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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1977)
mondjy, may 2, 1977 pago 16 daily nebraskan 0 Sub 1st for Summer Chateau Le Fleur, 2 bedroom apt. Swimming pools, game room, tennis courti, 5225. 487 3144. Upperclassmen or graduate students good unfurnished house, close to campus. Avail' able May 17th. 423-9055, Sublease for summar: East campus 2-bedroom house. Avail able May IS. 34S1 Starr. 487 2434. Crend new 6-plax. 2 bedroom units. Carpets, all appliances, parking,' near bus lines. $210 $240 deposit. 1259 So. 21. Call 435-0219. VERY NICE 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, SOUTH WOOD VILLAGE, POOL, CENTRAL AIR-S233.C0 & Electricity. Available June 1. 423-6049 or 4SS-1011. For rent: First and second floors of house, three bedrooms, dining room, garage, patio. All appliances, includes washer and dryer. All carpeted. Near Wesleyan University and East Campus. Deposit required. Rent $280.00 monthly. Available June 1, 1977. Phone 486 9227. Single summer rooms for rent. Kitchen facilities available. $13week. Pioneer House, 474 9015, ask for Russ or C.W. Males only. Summer Housing For men and women, air-conditioned, carpeted, parking. Acacia Fraternity. 435-4676. 550 North 26 1 bedroom $150. 2 bed room $200. Call about other houses and apartments. 435 2475. 483-1092. Century 21, Western Realty. 1950 Q Plush, new efficiencies available now with air, appliances, carpet, drapes, bed, garage $140. Completely furnished - $150. No pets. 475-6523. 477-1186. 466-1933. 2 or 3 bedroom mobile homes. As low as $150 per month. 477-5647. 415 North 28 Large 1 bedroom, redecorat ed, fireplace, $175, heat paid. 432-9978, after 5 p.m. Close in, 1 and 2 bedrooms, appliances, carpeted, air condi tioned, heat paid. $125 $210. 474-1496,489-8067. NICE 2 bdrm. apt. near East Campus. 472-0042 after 6. 1339 Idyl wild Drive 1 block from East Campus -large 2 bedroom, central air, garage, porch. Grad students preferred. $200 utilities. 464 0089, evenings. 831 G" Large deluxe 2 bed room. $220. 432-5118 after 4:30. Two bedroom unfurnished apartment, fireplace, dishwash er, carpets, and drapes. $196 electricity. No children or pets. 2440 No. 56th, 475-8407 or 474-4353. 1 bedroom unfurnished apartment. Off-street parking, central air, carpeted. Close to campus. All utilities paid except electricity. $145month. 432-3586,439-7000. Summer Savings for men. The Brown Palace Co-op, 1900 B, will have summer rooms available. $15wk tor room, utilities & kitchen. Inquire even ings, 432-2583. 1979 South, 4 bedroom, furnished, shower, electricity paid, $250. 475-1829. M Theta Chi Fraternity 623 N. 18th Kitchen, Laundry, Parking, Air Conditioning, On Campus. Singft rooms: 23; Double: $15. Call: 432-7C33. ask for Pet a. Duane, or Glsnn. Males only I Houses far Cummer Si Fi 3 bedroom Ag Area - $250 utilities. 2 bedroom - 1812 No. 32 - $225 utilities. 2 bed room - 4 SO Ma. 23 - $175 utliitlf i. 3 bedroom - North m$t - utilities. Call Dallas, 4 74-11 S3. 432-CS55. Century 21, Outturn Realty. Ralntrae Apartment 32 & O Avalleble now, 1 bedroom apartments, dishwasher, disposal, air, pool, no pets. 435-4793 433-1032 Call about other houses and apartments. Westarn Realty 1323 C St. 1 bedroom, furnished apart ment. Recently remodeled, sheg, laundry, off-street parking, no pets. $153, utilities paid. Call 4-8 p.m. weekdays, and before 2 p.m. weekends. 435 8234. . Available now, nice clean two story house. Fireplace, new carpet, appliances, garejte, campus close. 4C3-G302, 4w3 8104. 7C3 South 17th Attractive 1 2 bedroom apartments, completely furnish ed, carpet and draped. $165 to $205. Air conditioned. Avail able for summer school. 432 8082. BRAND NEW 2 bedroom 4-plex. 3 minutes north of city campus. Fireplace, dishwasher, tub and shower. $215, monthly lease. Office hours. 477-3448. 1 bedroom 4-plex. 3 minutes north of city campus. Tub, shower, $145, monthly lease. Tenant pays gas & lights. Office hours, 477-3446. Apartments available. Efficiencies, 1 & 2 bedrooms. Good locations. 474-2437, 423 0843. 3 bedroom Townhouse, north of city campus. 1,350 square feet, 1 baths, tenant pays only lights. Monthly lease. $260. Office hours, 477-3446. Newer 2 bedroom apart ment. $225 utilities, 2829 Holdrege. Available May 15, will rent for summer, months, or longer. 474-0515 or 474 4611. Close to East Campus: 1 & 2 bedroom furnished apartments. $135 $170 plus. Also 5 bedroom house practically furnished. $275 plus. 432-3689. 18th & Euclid 1 bedroom, stove & refrigera tor furnished. $150 plus. 432 3689. New apartments for rent. 2 bedroom, air conditioned, fire place, dishwasher, range, re frigerator, disposal, tub, shower, and storage shed. $215month plus utilities. 464-8926. 477-6574. Summer Housing Kitchen, laundry, parking on campus. Single rooms $20. Double $15. Call 474-9802, ask for Harry, Doug or Kelly. Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity. SUMMER JOBS Part-time and full-time. Call 6-8 p.m., 432-8305. Daily Nebraskan is now tak ing applications for CIRCULA TION positions for FALL. 1977-78. Need approx. one .hour free between 9:00-10:30, MWTF; car required. Average pay is $00 month for 15 days work. See "Jerri" at 34 NE. Union, Monday through Thursday, May 2-5. only. Dead line May 5. Part- or full-time salesman, choose own hours. Large commission, car required. Call 432-CSS4. C5X0 p:r hour 4S3-1227 Downtown Lincoln's newest restaurant needs part-time help, now and through the summer. Hours: 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., line workers and kitchen help. Apply In person after 2:30. French ie' i Hamburger Joynt 1318 "N" St. TELEPHONE SOLICITORS Do you have a handicap that keeps you from finding employ ment??? We will hire and train' you. Have four openings to fill. Part-time or full-time. $2.30 4.00 per hour. Excellent company benefits. Apply 12th & T' St. Anderson Bldg., Rm. 403. Summer fun, need vacation funds? Call 439-3369 or 475 0153 for appointment. Sarah Coventry has part-time work with full-time wages. Applications wanted: Sum ' mar job working with a hog operation. Agriculture or animal husbandry major preferred. Call (913 ) 325-2905, or write Dale ' Keesecker, Washington, Kansas, ' 66383. - Earn $3hr. plus tips on delivery, must have own car. Employment now fit summer. Apply in person after 3:30 at: Heavy Eddy's 611 N.27th Wanted: Summer school stu dent for part-time drive attendant. Crest Oil Co. . 1545 Cornhusker Highway Approx. 30 hours per week, 4-8 p.m. daily, and 5 a.m. 12 noon Sundays. Must have car, mileage is paid. Knowledge of Lincoln streets helpful. Call Jerry Genrich, 473-7349 for interview appointment. No job yet? Call Mr. Wollman at 432-4417 for an opportunity to earn $2550 this summer. Must be able to relocate. Work-A-VVhile Temporary Services Needs all types clerical help. TYPISTS DICTAPHONE PBX KEYPUNCH FILING CLERKS LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ALSO DAILY LABOR JOBS If you want to turn summer vacation into spare cash, stop by - 2 blocks north of Univer sity, 217 JJorth 14. Paid daily. Sweep Left 81 5 0 Street Now hiring summer employ ment, full- and part-time posi tions available. Bartenders, waiters, waitresses, and kitchen help. Flexible hours, excellent starting salary and health insurance. Apply between 11 and 5, Monday through Saturday. Sweep Left 815 0 Street (under the viaduct) Desperately need a ride to Arizona. Can leave after May 6. Will share expenses. 472-9672. Living arrangements in ex change for part-time daily baby sitting and light housework. 464-6030. Physically disabled student seeks a reliable male aide for academic year, 1977-78. Good opportunity for student inter ested in rehabilitation. Salary arrangements also include room & board. For further informa tion, please contact 472-2485. y V V . C i ' 'sSS' ( ( f ( )! Roommate wanted for summer, 2 bedroom apartment near campus. Call 472-8321. $5mon. Mala roommate wanted. $53 utilities. Call Gary after 1:30. Female roommate for summer. Own room. $33 per month, plus one-fourth utilities. 477-7CS2 after 3:30 p.m. Female roommate wanted at the end of the semester. $35 electricity. Call 432-0542. Male roommate wanted: Own room furnished; washer, dryer, dishwasher. Utilities paid. $75mo., 477-8314. Pam: Get naked! WOW I Extraordinary young woman would like to meet personable man in late 20's - early 30's. SAP From Austin, Texas: Jon Emery and the Missouri Valley Boys. All week at the Zoo. 136 N. 14th. ToRB.BH.MM: Am interested, nice, and eligible. Leave message, 2-9768. No Animal Learn to let the Sonshine, a new approach to Christianity. Public Class - Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. 2348 Q St. Sponsored by the Christian Community- of Lincoln. Mark, Thanks for a wonderful birthday I I LUV YOU I Colleen If. . .you wear a Rugby shirt, you get into Uncle Sam's tonight, FREE! 25 cent draws. 50 cent drinks) See you there. Attention U.P.P.S. - this weekend was cute, no damage was done, tell us who you are, we owe you one. ' To our favorite guys: It's been a great semester, next year will be even better. Thanks for all the good times and remember to keep in touch. Love always. The winners of the T-shirt contest. (S. & D.) 'The Great Scout and Cat house Thursday." Wed. 6:00 and 8:30. East Union. Lamaze prepared childbirth classes for couples and single mothers. Childbirth Education Association, 435-4045. To Mom of L.M.H., Have a great 19th B-Day. You make a swell dance partner and you're learning C.W. quickl Love, Dad After finals & lab reports, as you pack for home, kindly drop HP-45 (SN - 1350A 63959) & charger in the mail 2000 Q, or 603 Hamilton Hall. And let's both have a nice summer. DAD Good news & bad news! Good news is I'm finally taking those practical courses (i.e. typing, shorthand for class notes & accounting). Bad news is that you'll miss me as I'll be ' in Colorado for the summer (morning classes only). Rocky Mountain Business Colleges. Boulder and Fort Collins. 1520 E, Mulberry, Ft. Collins Campus. Call collect 303-434-5780. -.. ill I.! I.J " 'I ft J ' Birthright offers free preg nancy tests, confidential under standing help. 477-8021. For a dull time, call 472 8378 and ask for Andy. Dear RB.BH.MM. Sounds like you're In the some boat we are. How can we contact you personally? Must be toon school's almost overt Frustrated Upperclassmen P.S. We aren't animals. Try a new high protein diet that works. 4S4-0183. Duckfoot, Hope your sister makes it to town for your birthday. Ward's Nipplebiter POETRY WANTED for Anthology. No style or con tent restrictions. Include stamped envelope. Contempor ary Literature Press, P.O. Box 26462, San Frencisco, California 941 28. Attention Proud Alumni: We realize that our contributions to the police department are badly needed and since this makes for good public relations we plan to continue. ' . ' Generous A.G.R.'s Shy, innocent senior with great sense of humor is in DESPERATE need of female companionship. Presently the lead singer of a rock group. The Abel Mountain Boys, and also studying law(s). Am looking for a Colorado roommate this summer. Call 472-8227 and ask for Nyffs. Bert need not apply. Dear RB,BH,MM. Is a teddy bear an animal? TB PS. They can be good for frustration. GG.JC.FB, He who plays with fire, how shall he not get burned. S&S RB.BH.MM: Frustrated senior interested. Name time and place. JF ADVERTISING MAJORS The Daily Nebraskan is now taking applications for sales positions. Time required: 20 30 hours per week. Leave college with practical work experience and make $0 $450 per month in doing so. APPLY at the Daily Nebraskan, 9 to 5, Room 34, Nebraska Union. ocf t Meet me at Mid-City Toyota, 1200 Q St., for the best deal on a new car. M.C.T. ABORTION INFORMATION BUREAU, INe. GALL US FREE 112-800-523-5350 A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION r , We have immediate openings for part time 2nd fell time cooks, dbhwsih crs, sr.d bus pso pls. Apply in per sca it Ticos, 17th end M. Moving this month? Have sorr ethlng to haul? Rant a cargo van from DeSrown Leasing. Low dally rates. Close to Campus. Cell 477-7253. Econo-Storcge office will bo closed until May 3. Call then for your summer storage. 4' x 7' x 8', $1 Smo. 4G3 C343. Will type any material re quired. Past secretary ex perience in legal and financial fields. 483-7210 after 5 p.m. Experienced Painters need work. Inside and outside. Refer ences available. Free estimates. Days call 472-25S3, ask for Doug. After 5 call 433-6370 or 432-3763. Resumes You need a professionally written resume to land the job of your choice. For confidential interview and reasonable price, coil 475-9777. Guitar Instruction Zager Studio now accepting additional students for new spring schedule. Beginning or Advanced. $6.75 per lesson. 483-2096. QUICK KEYS 8i Associates 24 hour dial-in dictation typing of dissertations theses, term papers, multiple! individualized letters, corre-j i'spondence, typesetting graphic design. 10 discount! Riwith this ad. 402-464-3305 Lincoln 402-759-4240 Geneva Give us a call we can help you. DICK'S WATCH SERVICE Watch Repair Watch Bands ' Watch Bstteries blk. S. of Nsbr. Book store 335 N. 1?t. 432-3414 Summer advanced ballet classes forming. For info, call Elizabeth Merey, 4740877. THE FREE UNIVERSITY OF IRAN The Free University of Iran is currently accepting applications from Iranian nationals who have complet ed or who are pursuing graduate degrees in the following fields: education, psychology, economics, soicology, anthropology, health sciences, natural sciences, physical sciences, mathematics and TESL. In addition to the employment opportunities a limited number of scholarships are available for those candidates who will be finishing their studies within the near future. Additional information on the Free University and request forms for applications can be obtained from Mr. Peter Levitov in Room 345 of the Nebraska Union. FREE I 10 mon. old cat. Loveable and well-trained. We're moving and can't keep him. Call 475-3515. Task Fores ' Applicants Applications are being accepted at the ASUN office for the Task Force to study Student Government. Forms can be picked up at the ASUN office, 334 Union. 12 students will on the Task Force. All applicants sign up for an Interview at the ASUN office. Applications are due at 3:C0 May 3. 1 977. at the ASUN office. r",,''"1"- -" 1 - - 1 kifiii i s ) t: ; J. t i k I ,, .6 ; .t