the . Legislature advanced the bill Monday. The bill, LD533, will have to be read and approved two more times before it goes to Gov. J. James Exon for his signature. LB533 advanced without any change in the sum recommended by the Appropriations Committee. George admitted that he eventually probably will vote for LB533 but predicted the second reading will prompt some amendments. He said he disliked the bill because it included appropriations for state colleges and technical community colleges in addition to NU. He even suggested each NU campus might get a separ ate bill. - . George also said he was particularly dissatisfied with the amount appropriated to the State University of ' Nebraska (SUN). The SUN budget was debated by the entire Legislature and an amendment concerning the NU Medical Center was added to the budget proposal's comp-f 'n bill, LB534. Senators rejected Grand Island Sen. Ralph Kelly's proposed amendment to LBS33 which would have cut the state tax appropriation Jfor SUN from $129,000 to $69,000. Kelly's proposal also suggested a departmental transfer of the administration of SUN from UNL to the Division of Continuing Education. ' The proposed amendment failed 21-19. A total of 25 votes was needed to adopt the amendment. Kelly said the Division of Continuing Education (formerly known as the Extension Division) would be more apt to "beam programs to Nebraskans that Nebraskans want," than what he claimed is being shown now.,:' -v' He described the proposed reduction in the budget as . "phase-out of general funds earmarked for SUN." Ralston Sen. Gerald Koch opposed the Kelly amend ment and proposed an amendment to Kelly's amendment. Koch wanted the $129,000 sum retained. He said he was not against transferring the program to another department but said problems would not be solved by dwindling the resources. ' George said former NU President D. B. Vamer Turner is chosen Senate president The UNL Faculty Senate Tuesday elected vice-president Michael Turner by unanimous acclamation to serve as it's president, replacing current president Henry Baum garten, who has accepted a position at Stanford Univer- Turner, agricultural economics professor will begin his term in July. . . Chancellor Roy Young told the Senate of bs optimism for the future of the university. Young said he was concerned about the turn over rate - of UNL administrators 'and will continue the recruitment of qualified administrators. Young said UNL does not rank in the top 100 colleges and universities ia the amount of outside financial support it receives. "We should be up in the 55 to 75 range," Young said. This lack of outside support has a bearing on the instruc tional programs at the university." Young said he also is concerned about the level of faculty salaries at the university and said they are much lower than salaries at Big 8 schools and other land-grant institutions. - "We asked for an 8 per cent increase, but only received a 5 and one-half per cent increase in faculty salsiies," he said. "A decision will be made by next Wednesday as to how the increase will be distributed." Young said it is important that the university estabush better communication with the Lincoln business commun ity. "We also are locking at enrollment trends for the future," Young said. There is a possibility there could be fewer students in the early 1980s which would cause a 2 POO to 3 p00 drop in enrollment." Young said he is studying ways, an enrolment decrease would affect the university. He said any improvement in the quality cf ths univer sity must come frit from the faculty, thtn from the students and the outside budget support. "It is Important for our current programs that we re-, tain tcp faculty members and recruit tap students from the state for the university," he said. promised the Legislature no state money would be in volved when SUN was initiated. George said that instead of not "costing the state of Nebraska a jdime," SUN now costs the state $129,000. He warned that "programs have an odd habit of growing and growing rapidly." He said that given the state's limited resources, the $129,000 could be "better spent in other programs of higher education." George said he was not totally against new programs and said he would vote for an increased sum for the In stitute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Appropriation Committee amendments to LB533 passed 27-0. They included an additional $265,633 for the UNL nursing program. Other committee amendments included corrections of bill drafting errors and five pages indicating how the Legislature expects the appropriations to be spent. The bill totals $130.2 million in state funds for higher education. A sum of $100.7 million is recommended for NU. NU received $94.6 million of state funds from the last session. ,. - ;- "The Nebraska Legislature Monday gave first round epprovsl to a prcpc:d to limit ths number cf ebcrtions performed at the NU Medial Center. The center is per forming "more abortions than are necessary in an educa tions! center," said the proposal's sponsor. Omaha Sen. Bernice Labedz introduced the amend ment to LB543, a companion bill to the higher education budget bill which allocates money to NU and other state , colleges. LB543 passed its first reading, 27-8. - Labedz said the center last year performed some 512 abortions, 65 tonsillectomies, 53 hysterectomies and 66 operations to remove knee cartilage. "In view of the serious moral implications, there is no good reason why (abortions) are so far out of line with other procedures," Labedz said. Omaha Sen. Ernest Chambers called the amendment interference from the Catholic church and opposed the proposal. Labedz said many abortion opponents are not Catho lic. Lincoln Sen. Shirley Marsh claimed the problem is not abortion, but the action that leads to it. Marsh opposed the amendment and reminded senators that the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled abortion legal. Labedz said a federal court has ruled that the NU Board of Regents can limit medical center abortions in an attempt to balance curriculum. Lincoln Sen. Steve Fowler said legislative dictatorship of the medical center's curriculum would be ridiculous. Ralston Sen. Gerald Koch's suggestion to limit vasec- . tomies at the medical center was Tejected. He had wanted this restriction included in the Labedz amendment. ' ' ' " ' - , m j t . ' ? ' . 1 i - ' - ' f I r Z ! ' Photo by Ted Kirk Bell-vue Sea "Dk Frank" Lewis was among senators dascasssag several bills ia the Nebraska Legislature this week including the higher education budget b. But "Bis Frank" is not quite as big as he used to be. . . See related stones on p. 5. Decision on budget ' cut a ei&yed ByGsHStos-k Hie lack of a quorum Monday night prevented the Fees Allocation Board (FAB) from msking a decision on FAB. member Skip Walter's proposal to cut ASUN's $66,645 tentative allocation to $32,156. According to Walters, the Student Legal Services bud get included in the ASUN figure would take the brunt of the proposed 52 per cent cut. He ssid FAB received no measure of demand from students to increase kgsl ser vices. . - . Walter's proposal states that FAB must Respond to the ' requests of those who pay the bills, not to those whose bins are paid by the students." s He said the beard acted only on the opinion of the representing hwyer, and Med to look into other possi bilities before allocating $38,260 to ASUN's Student Legal Services. The recommendation to student legal services includes $28,446 for salaries ($15p00 for an experienced attorney and $9,000 for a new law graduate are included in this figure), $4,250 for miscellaneous items and $5,564 for a full-time secretary. Walter's proposal stipulates that ASUN receive the money in a lump sum, and have the power to decide where it should be spent to best serve its censtituents-the "Let the elected officials (of ASUN) make some de cisions," said FAB member Frank HaHjren. Walt ers said , if ASUN can handle allocation of its own money, it may be able to request additional responsibil ity for albcstL-g portions of student fees in the future. FAB membrcr Jay Matzke opposed the cut because he said it would cripple ASUN. He said with only $32,156 ASUN only could function as well as last year's adminis tration aiui it would have no room for expansion. However, Walter's pointed out that his proposal is a $1,531, or-5 per cent increase over last year's allocation. - Paul Morrison, FAB member, said, "We haven't got money to give to people with promises." However, he also said he thought Walter's figure was still too low for ASUN to operate effectively. . Hallgren suggested that ASUN be allocated only operating expenses, but have access to a contingency fund - for "justifiable prograrmning." . The majority of the board agreed the 217.6 per cent in crease over last year's allocation was too much consider ing the nearly $43 ,000 over-allocation it is facing. A letter from Ron Gierhan, assistant to the vice chan cellor of student affairs, informed the board of a $16,000 deficit in Student Development which FAB also must ccnsiaer. FAB will make a decision on Walter's proposal as well as making their final budst cuts Thursday. - m m . a t. i. .. j. . w 1 News: A warrant to anest a Husker fbctball player was issued Tuesday p. 6 Entertainment: This is the DzZy Nebreskm music critic's Lst column of self abuse p. 8 fVorts: The Hosier baseball team gets rained cut cf the Biz 8 ccrftrcnce plsycffs p. 14