The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 29, 1977, Page page 3, Image 3

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    tricky, epril 29, 1977
dsily nsbrsskan
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313 &
'0 for
v Ths N.tic"! 'ScisncS' Foundation rin3 gwnrfj
$31,000 to a UNL computer sctencs profcssor for
development of an integrated rr.L-J -computer lesrn
ing center.
UNL te'JzXsnl Computer Scenes Prcfersr
Shsrad Seth said hs is going to integrate a nswly
purchased micro-computer to a mini-computer and
its peripheral devises already in the departrrtnt.
The system will be used in two courses in the fill
for computer science students and . electrical
engineering, physics and chemistry students.
The courses will deal with designing products
that use a micro-computer. These products include
micro-wave ovens, ignition control in cars and
computer games. ' ,
"In the long range, I am hoping to use the lab as
part of a joint lab with electrical engineers and
physics students. We're exploring the possibility
of sharing with departments, so that the micro
computer could be used as one facet of electrical
engineering and physics," Seth said.
There will be a change in the Graduate Record
Examination (GRE) Aptitude Test next fall, according to
Don Sutton, assistant director of the Career Planning and
Placement Center.
The revised GRE test , will include a section on
analytical skills, as well as sections on verbal and quantita
tive s!d"s.
The change was a result of research initiated by lha
strators, faculty members and students from schools
across the country. The study concluded that analytical
skills were related to academic success.
UNL was not involved in the change, said Frank
Hsl'rxen, placement director.
"We have nothing to do with the contents of the test,
we just give it," he said.
there have been no inquiries by UNL students con-
cernhg the chance, Sutton said. , ,
"They're probably not even aware of it," he t-id.
"There is little they can do about it, and there is no way
to study for this test."
Sutton said UNL was notified about the charge but he
did not know specifically what it would indside. .
"Strange as it sounds,' we never ess the contents of the
test," he slid.
Accord! to JTsnts So??!rv"4, GRE program director,
at the Educational Testing Service in Princsfcn, M. J., the
new taction will delude cusstions ccncernir.g the tr.ilysls
of explanations, lexical cisrsms and tnslyticsl r:i:on-
Not all UNL students planning to attend graduate
school take the GRE, Sutton said. Different cd!:2S
require different tests. Most of those takir.g the GRE at
UNL are in education or liberal arts.
daily nebraskan
Cnmpin Sfenifcrd '
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mil a o
Editor-in-chief: Sandy Mohr. Managing Editor: Pete Mason.
News Editor: Rex Seline. Associate News Editors: Larry Lutz and
Ron Ruggless. Layout Editor: Liz Beard. Entertainment Editor
Carta EngStrom. Sports Editor: Jim Hunt. Night News Editor
Sharon Armstrong. PhotoaraDhv Chief : Ted Kirk.
Copy editors: Deb Bockhahn, Ann Owens, Gail Smith and
Becky Williams. Business Manager: Jerri Haussler. Advertising
Manager: Gregg Wurdeman. Assistant Advertising Manager: Oick
Worick. Production Manager: Kitty Policky.
The Oaily Nebraskan is published by the UNL Publications
Committee on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during
the fall and spriag semesters, except during vacations. Address:
The Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R streets.
Lincoln, Neb. 6S503. Telephone: (402) 472-2583.
Copyright 1977, The Daily Nebraskan. Material may be re
printed without permission if attributed to trie Daily Nebraskan,
except material covered by another copyright.
Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Neb., 68501.
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